The difference a week makes

By , November 5, 2015 12:11 pm

151026prettyfallleaves 151105leavesgone

Mother Nature is saying “I hope you’re ready for a change!”

14 Responses to “The difference a week makes”

  1. Anne says:

    I was so bummed to see all the newly-barren trees when I got back from Ohio this weekend! 🙁 It’s even weirder since it’s been so warm lately. Settle down, Mother Nature!

  2. Alice says:

    !!!! In just one week?! Crazy!

    • kilax says:

      Nuts, right?! Of course, what I didn’t show was the beautiful pics of this tree’s leaves turning red. That lasted about a month 🙂

  3. HoHo Runs says:

    We haven’t even gotten our fall color here yet. I hope it lasts longer that a week, though! Beautiful tree. Maple?

  4. Jen2 says:

    Yikes!! What are we coming home to?

  5. Karen says:

    It has rained here a lot lately, and it shakes the leaves off the trees faster 🙁 I love those pretty colors.

  6. Xaarlin says:

    Whoa! I wish the wind and rain could have held off a bit more because I really enjoyed seeing the leaves on my runs lately. 🙁 now it looks like winter is fast approaching. Womp.

  7. Marcia says:

    We have a tree just like that. I thought it was late to turn red this year but when it finally did, the leaves were off in a flash. Sigh.

  8. Holy cow! It feels like the leaves have just barely turned color, and they are all gone already!?!?!? We haven’t had much in the way of foliage colors this year, sadly. And my mom always gripes about having to clean up all the leaves each fall. Sigh!

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