No more grinch

By , December 21, 2015 8:58 am

The Grinch is gone! We got our holiday decorations up! Here they are:


Moving blankets as rugs are very in at our rental house, ha!

And… that’s it! Ha!

I actually have several boxes of holiday decorations in storage, but it’s just not worth getting all that stuff out when we are renting for such a short period of time. It was easy to get the tree, and grab the stockings (super important – I love doing stockings!) and Christmas Candy Cat out of their boxes.


Sigh, I forgot how nuts Data goes for this tree. What a little turd – as soon as Steven set the tree up, he wouldn’t leave it alone. I hope he gets over the excitement of it soon.


Next up, wrap presents! And plan out the holiday meal and grocery shop. I hope no one wants me to get the fancy serving platters out of storage… we can serve ourselves out of pots and pans… right?! Ha!

12 Responses to “No more grinch”

  1. Erin says:

    I don’t know if it makes you feel better, but we decided to unpack our Christmas decorations and put them up…but we still haven’t taken the boxes back to storage. They’re still sitting in our living room/kitchen. At this point we figure we’ll just leave them there until we take down the decorations 🙂

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha ha, nice! I like the way you do it! 🙂

      We could have taken these boxes in to the basement of this place but I am SO SICK of moving boxes and seeing boxes and packing and unpacking boxes I am just like… NOPE!

  2. Mica says:

    Maybe you’ve told me, but what are your plans? Are you hosting family?

    And how long are you in the rental? I can’t remember anything, ack!

    (Is the box of what looks like nuts a decoration or snacks? Or both? Ha!)

    • kilax says:

      We are hosting Steven’s dad and brother tomorrow night through Saturday afternoon. We’ll be at the rental until the end of January. We hope to close then, so we can move out, because someone is buying this rental on 2/5 or something like that.

      Ha ha! The box next to the cat is nuts!!!! 🙂

  3. Xaarlin says:

    Aww I like your decorations and tree 🙂 we kept it minimal this year- but that’s what we usually do because space and storage is an issue- as well as the potential for CB to mess with the tree a la Dates 😉

  4. Lesley says:

    I have my tree in my office people Allie was super excited about the tree last year. And my parents have two cats, one of which is snipping the ribbon off the ornaments, making them fall off the tree. He’s doing it to many more ornaments than normal.

  5. Michelle says:

    Your tree is super cute!!! We went a little overboard this year, but next year I am sure I will be on the minimalist page!!

  6. Beth says:

    Haha, what is it with cats and Christmas trees? They really love them! Hope Data has fun with his new tree toy! Good luck getting ready for the holiday!!

  7. I haven’t put up any decorations at all. At this point I think it is too late. I have a very small tree that I know Lola will go crazy over it.

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