New IDs!

By , March 21, 2016 4:22 am

The move is official now – Data and I have new ID tags that list Zion as our place of residence!


Data also got a new collar with his – and it’s a shout-out to his namesake:


In the correct color, of course.



I think these collars would have worked too, but whatevs. Ha ha.


There are so many places you need to update your address when you move. The ID tags were just one thing on a huge list* of items I wanted to update. Hence it taking me so long to get them updated (we updated Data’s chip much more quickly).

*Holy cow. That list. I’ve been working away on it since we moved but I am still adding things to it, as well! And a bad time to move? That would be when all your tax documents are being mailed to your home. We don’t know where a lot of them went. To the townhome? The rental home? Luckily we got the missing ones online!

30 Responses to “New IDs!”

  1. He looks like he is really modeling them. I like the yellow collar it looks good on him.

  2. Anne says:

    I wanted to get Heidi a Star Wars collar too, but Terry said no 🙁 The yellow looks really good on Data, so that was probably the right choice!

    Updating your address everywhere seems like it’s neverending! There are still places where mine is out of date (some going back a few addresses even!). It’s nuts how long that takes.

  3. Chaitali says:

    I love the Star Trek collar, so cute! Data looks like he’s enjoying it. Both my cats are unfortunately masters at somehow getting out of their collars and then hiding them so we can’t find them. When we moved out of our apartment we found collars under various pieces of furniture where Shelby had hid them from us.

  4. Heather says:

    I love his new collar, that’s awesome!!

    My cats don’t even wear collars. We have them for them, but I have not found one they will keep in! My first cats never had issues with this, so I didn’t know it was a thing until we adopted Ian and he ninja’ed out. Grr.

    • kilax says:

      Ian is like, NOPE. Nope nope. Ha ha. Data has always been good with one. I guess it just depends on what the cat is used to!

      • Heather says:

        Ian is 14 now but we got him at 5 weeks old. You’d think starting him from scratch would work but he’s just always been very “this is not a thing human, stop trying to make it a thing.” And unfortunately he seems to have passed this on to our 4 year old, who did them okay as a kitten and not so much now as an adult. Oy vey. Tell Data I wish he would teach my cats his good manners!

        • kilax says:

          Oh yeah! My theory is definitely wrong, there! I wonder what it is, then. Since Data is used to his collar, he’ll wear ties and other things around his neck, too.

          Since your cats don’t wear collars, are they chipped?

          • Heather says:

            Yes! But I’m also lucky, Ian is terrified of the outdoors and Elliott got outside once and was so afraid he screamed so loudly to get back in that I thought he’d been hurt. (He wasn’t, just upset!) So I’m not worried about them getting out, and they’re strictly indoors only…but I feel better having them connected to me.

  5. Karen says:

    I love Star Trek 🙂
    Checking off the list, that is good!

  6. Pete B says:

    My dog has a Star Wars design collar similar to the one in the middle of the last pic – except it doesn’t have a bell! 🙂

  7. Oh man, when I moved apartments in 2014, changing my address was easily one of the biggest headaches. Fortunately my roommates stayed behind, so if anything SUPER important ever came to my old place, they could let me know. But the number of places I had to update my address with was nuts (as was some of their ineptitude at actually changing my address. I marked my address as wrong on EVERY SINGLE PT bill I got, and they STILL always sent it to my old place. Why?!?! Don’t you realize you could get paid much quicker if you’d send my bill to my actual address, like I tell you to every month? Sigh. Glad that’s all over with now!).

    • kilax says:

      That is nice you had people there who could at least give you your mail!

      Ha! That does NOT surprise me at all that you tried time and again to update things and places wouldn’t.

      I was annoyed at the places that automatically somehow changed it – mostly charities asking for money. Magazines did too, which would be okay, but they changed it to the rental, then when I changed it online to the permanent house, they still went to the rental. So confused.

  8. Michelle says:

    He looks so handsome!!!!!! I moved countless times when I was in the Air Force, the struggle truly is real trying to remember to change your address everywhere.

    • kilax says:

      Aww, thanks!

      Did you keep a list for each move? I am going to save this list in case we ever need it again, for any reason! Ha.

      • Michelle says:

        I probably should have, but moving ever few years I feel like it’s second nature now, LOL!!! I am sure we will start to get the itch here pretty soon to venture on to somewhere new! The military turns you in to a gypsy, I swear, lol!

  9. Lesley says:

    It is official once everything is updated. Allie’s strictly indoors so she doesn’t have a collar, but I had to update my address on her microchip info, and the vet.

  10. You know what’s funny is that when I last moved, there were certain places I purposely did NOT change my address (e.g. charities to which I donated once who then started sending me solicitations once a week afterwards). Yet, pretty much all of those places still somehow managed to get my new address!!! GRRRRR. Why can’t it work the other way around???

    • kilax says:

      Yep – how is that possible? We got our first mailer from a charity last week and I was like WTF?!!? The amount of mail I receive from them is crazy. On the other hand, I do need new address labels. LOL

  11. ChezJulie says:

    Data looks so handsome!

  12. Data is adorbs. Aslan would never wear a collar.

  13. Maggie says:

    We’ve moved so much over the years that I always opt for online/paperless anything when it’s an option.

  14. Mica says:

    It’s official, you’ve really moved now!! 😉

    I want a cool address stamp (for all the letters I send, ha ha), but I’m waiting until I have a “permanent” home. Sooo…it might never happen.

    • kilax says:

      I was thinking that I want one of those too! I can’t imagine you with a permanent home though 😉 At least for a long time!

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