Not my brightest moment

By , April 8, 2016 4:47 am

For whatever reason, when I leave to teach class just after 4:00 am on Fridays, Data cries at the front door to be let out.

So this morning, I had a bit of extra time and decided to open the door and let him look out (while holding him).

Right after I open the door, I think “Oh! I need to tell Steven about that bird poop I saw on the door step yesterday. There might be birds or something living there.”

So I’m thinking that, and holding Data, and we’re looking through the front gate… then you know what happens. Something starts fluttering around. Sounds like a bird, could be a bat, but I’m holding Data and he’s freaking the eff out because it’s right above our head.

Data’s squirming and hisses at me, and I’m desperately trying to close the door, without letting Data out, and without letting whatever was outside in.

What a great way to wake up!

But I was successful. Although Data was a little worked up when I left to go teach… and I went outside and looked around the door and have no idea what was there.

Eh, one more critter to figure out.

9 Responses to “Not my brightest moment”

  1. Jen2 says:

    Haha! Guaranteed not to be sleepy on the way to class!

  2. Diane says:

    This is why I’m glad the girls have no interest in the great outdoors. 😀

  3. Xaarlin says:

    Omg! No need for caffeine at all this AM! I wonder what it is/was.

  4. Chaitali says:

    Yikes! That sounds like a stressful start to the day. I’m glad that no animals got out or in 🙂

  5. 4:00 AM? Dang!

    Our cats love to go out on our porch when it’s warm out. One evening there were some raccoons out and one of them started climbing up the pole to our porch and there he was, right there on the porch fence post, inches from one of our cats. I was panicking trying to get that thing the hell away but nothing was working, not even when I grabbed our watering can and tried to throw water on him, because there was nothing else handy to throw at him to get him to go away and my presence alone was not enough to scare him off. Instead I accidentally got some water on the cat so HE freaked out. It was not my finest moment, but I just could not let a fight break out and I didn’t know what else to do! Luckily disaster was averted.

    • kilax says:

      Yeah, the class I teach on Fridays starts at 5:00 am 🙂

      Wow! That raccoon must be REALLY domesticated if he didn’t get scared! Geesh! I am happy a fight didn’t break out! Was your cat chill about it, until you got the water on him?

  6. amy says:

    Whoa, you guys have so many animals living around you! That is cool. Although kind of scary in a way…

    I’m going to be in Texas April 22-26!

  7. Mica says:

    Eee, now I was to know what the mystery-flapper was! Silly me, when I was reading your post, I was like, “Aww…Data is crying because you’re leaving and he wants to go with you.”But no. I know Data better than that, what a foolish assumption on my part. 😀

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