
By , May 13, 2016 12:19 pm

Every spring, as soon as I see the geese come back, I’m all “WHEN WILL THE GOSLINGS SHOW UP?!?!?!” to Steven. He loves hearing it. Over, and over, and over.


Then once I see them, I move on to “The trees are NEVER going to grow leaves. NEVER!!!”


(pano of our backyard)

Ha ha.

At least I am consistent in my spring related whining?

(I think we are both hoping, that one year, I will finally remember when these things happen and quit mentioning it all the damn time.)

10 Responses to “Consistent”

  1. Heather says:

    I was excited to see the goslings on a walk a week ago – the adult geese were less than impressed with my gawking though.

    In all fairness it felt like the leaves on the trees came super late this year! I felt like I was talking about it for weeks; when my friend was here the third week of April there were still a lot of bald trees.

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha ha! You gotta go somewhere where they’re super tame! They are at Nippersink FP 😉

      Is it late this year? I feel like I am going crazy. Although, I remember going to Dallas in late April previous springs and being impressed by their leaves, so maybe it isn’t too late this year 😉

  2. Mica says:

    I’m excited to see the trees with leaves next weekend! Are you like this for all seasons?

    • kilax says:

      Me too! I get this way about the trees changing color, as well. I think it happens later in October than I thought… then they’re all gone. Ha ha. And I get excited for snow 🙂

  3. Anne says:

    There’s oodles of adorable goslings at Nippersink now 🙂

    • kilax says:

      We used to go there just to admire them! Some of the parent geese there are pretty friendly! I have a funny picture last year of one standing really close to me, all mad that I didn’t have any food for him/her! LOL!

  4. Kayla says:

    I hate geese! The hatred mainly stems from pharmacy school because they were everywhere and were so mean in the spring. They were definitely not tame geese lol. So glad that everything is greening up and there are leaves on the trees now (at least out here).

    • kilax says:

      A lot of people I know dislike them or even afraid of them! It’s too bad they put their nests is such public spaces sometimes.

  5. Amy says:

    Goslings are cute but I try to stay far, far away from adult geese – they are scary mean!

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha! I was just responding to another commenter than I know a lot of people who are afraid of them! They gotta protect their young, right?

      There was this place we’d go by our old house (that another commenter mentioned, lol) where the geese were a bit tame and would approach you for food sometimes, even with their goslings there!

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