
By , June 6, 2016 6:32 am


14 Responses to “Monday”

  1. Xaarlin says:

    Buahahaha too adorable. I feel the same way about Monday!

    • kilax says:

      Me toooooooooooooooooooo! We’re (well, me and Steven) especially tired today because we took benadryl last night to help with all our mosquito bites (the itching) and it knocked us out!

  2. Kristina says:

    That is the PERFECT Monday photo!

  3. Anne says:

    Yes, exactly

    #motivationmonday (or lack thereof)

  4. Mica says:

    I couldn’t even parse what was going on at first. Because I couldn’t see the background, I thought “Are they suspended in mid air??”

    • kilax says:

      HA HA HA HA! I was thinking I should edit the photo a bit since it’s so washed out! (I am sure you figured it out, but they are on our white comforter)

  5. Shelley B says:


  6. I TOTALLY relate to this picture. Sadly, for me it isn’t just on Mondays. It’s Monday through Friday, i.e. any day I have to wake up and go to work, LOL.

  7. Rachel says:


    But such a cute one!

  8. Jen2 says:

    Ugh, Monday. The picture sums up my feelings so well!

  9. Amy says:


  10. This makes me smile!!

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