
By , June 8, 2016 6:23 am

My boss and I were in Indianapolis yesterday for a two hour meeting. Getting there involved my two hour train commute, then a three hour drive from Chicago, and the same on the way home. Which sounds horrible, but I was actually not dreading it, because I highly enjoy my boss’s company and was looking forward to all that time to chat (which was fun!).

But then it did get horrible on the way home, because I started to get a migraine. UGH. This happens often when I am in long work meetings, or traveling for work. I drink less water, because I don’t want to constantly be getting up from meetings to go to the bathroom and BOOM – headache. And we had a nicer, cooler, windy day, and the pressure change didn’t help my head either. Blah.

So we’re driving home and it hits me, bad. We pull over and get medicine and more fluids. I think I am feeling better, then all of a sudden, I get that feeling in my mouth like I am going to throw up. Awesome.

I tried to close my eyes and relax and will it to pass away, but I couldn’t get comfortable. I was constantly adjusting my seat, the AC, and taking my jacket on and off. Ugh.

Can you imagine doing all that in a car with your boss?

I’m not sure I would have mentioned it, or at least, showed my discomfort to the extent I did, with previous bosses, but my current boss is so kind, understanding, and relatable, I felt okay about it.

In fact, she is so kind, that she INSISTED on driving me the entire way home from Chicago, instead of having me get on the train home. So… she added an extra two hours to her commute, so that I would feel comfortable, and could sleep in the car.

How nice is that?

At first I didn’t want to inconvenience her, but I was getting so out of it with the headache that I went along with it. Ha. And I am happy I did – sleeping in the car while she drove really helped me feel better, quicker. I wouldn’t have been able to sleep like that on the train.

So, long story long, my boss rocks. I’ll be really sad whenever she leaves our group (maybe that will be what finally makes me leave my group for something else in the company).

Also, I never threw up. Yay! (But Data threw up when I got home, so I got to clean that up while feeling crummy, ha ha! (Steven was gone all day (and still gone when I got home) so Data was making himself all stressed and that is why he threw up – he’s been doing that every now and then, lately, ugh).)

I don’t have any photos for this story, but here’s one from yesterday, of Freddie and Bill being demanding:


We used to think Freddie (the white duck) was the ring leader, but nope, it’s definitely Bill (the brown duck).

14 Responses to “Kindness”

  1. Pete B says:

    Sounds like your boss is super cool. I think the most important thing to have in the working world is having a cool boss. It makes coming to work so less stressful than having a not so cool boss! Anyway, there was a lot of throwing up or almost throwing up in this post! Thanks for keeping it real. 🙂

  2. Chaitali says:

    Your boss sounds great! I’m lucky enough to have a wonderful boss too. I’ve had to get better about drinking water during long meetings because it ends up being a migraine trigger for me too.

    • kilax says:

      Aww, that is great you do, too!

      I guess we just need to keep up with our normal drinking and not worry about excusing ourselves to the washroom?!

  3. Lesley says:

    I get headaches if I get dehydrated, so I always try to not let it get to that level. I also got really bad sinus headaches before using nasal spray, so I really don’t know y’all with migraines deal with them. Sinus headaches are bad enough, and yet I know migraines are worse.

  4. Shelley B says:

    I’m so glad for you that your boss is nice – unfortunately that can be a rare instance, so it’s wonderful to hear such a good story. I hope you are feeling better now.

    • kilax says:

      It does seem to be rare! I feel like I hit the jackpot with her. I already liked working with her and when I found out she was going to be our boss I was STOKED!!!

      Thanks! I am feeling better!

  5. Mica says:

    I’m glad you had a considerate boss when you were feeling so crappy! I get pretty bad sinus/pressure headaches when the weather changes too, sometimes on very clear days! Maybe it’s the same kind of trigger.

    Ugh, Data, why you gotta’ be like that? Poor thing. Too bad the ducks couldn’t help him out!

  6. Amy says:

    Oh, I’m so sorry you had to deal with that, and on a trip for work with your boos, too! But how awesome that she was so kind!

    Hope you’re feeling better today – and Data too!

  7. Hope you’re feeling better!

    What an amazing boss/person – that is so awesome she’d go that far out of her way to help you!

  8. Wow, that is pretty cool what your boss did. I cannot imagine getting a migraine because just a headache alone sucks.

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