
By , June 10, 2016 6:56 am

Data and Steven wore their matching ties for Data’s vet appointment yesterday and the ladies in the office loved it!


When we came in, they asked to see his bowtie (he’s been wearing one to his appointments for years, that is why they ask), so I pointed out he was wearing a tie that matched his papa’s and they just gushed and gushed over him. And asked right away if they could take a picture for Facebook. Of course! They also insisted that I knit a matching headband for myself!


Our male veterinarian and his male assistant? No comment on the matching ties. Ha!

This visit was a bit different – it seems they’ve started doing some new stuff to try to make your pet more comfortable – they were playing calming music for Data, and the vet said he was wearing lavender and another scent to soothe Data. Interesting! Not sure it worked, but it’s cool they’re making an effort. I wonder if that’s a trend at veterinarian offices right meow?

Data had a good checkup. He’s down a pound and a few ounces from last year, and is in good shape. Everything looks good except a small part of his top gums on one side of his mouth. It’s probably time for his every-two-year teeth cleaning. I need to find another cute tie for that appointment!

And since I am already gushing about my cat, here’s a cute picture I grabbed of him yesterday on our bedroom balcony. He’s arguing that we should turn it in to a full catio.



20 Responses to “Success!”

  1. Mica says:

    Does Data get really stressed going to the vet? I used to feel bad for our cats, they would cry and get really scared in their carriers. Bodger? Not so much. He loves going to the vet and thinks it’s all a great adventure, even the rectal thermometer.

    Also, do you refer to yourselves as Data’s parents? I noticed that you and Steven were “Momma” and “Poppa” according to the vet.

    • kilax says:

      He does. He gets stressed being in the car, period ๐Ÿ™ Poor guy. I wish there was a way I could tell him it’s going to be okay!

      We do! Usually Mommy and Daddy or Papa. We use those names in Data’s voice when he insults us. Ha ha ha.

  2. Alice says:

    Aaaahahahahahaaa I love it!! Both gentlemen look fantastic! ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€

    I sorrrt of stopped taking my cats for annual appointments because they get *so* stressed in the car (and then the general vet experience didn’t exactly calm them down!). And it seemed like the vet always found something that needed to be “followed up on” but that was never a problem, which just resulted in additional car rides and tests and even angrier and more stressed cats. So now they only go in if they seem sick ๐Ÿ˜ฎ I’m a bad cat owner!

    • kilax says:

      My sister has a vet that visits the house – I wonder if that’s an option there! Or find a vet that can do all the procedures in the same day (we make sure to get an early appt and fast Data in case they need to do blood work or anything while we’re there). I totally get not wanting to put them in the car that much. Data is SO miserable in the car!

  3. Shelley B says:

    The matching tie picture is so awesome! Love it, love how much fun your vet’s office staff has with you guys.

    That’s a great shot of Data on his catio (come on, you know it’s his now) – sparkling green eyes, lush gray fur – such a handsome boy!

  4. Pete B says:

    I wonder if a teeth cleaning for a cat costs as much as one for a dog? I think baseline for a dog is about $500+ and more if they have to pull any!

  5. Karen says:

    I am dying, the matching ties – tooo frickin’ cute!!
    My cats get so stressed when they go, I always feel guilty. Tweek holds a grudge and he didn’t come near me for quite awhile after we got home.
    The deck picture is a great capture of data’s eyes.

  6. Lesley says:

    My vet’s office didn’t smell any different this year, but Allie doesn’t respond to calming scents.
    Does Data like dental treats? I give Allie dental treats every day and the past two years’ checkups have been great.

  7. Jen2 says:

    When we took Ollie there last week, the vet gave him small chunks of hand-smoked chicken breast after every time he did anything to him. He said he wants pets to look forward to going to the vet. Ha! Ollie was definitely happy with this new practice!

    • kilax says:

      He was telling us that he was doing that and joked about bringing shrimps for the cat! Ha!

      He also said there was a lab in the room next door yesterday that was so nervous he wouldn’t eat the chicken. Poor guy!

  8. Amy says:

    Poor Data – he certainly looked dapper for his appointment.

  9. Kristina says:

    OMG, the vet. I swear, our dog (Gus) would start panting due to anxiety once he figured out that we were going to the vet – which was usually as soon as we got him out of the car. He would pant and shed like crazy! I always felt bad, but there just wasn’t much that we could do. Poor guy. It’s funny how pets just *know*.
    Great ties, by the way, and it’s almost funnier that the vet and vet tech said NOTHING about the matching ‘outfits’.

    • kilax says:

      Aww, poor Gus! It’s so horrible that we just have to watch them be scared and all we can do is try to console!!! ๐Ÿ™ I really wish we could say “we do this cause we love you!” in a way they’d understand!

      Ha ha ha! It is!

  10. martymankins says:

    Sounds like Data is a pretty healthy cat. He has great parents.

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