That view never gets old…

By , June 17, 2016 3:07 pm


… but the commute sure does! And being around so many people.

Where we live now is such a stark contrast to the city. Very, very, VERY quiet, peaceful and calm. The opposite of a city. We have to leave our property to see or hear anyone.


Which makes going to the city a day (or sometimes, two) a week a nice change of pace.

But it’s the consecutive days of commuting and being around so many people that does me in (especially in a training environment). I’m not sure if I was this introverted before, or if living in the (essentially) country for four months has done it to me*, but I feel completely drained/exhausted after several days of interacting with people all day long. Which is where I am now, after completing a final round of training. I just need some quiet and alone time!

And I bet some people would visit an area similar to where I live and say “get me back to the city!” Ha!

The good news is, I am done with all that crazy work training and have some days off work coming up. Yay!

(The bad news is my boss just mentioned an assignment to me that will require a lot of travel, but hopefully it will be spread out!)

*Gradually working from home more and more days a week probably has done it. Now I can’t imagine commuting every day full time anymore. My quality of life wasn’t the same when I was doing that. 

7 Responses to “That view never gets old…”

  1. Anne says:

    Ugh yes, I just hate how open, pretty and inexpensive our area is compared to the city. LOL, I kid, but I know lots of people prefer the city to more suburban or rural areas. Like you, I like going to the city occasionally as a change of pace (which is why, for example, I still get my hair cut there), but I’m always happy to come back home after a few hours. There’s some things that I miss about Chicago, but I like where we live a lot and miss the city stuff less and less.

    I would feel so burned out if I was in the office as much as you have been lately, and my commute isn’t even half of yours. I’m glad you’re finally done with training and that it’s almost vacation time!

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha ha! It’s the absolute WORST!

      I am happy you’re missing the city stuff less and less and your new place is working on for you! I know you said for awhile it wasn’t like that, but adjustment takes time. Ha. Says the woman who expected everything to work right away after her move 😉

      Thank you! I am happy too! These last weeks (months?) took it out of me!

  2. Mica says:

    Wow, that really is a beautiful view of Chicago! I’m not sure it’s worth the long commute though, especially since you have plenty of nice views from your house in the woods! If you had the chance to work from home/remotely all the time, would you do it, or do you like having a limited amount of interaction with coworkers?

    • kilax says:

      I like going in every now and then, and think it’s necessary! I just wish there was more purpose to it, sometimes, than just being a “face day” to have one, you know?

      However, I wouldn’t want to go in more than I do now. If they get rid of work from home I will have to find a new job. I can’t do that commute every day. It’s not worth it.

  3. Stephany says:

    I get to work from home twice a month and I really love it, but I would LOVE to do it more often. My commute isn’t terrible (15 mins on the way there, 30-50 on the way home depending), but I have to leave every day for lunch to take my dog out and I just really prefer being at home over anything else, haha. I’d like to do maybe 1-2 days in the office, 3-4 days at home? I’d still like to be IN the office because it’s nice to be around people, but if I could work from home more often, I would not be opposed to that!

    • kilax says:

      Is there a chance you will be able to more? That would be great. Especially if you work better at home (most of the time) anyway and can check in on your dog! 🙂

  4. martymankins says:

    You have a nice view of the city and a great view of the country side. The best of both worlds.

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