Data is so thoughtful

By , October 3, 2016 6:12 am


What more could a mother ask for?

(Steven is mixing up different batches of mortar to try to match the one on the house so he can do some brick work, and he was kind enough to make this for me! Ha!)

14 Responses to “Data is so thoughtful”

  1. Xaarlin says:

    Awwwww What was Dates’ part in creating this masterpiece?

  2. Anne says:

    You look like you’re about to weep tears of cat-motherly joy. What a sweet gesture.

  3. Don’t laugh but I zoomed in on the picture to try to look at it more closely. That is hilarious!!!!!!

    Speaking of which, I’m all ears/eyes waiting for more updates on CK and the new black kitty… =D

    • kilax says:

      I am not surprised you had to – this is a shit (ha!) pic. I should add a better one to the post!

      Oh gosh. So the black cat showed up and sat outside all night Sat and Sun meowing at us. Sigh. Still super sweet. And CK is still visiting a few times a day for food!

  4. Marcia says:

    For a sec I thought is was a mouse/mice, preserved for posterity. Haha!

  5. Zenaida says:

    OMG! Hilarious!

  6. martymankins says:

    A nice cat present to his mama.

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