What’s next?

By , October 8, 2016 4:45 pm

“First they start feeding and loving these other cats, and now… this?!” – Data


That’s Lola, my fave coworker’s dog. My coworker stopped by and I was excited to get to meet Lola (and Data actually didn’t seem to care, despite that look on his face, until they were about to leave (which is when I took this picture)).

Poor Data, he can’t go anywhere now without another animal being RIGHT there.


11 Responses to “What’s next?”

  1. Anne says:

    Heidi will be waiting for her invitation 😉

  2. Shelley B says:

    OMG that dachshund!!! LOVE. But all the shots with Data and the other animals are cracking me up. Poor Data.

  3. Zenaida says:

    Oh my goodness I was cracking up with that first picture!!!! My niece brought her dog and Lola was hissing the whole time. She also left the room and would not come back till the dog was gone.

  4. Chaitali says:

    That dog is so cute! Poor data, the look in his eyes in the first photo is hilarious.

  5. DeAnne says:

    Hi Carolyn, Lola is soooo cute!!!!

  6. HAHAHA I am DYING over those pictures of Data. His expressions kill me. I’m also dying over that puppy! GAH! All of the cuteness. I want one!

  7. Mica says:

    AHA, that picture of CK creeping on Data is so great! Look out, Data!

    What did Lola think of Data? Did she bark at him?

    • kilax says:

      OMG, it cracked me up SO hard when Steven sent me that pic!

      Lola was super chill around Data. She lives with a cat now and knows they are in charge!

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