At least one of them’s happy

By , December 26, 2016 10:47 pm

I was so upset after I got home and found out Data completely ruined our new ($$$) tree skirt by pooping and barfing on it three times EACH while we were gone. Wah.

But then I felt better when I went outside to call for the outdoor cats and Khali started meowing from the woods and running toward the house, excited to see me*!


(Picture from last week. It was NOT light out when we got home, ha!)

At least someone is happy we’re home!

And I was happy to see some of the snow melted while we were gone! I like having it, but I was worried about the cats getting around with how much we had. I know – I need this plate I saw today:


*We’ll pretend that is what it was

15 Responses to “At least one of them’s happy”

  1. Christina says:

    Wtf Data!!!! I’m sorry he ruined your tree skirt, what a butt head.

    Those kitties missed their mama!!

  2. Amy says:

    Oh no!!! 🙁

  3. Losing Lindy says:

    We just bought a new tree skirt yesterday at Hobby Lobby they are 66% off

    • kilax says:

      Awesome! This one was hard to find cause it was so big! My snister is going to look for something similar when she is shopping this week.

  4. Kathy says:

    I just bought a new tree skirt be pretty mad. Data the grinch lol! Can you wash it? Maybe he’d leave it alone now it’s marked.

    • kilax says:

      It’s spot wash only. Not even dry clean. It’s soooo bad and stinky now. And he’s been doing this all month, we just cleaned it right away. So I am not sure what the attraction to the damn thing is!

  5. martymankins says:

    Cat poop and barf on the tree skirt is bad… bad!

    That license plate is classic

  6. Heather says:

    Oh my gosh Data! Cats are such jerks sometimes!

  7. Alice says:

    My cat puked 3x on our brand new ($$$) tree skirt within the first 12 hours as well!! Luckily it was, um, “recently eaten” food so barely digested and cleaned up easily. NICE TRY JERK CAT.

  8. Zenaida says:

    I hope he is OK. I know cats can be jerks but I hope he isn’t sick and that is why he did what he did.

  9. Mica says:

    Oh, Data, why?? Did he specifically “aim for” the tree skirt, or was there more mess elsewhere in the house? I hope he’s okay though. Maybe it was stress from you two being gone?

    • kilax says:

      He’d been going on the tree skirt since we bought it. So it was specific. There wasn’t anything else, except some barf on the rug. He is okay. I think he gets really messed up with his eating when we are gone, and is also mad we’re gone and wants us to know!

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