Blame it on the bloody nose

By , November 29, 2017 6:43 pm

It’s a Thanksgiving tradition to forget the cranberries, isn’t it? That’s not just us?! Poor neglected can(s).

This year I actually remembered, and quite early in the day! Woo hoo!

But I forgot the most basic thing – asking everyone at the dinner table to say what they are grateful for. D’oh! I had even thought about my list and had it prepared (in my head)! Let’s blame me forgetting to ask everyone on that pesky bloody nose that caused me to miss the end of the meal. Grr, that made me a bit out of sorts.

So, here’s my list (I didn’t list the obvious: friends, family (including fur babies), a job, a home, food to eat, etc.):

  • I’m grateful for everything my husband does to take care of our home, finances, cars, etc. Steven does so much and is a true visionary. I am not wired that way! But we complement one another.

Steven’s been chopping firewood from our own trees!

  • I’m grateful for the opportunity to do something different at work and rediscover passion for work! What a surprise!
  • I’m grateful the cop that pulled me over for speeding on the way to the train that Wednesday morning didn’t give me a ticket. I totally would have deserved it! Oops!

What was on your list?

2 Responses to “Blame it on the bloody nose”

  1. Jen2 says:

    I’m thankful for having friends as good as family that are always a pleasure to be with. They are hard to come by 😉

    I too am thankful for my job. I love what I do and it feels like I make a difference in people’s lives. I love the financial freedoms my job allows our family and the work/life balance that it allows me.

    I’m thankful for exercising and what it’s done for me both physically and mentally. I wouldn’t be the person I am today without it and am thankful for a body that (generally) supports the crazy things I ask of it.

    • kilax says:

      They are! I am grateful for that too! 😉

      You do make a difference in people’s lives! It really makes a difference in work morale when you do, I think 🙂 When you can see the purpose of you work, or it’s not 100% for profit, etc.

      Exercise is crucial for mental health!!!!

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