My superpower

By , July 3, 2018 10:39 am

Last week Mica told me about an icebreaker she participated in where you had to say what you’d want your superpower to be. She asked me what mine would be, and I said never getting sick or injured (so basically, amazing immunity and invulnerability).

But even when I said that, I knew I’d think about it more, and come up with a superpower that was communication based. I don’t want to be able to read people’s minds (um, NO THANKS) but wouldn’t it be amazing if there was a way to share information and ideas, instantly, without words, so that the other person understood them, even if they didn’t agree with them? And you could do the same with their information/ideas?

So much gets lost in communication, because of human error, laziness, and greed (hoarding information). And I’m guilty of being lazy with communication from time to time. I get so tired of constantly communicating. SO, SO, SO tired of it. The deciphering. The begging for information. Sharing the same thing over and over. Trying to find a way to explain something to someone. Trying to find the person WITH information. (Mostly talking about work here, ha.) So. Much. Adulting.

So I can see many instances in my professional and personal life where this “superpower” would come in handy. Of course, I’d want to be able to turn it off and on!

4 Responses to “My superpower”

  1. That’s a very creative superpower wish! It would save a lot of time and frustration, that’s for sure! I don’t know what I would pick – I usually go with teleportation. It would just make life so convenient to be able to snap my fingers and appear at my destination!

  2. Mica says:

    I love how much you thought about this and how you picked such a noble super power. I know that it would save *you* a lot of headaches, but it’s definitely something that would make the world a better place. (I, in fact, cannot see any downsides of it.)

    Sometimes, I think I want to read minds, just so I can have personal satisfaction when I know someone is lying, but that sounds so ridiculously petty that I don’t actually want that.

    Did you ask Steven? What did he say?

    • kilax says:

      Just for the record, I was mostly thinking of me, but it did occur to me that it would help the world! Ha!

      I think about that too. Or to know what someone really thinks, well, like you said, when they are lying when you ask how they feel about something. I’d definitely not want to know all the time!

      I haven’t yet! I will! Did you ask Harrison?

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