Guess who’s coming home next week?

By , July 6, 2018 6:57 am

These two trouble makers!

We visited them yesterday* and the vet said they’re probably going to get fixed on Monday. If everything goes well, we can bring them home late next week. Eek!

I’m excited but worried. And I am NOT a worrier, so this feels very strange. I know it’s pointless to worry, but I am concerned about the kittens’ safety in our home – with our house layout/possessions, and with Data and Khali (I don’t think we should have any issues, but you never know!).

Luckily, we work from home, so we can watch and see what they get in to (everything) and what we need to put away (everything?). And if they need to be put in a separate room for a while, we can do that.

Eeeeek!!!! Soooooooooooooooooooooon! I need to research kitten food!

*Every time we see them, they are more and more active/playful! It’s so fun!

8 Responses to “Guess who’s coming home next week?”

  1. Bobbi says:

    I vacillate wildly between CANNOT WAIT!! and I AM NOT READY!!!!

    No matter what, it’s going to be so much fun!

    • kilax says:

      Yes, exactly!!! I am glad we asked yesterday so we didn’t just get a call next week and feel REALLY not ready!

      And if you think of anything you need and can’t get, I probably have it at my house and can bring some over!

      It will be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. DeAnne says:

    🙂 I am so excited for you!!!!

  3. Kathy says:

    So exciting!!!!!!!!! Post so many kitten pictures….please. How is Data doing?

    • kilax says:

      You know I will!

      Data is doing okay! He is taking his meds and eating, but his symptoms are up and down. I was hoping his bathroom experience would get 100% better!

  4. omg yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!! I can’t wait for ALL OF THE KITTEN PICTURESSS!! I hope everyone gets along well and keeps their claws to themselves (both in regards to each other and in regards to your things) and you can have a happy feline family 🙂

    • kilax says:

      I am glad you’re excited because it’s probably all I will talk about for the next 6 months!!!!!!

      Thanks, I hope so too. REALLY, REALLY HOPE SO!

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