Training Week 467

By , September 30, 2018 5:25 pm

Highlight of the Week: Hmmmm. Actually doing a dedicated speed session, and not lazily making it part of a long run.

Monday | September 24, 2018: teaching strength class
Strength: boxes and dumbbells, Felt: so damn hot and sweaty

Tuesday | September 25, 2018: 5.5 m run (incl. hills x6)
Loc: hood, Temp: 64°/64°, Time: 57:33, Pace: 10:28 avg, Difficulty: easy/medium, Felt: clunky
Wednesday | September 26, 2018: 3.5 m run
Loc: Chicago Lakefront Trail, Temp: 60°/63°, Time: 32:56, Pace: 9:25 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: great
Thursday | September 27, 2018: 10 m run
Loc: VP Woods Loop, Temp: 47°/50°, Time: 1:45:33, Pace: 10:33 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good, but a bit sluggish
Friday | September 28, 2018: teaching strength class + one-on-one + 1,008 yd swim + 30 min walk (w/Steven)
Strength: boxes and dumbbells, Felt: good
Loc: FitNation, Time: 22:42, Pace: 2:15 min/100 yd, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good

Saturday | September 29, 2018: teaching strength class + 6 m run (incl. 4×800)
Strength: kettlebells, core, and boxing, Felt: great
Loc: Grayslake, Temp: 52°/55°, Time: 58:45, Pace: 9:47 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: great

Sunday | September 30, 2018: 12 m ride
Indoor Ride Time: 50:43, Pace: 14.2 mph avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good


  • For Monday’s strength class I created a movie inspired playlist and made a game out of guessing what movies the songs were from. I even had prizes! I can’t do that (prizes) all the time, but I think the class liked playing along!
  • I took Monday off running and hoped I would feel energetic Tuesday, but ugh, I felt clunky and we had high humidity and dew point back, which didn’t help! Wah!
  • Wednesday’s run felt so cool and great! Except for everything I wrote about here about getting yelled at. Sigh.
  • On Saturday I had an even number of students for boxing which meant I could be a cheerleader instead of paired up with someone (and be less sore Sunday, ha). Yay!
  • We had PERFECT weather Saturday for speedwork. Ahh, what a treat! I’m hoping we have some of that cool weather next weekend for our Texan guests to run in!
  • I woke up too late Sunday (due to staying out late Saturday night) to do a long run and still get all my errands/chores done. Oops. Sigh. Kind of a low-motivation week, running-wise. I am wondering how many miles I’ll be able to get in October, with having plans every weekend. Eh, who cares, except me, and my sanity.
  • Monthly recap! In September I ran 162.1 miles (24 runs, first month all year where all runs were solo), cycled 69 miles (5 rides inside), and swam 2,016 yards (2 swims). I did 5 speed sessions 3 hill sessions. My coldest run was 47°F and my warmest was 80°F. I taught 7 strength classes, 2 fitness boxing classes, and did 4 one-on-one sessions. I felt kind of bummed out for a lot of September, so I’m glad I worked out as much as I did – it helps me.

Link to Training Week 466

6 Responses to “Training Week 467”

  1. kathy says:

    Hopefully your weather gets more consistently cool soon! We are meant to get rain this week so that’ll be a change.

  2. chaitali says:

    That Monday strength class sounds like a lot of fun! I hope the cool weather continues for you 🙂

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