Training Week 471

By , October 29, 2018 5:31 pm

Highlight of the Week: A surprise run with Dad!

Monday | October 22, 2018: 7 m run + teaching strength class
Loc: VP Woods Loop, Temp: 62°/63°, Time: 1:11:08, Pace: 10:09 avg, Difficulty: easy-ish, Felt: good enough
Strength: bands and bars, Felt: good

Tuesday | October 23, 2018: 4 m run
Loc: hood, Temp: 48°/47°, Time: 39:01, Pace: 9:45 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good
Wednesday | October 24, 2018: 3 m run
Loc: Chicago Lakefront Trail, Temp: 48°/49°, Time: 29:22, Pace: 9:47 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good, chilly
Thursday | October 25, 2018: 10 m run
Loc: Kilbourne/DPRT Loop, Temp: 48°/49°, Time: 1:42:38, Pace: 10:15 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good, annoyed with all the traffic though
Friday | October 26, 2018: teaching strength class + one-on-one
Strength: bands and bars, Felt: good, so tired though (not enough sleep)
Saturday | October 27, 2018: rest
Sunday | October 28, 2018: 7.2 m run (w/Dad on bike)
Loc: VP Woods Loop, Temp: 46°/48°, Time: xx:xx, Pace: x:xx avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good


  • I thought my Monday run would feel better after 72 hours of running rest, but my crappy diet caught up with me! Ugh.
  • I took leave Thursday afternoon to get a long-ish run in before our guests arrived. I thought the roads would be clearer because it wasn’t “rush” hour, but I must have been running in the school traffic because there was car after irritating car. No one did anything to pester me, I just felt annoyed with them. That’s a sign I need to hit the trails more (2.9 miles of that run was on trail, at least).
  • Wow, those first two bullets are kind of whiny! Let’s end on a high note! I got to run with my Dad on Sunday which was completely unexpected and a total highlight!!! YAY!!!

Link to Training Week 470

2 Responses to “Training Week 471”

  1. chaitali says:

    Yay for the unexpected run with your dad! It’s always nice when the week can end on a fun surprise 🙂

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