Last leg done!

By , June 11, 2011 12:59 pm

I just finished my 9.8 mile leg! Hurrah! The start:

(The good ole McDonald’s to baton pass off)

The finish:

I took this run very slow and easy, and… my knee felt fine! I was actually running through towns I know in the northern suburbs of Chicago. Very pretty course that went from city to naval base to path. I was worried I got lost a few times though – I was running for a long time in what felt like industrial areas without many other runners. But I was actually never lost.

I was able to sleep a bit in our van before this leg too. Yay!

Only four more legs and my team will be finishing in Chicago!

2 Responses to “Last leg done!”

  1. Kayla says:

    great job! hope you’re having a great time!!

  2. J says:

    Nice job! Get some rest girly! You deserve it!

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