Random Thoughts Thursday 66

By , October 9, 2014 6:22 am
  • If you missed the lunar eclipse and blood moon yesterday, and live in the right parts of the world, you’ll have two more opportunities to see it happen next year – on April 4, 2015 and September 28, 2015. Mark your calendars (ha ha, apparently, I was dorky enough to mark my calendar for yesterday’s)! According to this article, it’s rare to have so many of these happening in a row, as well as for them to be visible in all of the US. Here’s some of the awesome (ha, ha ha, not) pictures I got of yesterday’s:

 141008eclipse 141008bloodmoon

  • Gina asked me to help Luca out with something very special… learning about Star Wars! Ahhhhhh! I am so excited to teach him about my favorite movies (IV-VI, obvs) and talk with him about it! I wanted to send him a book so he could start getting familiar with the story line and it took me forever to find one that just told the stories of the movies and not some side story. But! There was success yesterday on my lunch break! Yay! I can’t wait to read this to him when I see him in December. I also must find some good Star Wars toys to send, too…


  • I am feeling kind of bummed about Halloween this year. For the past four years we’ve gone to Iowa and celebrated with my family, but I am not sure if I can do that this year because of a work committment. I still have some hope that we will somehow be able to make it out there! We just have such a good time!
  • Just for fun, here is an interesting article about how people have been wrongly depicting what running form looks like, for many, many years. 

And a few more random post marathon thoughts:

  • The official photos came out, and my form was not as good as I thought it was at the finish (cause, derr, I was tired?). So, while I am getting better with form, I still really need to focus on it… maybe forever?
  • I stopped running with music in December 2012, and am thinking about adding it back in to some workouts, maybe to help with speed. Do you listen to music when you workout? I play music when I teach strength class, for sure. But on the run, it’s either my thoughts, or conversation with a friend. 
  • I used the Glympse app so Steven could see where I was at any moment while I was running. The app lasts four hours, so I reset it just after midway point. I really like that I can do that for a marathon and it doesn’t completely drain my battery. 
  • We haven’t really had a post race celebration. My sleeping and eating have been really off since Sunday. But I finally slept through the night last night (instead of waking up at 2:00 am full of energy). Yay!

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 65

24 Responses to “Random Thoughts Thursday 66”

  1. Chaitali says:

    That’s awesome that you get to introduce someone to the Star Wars saga! Sounds like so much fun and a great way to experience it again through the eyes of someone who doesn’t know the story. I hope things work out with Halloween.

    • kilax says:

      Yes! I am so excited about it! My oldest nephew loves it and loves to talk to me about it… I hope Luca really likes it, too!

      Thanks! I hope so too. I just got costume ideas yesterday!

  2. Tiina says:

    OoO I need to download that app!

    and you need to get on the celebrating! Every good race deserves a celebration!

  3. I stopped running with music over the summer when I was training for a triathlon and because my headphones broke (haha). I’ve added it back in but try to “save” it for longer weekend runs or days where I’m tired or dragging to get out the door.

    Congrats on your marathon and your awesome pacing! Sometimes I’m prouder of a well-executed race than a PR or fast time because it is so difficult for me to not go out too fast and try to hold on (<– never works, I really should learn!).

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha! That is a funny reason! Mine is funny too – I stopped cause I reformatted my phone and didn’t add music back on 😉

      Thank you! And oh yeah, I am very proud of this race for that reason! Even though it’s not my fastest, it’s my best!

      I think you could learn not to go out too fast!!!! :)a

  4. Maggie says:

    I quit listening to music while running a few years ago, but it’s started making it’s way back sometimes if I’m running on the Lakefront Trail. But if I’m working out indoors (and not a group class), I always have music in my ears.

  5. Nina says:

    OOOH that app looks awesome! Must download!
    I listen to podcasts while I run, it keeps my mind engaged in the podcast and not focused on running. Though sometimes near the end I’ll turn the podcast off and turn the music up loud to keep me going.

    • kilax says:

      Which podcasts do you like? I used to listen to some but got sick of the same ones over and over.

      • Nina says:

        I love NPR’s Ask Me Another, it’s all trivia. That’s the best in engaging my mind and I often shout out the answer while running. Oops! I also like NPR’s Fresh Air and Pop Culture Happy Hour. Mainly anything celebrity/pop culture. I also listen to 2 Survivor podcasts because that is my favorite show.

  6. Melissa says:

    I got up early yesterday to go to a Barre Class and went outside at 5:20am to “see” the eclipse—only to find that the sky was completely cloudy. Boo!

  7. Pete B says:

    No music. Must listen for cars and bikes and other lurking danger. Also allows me to focus on how hard I’m breathing. Running for me is best unplugged.

  8. Bari says:

    That app sounds great. I’m really hoping Detroit has runner tracking of some sort because I don’t plan on having my phone “on” during the race. It will be on airplane mode playing my music and intervals. I don’t want hit with roaming charges when I do the loop through Canada.

  9. Losing Lindy says:

    I am clueless about star wars and V was born on May 4.. aka May the fourth be with you

  10. jan says:

    I don’t ever listen to music, but I really don’t listen to music much in general. I listen to podcasts if I run alone (You Make It Weird w/ Pete Holmes is my fave or This American Life). Otherwise, I run w/ friends and I don’t listen to music.

    Glad you’re starting to get some sleep again! I find that after a really hard workout I have trouble sleeping. Why is that?

    • kilax says:

      I will have to try out You Make It Weird! I have listened to This American Life before 🙂

      Well, I think my body was still shaken up from all the abuse. Your body is like “WTH did you do to me?” hee hee

  11. Amy says:

    Hooray for Star Wars!!! Luca is going to love learning about it from you!

  12. Mica says:

    I’ve started listening to podcasts when I run, which is slightly better for me than music. I could never find a good playlist since I don’t really care about music anyway, so my running playlist never did anything for me. Maybe I can get you to DJ one for me, haha.

    Next time we’re together, maybe maybe maybe we can watch “Star Wars.” (I’ve been putting it off for, like, my entire life, but I know you love it so much. I think your enthusiasm might rub off on me. I’m too cynical and contrary to watch it with anyone else.)

    • kilax says:

      Which podcasts do you like?

      That would be fun! 🙂 I have loved it for so long I’ve never thought of it in a cynical way, but I am sure there are many things that can be picked apart about it – like with everything else 🙂

  13. martymankins says:

    I didn’t see this latest eclipse. I stayed up for the last full lunar and it was pretty amazing (and very cold, too)

    That Star Wars book looks cool. Love those movies (the first 3 released are my favs)

    When I workout, I have to listen to music. It helps keep me going, especially when I find a good mix of songs. Adding to Mica’s comment above, I fall asleep to podcasts. Someone talking to me, in my ears, helps relax me. Of course, if it is a podcast I want to listen to, I need to remember to listen during the day when I’m awake.

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