Trying to knit quietly

By , August 12, 2015 6:37 am

I wasn’t sure if I should sit on the quiet car this morning for my train ride because I wasn’t sure if I’d nap or knit. If I knitted, I didn’t want my plastic needles touching each other to annoy people.*

So I tried to knit quietly.

I went to the hobby store Saturday night to pick out yarn for a baby blanket for my younger brother and his wife and got completely distracted by the Red Heart Boutique Boulevard jumbo yarn. I probably never would have gotten started on the baby blanket if I hadn’t had to wait for Monday for the size 19 needles to arrive to use the jumbo yarn.

Gah, this stuff is so easy, quick and fun to knit with. I finished a project on Monday**, another on Tuesday, and started a third this morning on the train! Can I just use jumbo yarn for the rest of my projects?! Please?!

Or I could work on that slow-moving, 150 stitch per row baby blanket… Getting used to circulars was interesting (thanks to Mica for sending me a kit and to Gina for sending me a pair!), but I think I finally got the hang of it. The baby is due Sunday. It’s okay if I get the blanket done in October, right?!

*I felt less bad about this when I took my headphones off and realized the woman sitting behind me was blaring music so loudly on hers I would’ve heard it if I didn’t have mine on.
**I will share a photo after I give it away!

17 Responses to “Trying to knit quietly”

  1. Marcia says:

    You are a knitting machine! I’m still waiting for my MIL to finish knitting a baby blanket for Thing 1. After 14 years I’m not holding my breath.

  2. Absolutely it is okay if the blanket is done in October. I think the parents will be so distracted by the newborn that they won’t even notice!!!

  3. Shelley B says:

    Ahh, chunky yarn. I love it – I can whip out a hat in a couple of hours…sometimes, you just need the satisfaction of starting and completing a project quickly.

  4. Mica says:

    I’ve never been bothered by clicking needles, but I know some people won’t buy metal ones because they click too much and it either drives them or the people they live with crazy.

    Chunky yarn is so fast! It used to be my jam but recently, I’ve been into smaller yarns. I think I like how delicate it feels in my hands.

    • kilax says:

      I think the metal ones wouldn’t make me nuts (the noise) but I would slip too much! I just didn’t want to bug people on the train with the clicking, ha ha! (Since I WAS in the quiet car, after all).

      I bet after I finish the project I told you about last night, I will want to get back to that baby blanket! And I still haven’t dealt with teeny tiny yarn!

  5. Losing Lindy says:

    that hat is adorable!

    Sorry I haven’t been around, between vacation and my computer not working, I am super far behind.

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