I can see clearly now

By , May 20, 2016 7:22 am

Well, someone’s becoming a bit vain:


Ha! I don’t blame him for staring at the glass. It wasn’t very clear before:


And now it is:


That balcony is just asking for me to sit out there and read a book!

These new doors were installed as part of our FHA 203(k) work yesterday. They really change the feel of the room. The old doors were bulkier. These doors make me feel like our bedroom is part of nature! I like!


I was curious what the house would look like without any doors/windows in the bedroom, so I asked Steven to take a picture of it for me!

Do not like: that this is not how we asked for the door to be set up. We had told the contractor one door all the way to the left (from the inside) would be fine. We got two centered sliding doors. Which, in all truth, is better! Just NOT what we asked for. When Steven brought it up to the guy installing it, he said he thought it seemed different than what I told him to order.

As it is with most problems in life, the main issue with this contracted work has been poor communication (and cutting corners and quality control). I won’t get in to it, but that it’s still happening, even though it’s a “good” mistake, makes me irate. (And it doesn’t help that I’ve been gone all week and am exhausted. Blah. I hope I can recharge today because I have a packed weekend ahead of me!)

Anyway. I expect to catch Data admiring himself more and more here. What he was previously using as a magic mirror (the kitchen hood enclosure) was cut and prepped last night by Steven, and will be installed soon! Although it would NOT surprise me to see him jump on to the kitchen counter so he could catch a glimpse of himself in the nice shiny hood. Ha.


16 Responses to “I can see clearly now”

  1. Alice says:

    That is HILARIOUS that Data loves to sit and look at himself!! HA!

    My cats have been *over the moon* with all the new windows & lookout perches they get at our new house. In the last place, our only windows looked directly into other peoples’ condos, so we kept the blinds closed or put privacy film on everything. Now they have a 360 view around the house, into NATURE, from all angles! They are totally thrilled.

    Ugh, that would piss me off too – I mean, I’m glad the result is great and the “mistake” is actually in your favor, but as a repeated pattern….. ugh ugh ugh. Frustrating.

  2. Lesley says:

    I love the set up compared to the old doors. It definitely opens the room up more without so much framing the glass.

  3. Chaitali says:

    That mistake would annoy me too, even though the end result is good. I would much prefer that they explain the changes to me, why it would be better, and let me still make the end decision. That way you know it was on purpose and not just a mistake that happened to work out.

    I love the photos of Data admiring himself. He is a very pretty cat so why not 🙂 When my cats do that, I always wonder if they realize that it’s their reflection or if they think it’s another cat.

    • kilax says:

      Yeah, an explanation or communication behind ANY decision made would be GREAT! 🙂 It’s so frustrating to me, because I do this stuff for work and this is NOT how it would fly. I would have been given shop drawings to review the door and would have caught it then. Instead I have to wait until it shows up wrong.

      Aww, thanks 🙂 I have been wondering that too!

  4. Christina says:

    Wow that looks amazing!!!! The pic with the windows out is so surreal looking! AHHH

    Data, you so vain.

  5. Shelley B says:

    The new doors look fantastic, no doubt. But I feel your frustration; when we had our master bathroom redone, I felt like I had to be there for everything, just to double check and make sure what was coming in was what I’d chosen. As it turned out, there WERE some things that needed addressing – I was lucky to have the free time to supervise, but it’s incredible how communication breaks down so easily…and I loved my contractor!

    • kilax says:

      Thank you!

      Yes! I’ve said so many times, how do people do this who can’t work from home and babysit?! Can you imagine what you’d come home to?! Even when you love your contractor, like you did! It’s so easy to miscommunicate.

  6. He is so handsome, he should sit and look at himself!!

  7. Mica says:

    UGH, that would frustrate me, even if it’s a “good” mistake. The issue is lack of communication or doing things as requested. And how do you know there won’t be an issue in the future??

    I do like how open the doors make your house look. I’m really looking forward to seeing it (EEEEE TOMORROW)!

    • kilax says:

      Sigh. There will be with some of their work! Steven told me we’ll have to redo the brickwork they did yesterday, in a few years. Awesome.

      YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CANNOT WAIT!

  8. Amy says:

    I love the new doors and the fact you have a balcony off your bedroom! Glad it all turned out okay, despite the frustration of the poor communication with the contractors…this is why I hate having stuff done in our house, it’s such a hassle! But sometimes you just have to do it.

    • kilax says:

      Thanks! 🙂

      We totally needed to have this work done. So many things were in bad condition! We think maybe next time it will be better if we manage the subs though, instead of using a general contractor 🙂

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