Posts tagged: directions

Can you tell me how to get to…?

By , May 12, 2008 5:53 am

I love it when people stop me on the street to ask for directions.

It gives me such an undeserved sense of accomplishment. “Wow! They must think I don’t look lost, because they’re asking ME for help!”

A map visually pops into my head when someone asks me for directions. I see street names and major landmarks. I can tell them to walk three blocks south (or “that way”), that it will take about 5 minutes, and that they’ll pass a funny orange sculpture on the way there.

When I lived in Rome, people would ask me for directions a lot. I felt really proud of myself for knowing where so many (tourist) destinations were.

But what I don’t know, is if the people ever get there based on what I tell them! Ha ha!


Today’s Idiom: to take down a peg – to take the conceit out of a braggart

I think I took her down a peg or two when I marked up her drawing with so many corrections.

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26 ‘queries’.