Posts tagged: questions

Friday Question #65

By , May 8, 2009 5:36 am

What is your response in classes/seminars when you are asked to tell “three interesting things about yourself” during introductions?

I was surprised on Monday morning when our instructor asked us to reveal “three interesting things abut ourselves” to our table-mates, then later to the class. I couldn’t remember the last time an instructor asked me to do that. Sure, tell where you are from, what your degree is, blah blah blah, I’ve done all that, but three interesting facts?

The first three things that came to my mind were:

  1. I am vegetarian
  2. I am a runner
  3. I write a blog

I think those are some of the more interesting facts about me. Or at least, somewhat unique facts about me.

But what I said was:

  1. I am a runner
  2. I like to travel
  3. I like to read

Lame-o, cop-out responses! I didn’t want anyone asking me about why I am a vegetarian, and I didn’t want anyone asking me what a blog is, what I blog about, or what my blog address is, so… I was totally vague*.

Which turned out to be a good thing, because I did get a lot of questions, at least at my table, about my running. Which makes me think they would have asked about the other two things. Which means they are polite people, but… I just don’t like talking about my vegetarianism to people. I am so tired of hearing the same questions over and over, and the same excuses for why they eat meat, or why they couldn’t give up meat. It’s rude for me to say this, but I don’t care. Some people automatically assume they have to justify their diet to me, when I really DON’T CARE. Why people are so interested in what I eat continues to fathom me.

Hmm. Wasn’t expecting all of that to come out. Sorry.

So I guess my real question is: If you had to share “three interesting things” about yourself, would you share the first three that come to your mind, or think about it for awhile and maybe come up with something else? What would those three (or up to six) things be?

Yeah. And just ignore all the crazy writing above.

*I think the fact that I did this says something about my personality… but I am not sure what. I am usually very open, but maybe there are just certain things I am guarded about? Who knows. I’m tired.

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26 ‘queries’.