Posts tagged: umbrellas

As long as it’s not snow

By , April 10, 2008 8:03 pm

A lot of umbrellas were abandoned in Chicago today.

When it rains like it did today, I just walk in the rain, sans umbrella. I am that person you always see, looking pathetic, with their umbrella inside-out. There is really no point for me to even bother. I’d just as well get wet.

And… because I can’t help but post these photos, check out the “pothole” my parents encountered when they arrived home from work today.

Is it still called a pothole when it is this BIG? The view of this photo is coming away from my parent’s house – they have to cross this bridge each day to get anywhere – there is no other way into their home (our their one, sole neighboring house).

The barricades were not up when they got home. Apparently, my mother “went to the town hall immediately to tell them about their pothole EMERGENCY.” So the police came out and set up the barricades.

It’s always fun when my mom calls me, all excited, to tell me a story like this. She is so animated.

According to my mother, the pothole is the width of a car, by 3′-0″ lengthwise. She also said it is over 4′-0″ deep. Hmm, judging from the photo, I don’t think my dad is that tall… unless he is standing on a ladder or something?

Anyway, can you imagine driving home in the dark and not seeing that thing? Whoops…

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