I love public transportation

By , November 1, 2007 5:49 am

I usually don’t let idiot drivers upset me. I don’t drive enough to warrant it, and if I am in the car for a long enough time I’m with Steven – and one of us has to remain calm. Of course, I do exercise a well versed collection of cuss words (thanks Dad!) while driving, but I rarely feel that deep-within urge to run someone off the road.

So I was surprised yesterday when I found myself deliberately trying to hit someone else’s car. I was prepared to go straight at a red light and the driver across the road had their turn signal on to turn left (in front of me). The only other car was behind me. It was 5:30 a.m.! Imagine my surprise when the other driver turned left in front of me, cutting me off before I went straight… hmm… is that how it works now? The cars turning at a stop light get to go first? There are no left-turn signals at this light and I could tell this person was going to do this so I followed my natural instinct to step on the gas and try to run them off the road. Oops.

I continued driving to the train station and decided to let it pass and rock out to AC/DC’s “Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap.” Another car was behind me as I drove up to the train station parking lot. When I turned into the parking lot, the other car disappeared. “Hmm… where did they go?”

Out of the blue, the other car came cutting across the parking lot (I didn’t see them coming because of the other parked cars), just in time to cut me off and pull into the parking spot I was about to take. This idiot actually drove through the grass and into the parking lot just to do this… and like I said, it was 5:30 in the morning! There were at least 30 other spots available!

Ugh. The train station is only a five-minute drive from my house and all this happens? No wonder Steven’s hour+ commute makes him so angry sometimes.

I know I am not a perfect (gentle) driver, but I at least follow the GD rules!

7 Responses to “I love public transportation”

  1. Dad says:

    You’re welcome!

  2. i think maybe i should not drive so much… i get really bad road rage… i can relate to trying to run people off the road… whenever you are “welcomed” to texas by the signs they say “Drive Friendly the Texas Way”… um, yeah… those signs are a big lie!!

  3. Hilly says:

    Half of the profanities that I come up with are due to asshatted drivers! I wish we had a better public transportation system or that I lived in a big city!

  4. sad to say, the five min drive to the station and the 15 min walk to my office is usually the scariest part of my day. Must be the combination of waking up early and the thought of another day at the office that puts everyone in a good mood.

  5. kilax says:

    Dad – no one could have taught me better!

    CourtneyInControl – why doesn’t that surprise me?

    Hilly – you are the queen of coming up with awesome new profanities. 😉

    Gina (Mannyed) – I didn’t even mention the walk… how did you know…?

  6. Lisa says:

    Oh, driving makes me C-R-A-Z-Y!!! I really like to think of myself as a good driver, but the other morons out there. Notsomuch. Unfortunately my little man has heard more notsonice words come flying out of my mouth that he shouldn’t be hearing at all. I just can’t help myself.

    Thanks for stopping by my home on the net!

  7. kapgar says:

    You have no idea how proud I am of you right now! Seriously. I’m blushing with pride!!!

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