Friday Question #1

By , November 2, 2007 5:31 am

A little history: I started “Friday Questions” back in April of this year. I often found myself without much time to blog on Fridays and thought a good way to give myself a break and to learn more about my readers would be to ask a random question. I supply my answer in the post, and you are welcome to leave yours in the comments section.

I really enjoy reading your answers… as well as all your comments on other posts, so please don’t be shy. I won’t call out any names here – wink wink!

Without further ado:

If you could own one original work of art, what would you choose?

For me, it would be Van Gogh’s Starry Night. For some reason, I am just drawn to this painting! It resides at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City – and I have never even seen it! Someday… someday… maybe I can satisfy myself with a print until then!

17 Responses to “Friday Question #1”

  1. Dave2 says:

    Uh oh… are comments not working?

  2. Dave2 says:

    Hmmm… apparently, my comment was dumped because I had a=href links in it? That’s a bummer.

    I was just saying that I would choose the exact same painting because I HAVE seen it in New York many times while visiting The Met. And then, just to prove I wasn’t sucking up to you, I provided links to my blog where I have mentioned “Starry Night” as my favorite…

    I suppose if you had already taken “Starry Night”, I would take “The Flower Bearer” by Diego Rivera from The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.

  3. Lisa says:

    I’d love to have Monet Water Lilies or Artist’s Garden.

  4. kilax says:

    Dave – sorry about all your troubles with the comments! Hopefully I have fixed that all now. You shouldn’t be trying to prove that you aren’t sucking up to me… I should be trying to prove that I am not trying to imitate you! I know I can always trust your opinion on cinema, art, politics, television… you rock Dave ๐Ÿ™‚

    Lisa – I forgot about Monet! Great choices! I love impressionist art… and some Monet’s work is actually on display at the Art Institute in Chicago. The Institute is literally three blocks away from my office and I have not been there! AHHH!!!

  5. Starry Night would be my pick, I have a print of it in my bedroom together with two smaller prints: the Starlight Over the Rhone and the Cafe Terrace at Night. I have seen Starry Night *live* at the MoMA. But since you already said the Starry Night, I would like to take The Son of Man by Magritte for The Husband.

    Come to NY and we can go see it!!

  6. diane says:

    This is a very tough choice for me–it would either be Renior’s Luncheon of the Boating Party or his Dance at Le Moulin de la Galette. I heart Renoir. ๐Ÿ™‚
    BTW, I have never been to the Art Institute and I’ve been living here much longer!! We should plan a trip!

  7. i LOVE the starry night… but since that seems to be a favorite i’ll go with Gustav Klimt’s The Kiss… i LOVE this too!!!

  8. Hilly says:

    Okay everybody needs to get the freak out of my head! I don’t have the links to prove it, but I did tell someone the other day that Starry Night was my favorite painting….now if I could just find that blog for proof ;). But yeah, I love that painting and used to have a huge print of it before I got married. I also love Monet’s waterlilies, even though they have been commercialized to death. I especially like the ones in dark purples, blues and greens. Gee, color scheme whore much?

  9. Hilly says:

    Oh I found the link, but mostly to show you the “street version” of Starry Night that my friend posted:

  10. Kyra says:

    Honestly, if you have ever seen the movie “What Dreams May Come” I want several of the paintings in that. But I’m really picky about art, since I paint my own. I enjoy many artists, but that movie holds so much.

  11. ajooja says:

    Dogs Playing Poker.


  12. Quinn and Susan says:

    Quinn: I would choose “Time” by Salvador Dali, that painting stunds me and puts me in ahh!

    Susan: Kim I lOVE Van Goghโ€™s Starry Night…I can stare at that wonderful painting for hours..probably even day’s. That painting is amazing!! I agree with you!! That would be my pick!!

  13. Robin says:

    Can’t go wrong with Starry Night or any Monet, but I would choose any (or all!) of the Degas pastels in the Musee d’Orsay.

    Monet’s Morning on the Seine River would be a really close second.

  14. Derek Dufon says:

    Great question! I would love to own “Nude Descending stairs” by Marcel Duchamp, acutually, anything by him would be coveted by me, he is a hero of mine, the boundaries he pushed made him larger than life, so it wouldn’t really matter what piece is was.

    P.S. Jessica told me about your bloggy blog, and I’m glad I found it!

  15. kilax says:

    Wow. I am a bit overwhelmed with all of these comments and am not sure how to respond to them all coherently… but thanks to everyone for opening my eyes to more art than I knew about! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Gina (mannyed) – how did you know I was itching for an invitation? Do you know if The Son of Man by Magritte is one of the feature paintings in the newer version of The Thomas Crowne Affiar?
    Diane – a trip must be in stow for us! Before the impressionists are loaned to Fort Worth in May…
    CourtneyInControl – that is an amazing painting! I have never heard of the artist (oops) or see his work before. Thanks for sharing!
    Hilly – only you would come up with “color scheme whore.” You’re so cute. That wall art is awesome! I wish we had more around here… the legal kind anyway!
    Kyra – I haven’t seen that movie for a long time, but remember it was very vivid. Sounds like I am due for a trip to the movie rental place!
    ajooja – I wondered who would say that one ๐Ÿ˜‰ Your comments always make me smile! ๐Ÿ™‚
    Quinn and Susan – I remember you loved that painting, Quinn! But obviously, Susan and I have better taste ๐Ÿ˜‰ JUST KIDDING! ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€
    Robin – I am not sure if I had seen the Degas pastels until now… wow wow wow!
    Derek Dufon – heeeeeeeeeeeeeellllooooo Derek! I am happy you stopped by ๐Ÿ™‚ “Nude Descending Stairs” is amazing! Have you seen it in person?

  16. SJ says:

    I had a huge print of “Starry Night” hanging in my house for years. Believe it or not, I finally got tired of it. I used to be very much into the Impressionists, but lately I’m crazy about Edward Hopper. It started with “Nighthawks” and now I’m obsessed. If I could own one of his paintings, I’d choose “The Night Window, 1928.” I love the way he paints light against darkness.

  17. Dawn says:

    I would have to agree… Starry Night is my favorite too…. living 20 miles from the MET I have seen it plenty of times, and each time is better then the last…I do have a print of it, but its just not the same. = (

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