Friday Question #14

By , February 8, 2008 5:54 am

Which new movies are you looking forward to seeing in 2008?

We rarely go to the movie theater. Nothing seems to spark our interest. We saw two movies last summer – Knocked Up and Transformers, and then we didn’t see another until last weekend. And what did we choose to see then? Some Oscar nominated picture? No, Cloverfield.

Anyway, that got me thinking about how I am really excited about some movies coming out this year! I think I may actually be spending some time in the theater! I would like to see (in order of release date):

I feel like I am missing some! Don’t be surprised if this list expands throughout the day… especially as you tell me yours!

15 Responses to “Friday Question #14”

  1. Andrew says:

    What did you think of Cloverfield?

    I’m looking forward to seeing Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (5/23) and Get Smart (starring Steve Carell – 6/20).

  2. Bethany says:

    Neat– mine are up and I stole one of yours ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. I’m eagerly awaiting the Quantum of Solace and Sex and the City! I will def be seeing those opening day/weekend.

    I just saw Juno a couple of weeks ago – I liked it!

  4. diane says:

    Yes yes, please tell us your thoughts on Cloverfield!
    For me? Dark Knight, of course.
    I am also excited to see In Bruges which opens this weekend (but I probably won’t see for a couple weeks). A comedic heist with Ralph Fiennes and Colin Farrell. Now, I find Colin Ferrell rather repulsive–a blog entry I never got around to writing. But the movie looks hysterical. ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. sizzle says:

    i always see trailers for films when i am at the theater but then immediately forget what they are. i hear they are making a movie out of The Time Traveler’s Wife. i’m both excited and scared because the book was SO AWESOME.

  6. Courtney Ilax says:

    I want to see Cronicles of Narnia Prince Caspian .. It looks way good and I loved the first one.

  7. kapgar says:

    Totally ready to go with Iron Man, Dark Knight, and Quantum of Solace! No question. Star Trek is pretty likely, too, considering I love the cast. Just not a Trekkie as you know. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    21 I’m avoiding because I know it will ruin the book that I read and loved a few months ago. Plus, History Channel has a documentary about it all that I’ll watch instead.

    Sex and the City we might avoid too. Katie’s been burned on the show since it started airing all the time on TBS or whatever channel it’s been syndicated in watered-down format to. That may be a DVD choice, not sure. If she changes her mind and wants to see it, we will. I have no problem seeing it with her.

  8. kapgar says:

    Forgot to mention other movies…

    One of my top, if not the top film for me this year is Wall-E. Gotta love all things Pixar!

  9. ajooja says:

    I’m looking forward to “Iron Man,” “Dark Knight,” “Star Trek,” and “Wall-E,” but I try not to keep up with movies that aren’t coming out in the future.

    Of course, I haven’t missed researching every film that opens for about eight years. Every Friday morning I’m revamping my movie list. It’s just what I do.

  10. ajooja says:

    Typo alert!!!

    … that are coming out in the future.

  11. Christina says:

    Jumper! I want to see that so badly! I think it looks really good.

  12. Star Trek (I’ve got to see what JJ is going to do to ir), Iron Man, Narnia, Speed Racer, Jumper (this might be lame but the effects look good). and The Day the Earth Stood Still.

    They’re mostly SciFi but that’s what I like to see on the big screen!

  13. suze says:

    I’m looking forward to the boylen girl too! And although they’re already out, I’m looking forward to seeing 27 dresses and Juno. I hardly make it to the movies at all anymore…

  14. kilax says:

    Andrew – I thought Cloverfield was entertaining, but I felt like the story could have been told better. I yearned to see more! It felt very realistic though. They did a good job with that! Oh! I forgot about the new Indiana Jones movie… Harrison Ford is so old! Hee hee. But he’s still cool ๐Ÿ™‚

    Bethany – You came up with some I hadn’t heard of – cool!

    Gina (Mannyed) – We are waiting to see Juno on DVD… ๐Ÿ™

    diane – Ebert had a RAVE review of In Bruges in Friday’s Sun-Times! It sounds funny… and like it would make you want to travel! That’s never bad! (I think you and Evan would like Cloverfield, and it’s probably easier to watch that shaky camera work in the theater, vs. your home)

    sizzle – I will have to pick up that book… I have never heard of it!

    Courtney Ilax – I still need to see the first one! Does it make sense if you haven’t read the book?

    kapgar -hmm, we have similar movie taste… why am I not surprised? ๐Ÿ˜‰ ha ha. I am sick of all the Sex and the City shows on tv too… it’s too much… but again, I am addicted to that smut!

    ajooja – Wall-E sounds interesting! I used to keep up with all the movies out, then when I was in college I didn’t have the time! Now I read the Friday paper and it has a huge movie section so I am getting into it again.

    Christina – I was thinking “Something comes out on Feb 14th that I want to see but can’t remember…” Jumper is it! It could be lame, but looks SO COOL!

    Gary LaPointe – SciFi IS best on big screen! We aren’t dorks… ๐Ÿ˜‰

    suze – I think you would make a good movie date! You like the same “girly” movies as me!

  15. Felicia says:

    I can’t possibly answer this question as I am a movie fiend….

    The next one is The Other Bolyn girl (loved the book too) and I am a huge history fiend so I knew the story but since no one can really know what happened, it is fun to imagine ๐Ÿ™‚

    I know I am looking forward to Batman and I am sure a billion other movies this year ๐Ÿ™‚

    Tomorrow I am looking forward to Becoming Jane coming out on DVD, didn’t get a chance to see it in the theater.

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