be well

By , April 21, 2008 5:45 am

A few of my colleagues have been using “be well” in emails and text messages.

What is “be well”? Is it synonymous with “take care”? I’ve only started hearing (well, reading) it now, and I’m kind of curious who else is using it, or where it came from.


Today’s Idiom: to beard the lion in his den – to visit and oppose a person on his own grounds

There was no other way to file a complaint effectively – I had to go to the store and beard the lion in his den.

11 Responses to “be well”

  1. Kyra says:

    I’m pretty sure it comes from Demolition Man, with Sandra Bullock and Sly. ug.

  2. Jodi says:

    Personally, I get tired of the same greetings and closings all the time. I try and mix it up I’m trying out a new one…
    Hugs and kisses ~
    What do you think?

  3. Nilsa S. says:

    Does that mean you’ll think, “Take care of you” is weird, too? Because if so, I might not be able to email you. Ever. I’ve been known to let that one slip from time to time.

  4. sizzle says:

    I’m pretty sure it’s the same as “take care” but more Zen. 😉

  5. Jenn says:

    I have a coworker who signs all his emails with “Cheers, (name).” I actually kind of like it, but I don’t care much for “Be well.” I like “Take care” a lot more.

  6. kilax says:

    Kyra – Oh my gosh. I have only seen parts of that movie, but if I am remembering correctly, Steven ALWAYS makes fun of it.

    Jodi – I like to use Hugs and Kisses, or just XOXO, but not on my work emails! HA HA!

    Nilsa S. – I’ve never heard that one either! I don’t think these greetings are weird, I just find it interesting that “new” ones come around! It takes me awhile to get used to them!

    sizzle – I think that is the perfect explanation!

    Jenn – I love Cheers! I had a teacher who always used that so I did it for awhile, thinking I was all cool… 😉

  7. de says:

    I had an old friend that used it and it stuck on me as a genuinely “good” way to close things off . . . maybe I’m just sappy; but I don’t use it for everyone.

    then again, sometimes when I use it I might be in a somewhat dismissive mood . . . hmm???

  8. Lumpy says:

    I’m a “take care” kinda gal!

  9. Bethany says:

    Sounds like another way to say “take care” to me…crazy. What’s wrong with “See ya” or “Later” LOL 😉

  10. I use “be well”,I like it, don’t know why but I like it better than take care. I love “Cheers” and Regards is kinda cool too.

  11. kilax says:

    de – I think it is a nice way to close an email. Do you ever use it in person?

    Lumpy – I definitely believe “take care” has become more popular over the years!

    Bethany – I guess “See ya” and “Later” may not be formal enough for work, but definitely good enough for friends! 🙂

    Gina (Mannyed) – I like “regards” too 🙂 “Be Well” is going to have to grow on me!

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