Becoming prude?

By , May 21, 2008 5:41 am

When did I become too shy to be naked around my husband?

Maybe somewhere between our September 1 wedding and the 20+ pounds I have put on?

Yeah, that’s gotta be it.

I’m usually not shy when it comes to my body. I’m not going around flashing people, but I’m also not covering up every square inch of bare skin. While I was getting changed into my wedding gown, the flower lady arrived, and I had a conversation with her wearing nothing but a bra and slip. Ha ha.

When I try on clothes in a dressing room with my mom, I don’t even cover myself up. When I’m home alone, I walk around mostly nude. You get the idea.

Oh well.


Today’s Idiom: to let sleeping dogs lie – to let well enough alone, to avoid stirring up old hostilities

Even though she tired to put meat into my food again, I decided to let sleeping dogs lie. I know there’s no point in arguing about it.

12 Responses to “Becoming prude?”

  1. Kyra says:


    (you can change the physicality of that in no time, if you want. But realize that it may be about more than the weight, and get to the bottom of it so it doesn’t cause you hurt.)

  2. Hilly says:

    You know, the same thing happened to me this last year after I put on a bunch of weight. At one point, I found myself getting dressed in the bathroom…of my OWN home, in my OWN room.

    I decided to take it back and to just realize that if I didn’t start feeling worthy on the inside, around the one person who really never judged that stuff anyway, that I’d eventually go crazy.

    I hope you can find a way to ban that modesty again :).

  3. sizzle says:

    I sometimes feel like that. I remember when I was thinner, I wanted to be naked all the time. But I think that had more to do with my internal confidence than my outward appearance. Being nice to yourself and boosting you confidence can really shift things.

    I hope you find a way back to nakedness.

  4. Nilsa says:

    I’m not an exhibitionist. Not even a fake one. But, I live on the 5th floor across from a 5-story office building. The place is a ghost town at night. I have yet to put blinds or curtains up (5 years later) because I just figured IF I ever walked around naked, there’d be no one there to see me. That is, until the 30-story condo building went up within a stone’s throw, presenting me the ultimate of dilemmas. Thankfully, I sold my condo – dilemma averted!

  5. martymankins says:

    I think Hilly’s comment says it right. I don’t see it as being a prude. Prude has more of a broad sweeping and far reaching… much further than in the confines of your own home.

  6. ajooja says:

    Take your damn clothes off and don’t worry about it! He’s your husband, for God’s sake! He loves you like no other! Take your clothes off and don’t worry about it!

    (I think I already said that, but, you know, that’s pretty much my motto in life.) 🙂

  7. Cheryl says:

    I’m always super-modest. So, yeah I’m no help 😉

  8. kilax says:

    Kyra – Thank you 😉 I think it is just the weight, but the issue behind gaining the weight is boredom, stress and a little bit of unhappiness that I can’t seem to shake.

    Hilly – Last night, Steven was teasing me and chasing me, and I hid in my closet to change into my pj’s! You know, he probably hasn’t even noticed how much weight it is. Me making a big deal out of it probably makes it worse.

    sizzle – I hope I find a way to accept myself as I am, like you have. Even if I am heavy… for a short while, I got myself this way, so I might as well love me as I am.

    Nilsa – So you moved because of the new condo that’s going up? (I don’t know the fully story or your move, just that I loved the photos of your current place!)

    martymankins – Yeah… I’m definitely not prude! Writing this made me think of a college roommate who went into the bathroom just to change her shirt. Or she would do the whole “remove your bra without taking your shirt off thing.”

    ajooja – Haha! I love your motto!

    Cheryl – That’s not bad! Sometimes I can bit a bit too immodest… I should think things over before I do them!

  9. Gina (Mannyed) says:

    I can understand that, at times I dont let The Husband touch my tummy because of the weight gain since my wedding. sigh. but, y’know what..Steven loves you no matter what and you’ll always be a goddess in his eyes.

  10. kilax says:

    Gina (Mannyed) – Thanks for that. I needed it 😀

  11. javaqueen14 says:

    It’s natural to feel that way I think. As women, sometimes we can be our own worst enemy. I can guarantee your husband is madly in love with you regardless of 20 pounds. Love yourself, before you hate yourself into gaining another 20….. you are still wonderful and if losing the weight would make you feel better about yourself than have at it, you CAN do it! I know you can!

  12. kilax says:

    javaqueen14 – Do you mean men don’t think about this too?!!? Just kidding 🙂 I need to love myself enough to get back and shape and be healthy… thanks for encouraging me 😀

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