Proving Normalcy

By , June 28, 2008 10:26 pm

I’ve been tagged by Diane to do the “6 things that are totally normal about me” meme (I’ll let you be the final judge of whether or not I’m really normal!):

  1. I don’t know any of my immediate neighbors.
  2. I’m overweight.
  3. I sing along to the music when I am driving the car.
  4. I love jewelry.
  5. I like to take long, hot bubble baths.
  6. I don’t follow the “wash instructions” on my clothing.

13 Responses to “Proving Normalcy”

  1. Steven says:

    But I bet you can’t name a 7th thing…

  2. Hilly says:

    This is the first one of these lists that I’ve seen where I can honestly say “ditto” to all of them! Yay for some semblance of normalcy!

  3. Gina (Mannyed) says:

    That is me. Exactly. All of it, 1-6 – just cross out Kim and add Gina. Hoooly.

  4. Nilsa says:

    This isn’t fair. Because don’t abnormal people have normal stuff about them, too? I think a better meme would be to name 6 abnormal things about yourself and let us decide whether you’re normal or not. ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. kilax says:

    Steven – I did have a hard time coming up with six. *sniff sniff* HEY! No comment on #4?

    Hilly – Yay! That sure makes me feel better ๐Ÿ™‚

    Gina (Mannyed) – I was going to add “I love my cat as much as people love their children,” but didn’t know if THAT was normal. Ha ha ๐Ÿ™‚ Maybe you would support me in that one too? ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Nilsa – But then I would totally get the “abnormal” rating!

  6. SJ says:

    I was gonna say “proof positive that we’re related!” but I see from the comments EVERYONE does these things. Oh yeah, you did say *normal.*

    P.S. I would totally be with you on the cat thing too, as you know!

  7. beth says:

    If I don’t like jewelry am I abnormal? I NEVER follow wash instructions!!

  8. Whiskeymarie says:

    me too, #’s 1-6.
    I guess we are all surprisingly normal.

    In theory.

  9. diane says:

    Ha ha, I can relate on the loving the cats like your own children. Or talking to pets like they are people. I think that’s a normal among a specific subset (pet owners).

  10. diane says:

    p.s. Thanks for playing along!

  11. kilax says:

    SJ – You can still say we’re related if you want. You are my fairy blogmother, afterall!

    beth – Nah, you’re not abnormal for not liking jewelry. I used to not like it either, until Steven bought me a few nice pieces ๐Ÿ™‚

    Whiskeymarie – In theory is correct… is blogging even normal? ๐Ÿ™‚

    diane – I think people who have kids probably think we’re crazy for loving our pets so much… or maybe not ๐Ÿ™‚ Sometimes I think I am a bit loopy for how much I want to talk about Data… er…

  12. javaqueen14 says:

    Great meme ๐Ÿ™‚ We are all “normal” in our own special ways *wink*

  13. Felicia says:

    that is a great idea for a meme but hard LOL ๐Ÿ™‚

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