1 of 1

By , June 29, 2008 8:10 pm

I am totally stealing this from Miss Attitude.

The website howmanyofme.com will tell you how many people in the U.S. have the same name as you.

More than 767,267 in the U.S. are named Kimberly. But I’m the only Kimberly Ilax.

<image: How many of me?>

One time I told Steven I didn’t want to change my last name because there was already a Kimberly with his last name. And I wanted to be unique. Yeah, yeah, yeah – I’m whiny.

But that website is estimating there are only 2 Kimberlys with his last name anyway. So maybe I should just shut up and change it already. Really. I just need to go to the Social Security office. I think. Any advice from anyone who HAS changed their last name?

Anyway, how many people share your name?

(By the way, I’m not sure how legit the site is… but it’s fun to look!)

22 Responses to “1 of 1”

  1. Robin says:

    2,269 Guess I am not that unique.
    There is another woman in my town with the same name. She doesn’t pay her bills. I get the calls!

  2. kapgar says:

    6 people with my name.

  3. Kyra says:

    With my married name, there are 21. With my maiden name, it was just me.
    By the way, my official name is not hyphenated, I simply made my maiden name a second middle name (you CAN do that.) I didn’t want to give up my heritage. My children also have the two middle names, and carry my maiden name as one of them. Just can’t give up the castles that easily, ya know?

  4. I just ran it again and got 41 hits on Gary LaPointe.

    But I looked back on my blog from October of 2006 and there were 40 so they are updating something….

  5. Jenn says:

    There are 4 people with my married name, but only 2 with my maiden.

  6. kilax says:

    Robin – 2269? Holy crap! You’re the only Robin I know of! Well, now you and the chick who doesn’t pay her bills πŸ™

    kapgar – I am surprised it is that high. I think your last name is very unique!

    Kyra – A second middle name? How does that work? My mom got really upset when I told her I was going to replace “Marie” with my maiden name.

    Gary LaPointe – Maybe a new baby Gary πŸ™‚

    Jenn – That’s pretty low! How many Jenns I wonder… πŸ™‚

  7. Danielle says:

    345 ppl have the name Danielle Turner…not very unique haha

  8. ajooja says:

    Apparently, there are 16 people with my name. There used to be two other dudes with my name when I lived in St. Louis, and I’m not used to that.

    I very rarely see my name on a keychain, license plate, coffee mug, or anything like that.

  9. 72 people with my married name.

    1 or fewer with my maiden name. Great, I gave up my uniqueness for not so unique. I tried the Maiden name as my middle name, but then my middle name felt left out and it got all complicated so I finally made the switch. I don’t regret being Mrs. Steve’s last name. Although I do kinda hate being referred to as Mrs. I want to be Ms. Steve’s last name.

  10. martymankins says:

    My first name: 42,627 people in the US are named Marty

    My last name: 518 people have the same last name (Mankins)

    But there’s only 1 Marty Mankins. Happy to be a loner.

  11. I’m glad you enjoyed the site and thanks for giving me the props:)

  12. Cheryl says:

    Aw man. 17!!!! I feel so not special.

  13. kilax says:

    Danielle – I had a Danielle Turner in my dorm hall in college! Ha ha!

    ajooja – Is your name always spelled wrong when you see it on keychains?

    Gina (Mannyed) – Mrs. Steven’s Last name feels wrong… because that’s his mom… and his grandma! But I’m getting used to it… πŸ˜‰

    martymankins – 1 of 1! Horray! You’re the only Marty I know! I am surprised the name is so common.

    Miss Attitude – Thanks for letting me steal! hee hee πŸ™‚

    Cheryl – That’s still pretty low! πŸ™‚

  14. beth says:

    back in the olden days all I had to do to change my name was go to the SS office. I think they asked for marriage license.

  15. Stephanie says:

    Doh, there are 3 other people with my name. However, I’m the only one with a presence on the internet.

  16. Alice says:

    there are freaking 540k+ people named alice!! it’s so weird.. i feel like it’s a fairly unique name these days; i hardly EVER meet another alice. alison, alicia, alex… very rarely alice.

    103 people with my full name.

  17. Lisa says:

    There’s 25 of us using my “former” married name. But if I use my maiden name… there’s a whopping 10,782 of us!!! ZOMG!!!

  18. Cat. says:

    I know, without the shadow of a doubt or checking the site, that I’m the only person with my name anywhere. And I like that just fine!! πŸ™‚

  19. kilax says:

    beth – I think that is where the process STARTS now… but I am not sure about the rest. I wish there was an easy way to do it. I can’t even find the right info to figure it out!

    Stephanie – That would be cool if you could do a search to see how many bloggers have your name!

    Alice – 540k? That does seem like a lot! I don’t know any other Alices… right now I can’t even think of a famous Alice!

    Lisa – WOAH! You must have a common maiden name! I suppose Lisa is a more common name too though πŸ™‚

    Cat. – Nothing wrong with that πŸ˜‰

  20. suze says:

    Well, up until about a year ago, when you googled my name, you only got me. But now there are at least two other people on the web with my name, and “how many of me” says there are 4 people with my name in the US. So I’m not as unique as I thought. Which blows my #1 arguement for keeping my name “but Honey, I can’t change my name, I’m the only Susan Mylastname out there.” Of course, when I check my first name with Mike’s last name, there is only approximately “one” of “me” in the US. But google shows there are a few Susan Hislastnames out there (including a translator/writer who lives in Italy. If I take Mike’s last name can I have her seemingly amazing and glamourous life?!)

    As for taking his name (Stephen’s in your case, Mike’s in mine) I think you have to do whatever feels right for you. Because, you are, afterall the one who will ‘wear’ the name…

  21. kilax says:

    suze – You’ve probably already had a few conversations with Mike about this, and discussed it quite a bit? We did before the wedding, but not much after. I can’t decide what feels “right” yet πŸ™

  22. Felicia says:

    26 of me πŸ™‚

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