Battle of the Bridesmaids

By , August 27, 2008 5:48 am

Did you hear about the Chicago-area woman who held a “Battle of the Bridesmaids” 5K to decide on the bridesmaids for her wedding? (Article here)

The race, and her wedding, were both last Saturday. Seventy-five people (men and women) showed up for the race. The top three female finishers got to be bridesmaids – they were fitted for their dresses on the spot. Surprisingly, the bride knew the three women from other races.

My two thoughts were: Why would this woman want strangers in her wedding party? and Why would a woman want to be a bridesmaids in a stranger’s wedding? But hey, to each their own! It was an interesting story.

Steven and I signed up for a 5K in September – but we don’t have to be in a stranger’s wedding if we place in one of the top three spots (ha!).

16 Responses to “Battle of the Bridesmaids”

  1. Kyra says:

    I heard about that. Kinda creepy, in my opinion…. not to mention that I have a lot of race-t-shirts and they’re always the most tacky, garish things imaginable… I’d hate to see what a race bridesmaid dress would look like, considering how bad the normal variety is.

  2. Nilsa says:

    Maybe I’m the lone person on the other side of the fence on this one. But, serious runners. And by that, I’m talking about serious racers. There is a bond and a kinship with fellow runners. A kindness and willingness to support. All for strangers. As a 5-time marathoner, I can tell you I NEVER would’ve made it through those grueling races without the random support of strangers all around me. To this day, I remember details about them, like the guy on the last bridge of one race yelling “Don’t let the bridge beat you! Beat the bridge!” Or the woman who ran the final miles of the NYC marathon, running her first marathon ever at the age of 50-something. And, oh my, there are countless other stories – I could spend hours boring you. And, well, while I’m not fanatical about running nor racing, I can totally understand wanting the support of those peoples, strangers or otherwise, at your off-beat wedding.

  3. Dave2 says:

    That’s kind of cool! The bride and groom must love running, and this is an awesome idea to integrate that into their ceremony! I’m not saying it’s a good wedding plan for everybody, but it’s kind of a fun idea.

  4. diane says:

    I’m not surprised that the bride knew the finishers from other races. As Nilsa pointed out, hardcore running is a pretty tight community.
    Not something I would do, but…well, it does eliminate the need to decide between your friends! 🙂

  5. Beth says:

    Ok – I think it’s weird, but I’m a weirdo, too so there. I’m glad you got signed up for a 5K, it will be fun, especially if y’all do it together. Do you run together? Kevin is always faster than me!

  6. sizzle says:

    That’s very odd. Maybe she didn’t have friends?

  7. martymankins says:

    That’s a different take on weddings. This needs to stay quiet and under the radar before some reality TV producer gets wind of it and makes a TV show out it.

  8. claire says:

    Certainly unique, but also bizarre. Wouldn’t you be all sweaty right after a race?

  9. Alice says:

    ok, i DEFINITELY find that crazy. slightly less so after reading nilsa’s comment… but still, wouldn’t you want your friends as your bridesmaids?!?

  10. tori says:

    I can see both sides of this. The runners I run with are like Nilsa wrote about above. BUT I think I would still want to choose my friends rather than some random race winners that I might happen to have seen once or twice before.

  11. kapgar says:

    That is, for lack of a better word, odd. I’m not sure why either involved party would think it’s okay. But I guess you get a really nice night out, food, drink, free photos of you and your significant other (whom I’m assuming would also be invited), and a free dress. As for what the bride gains? A bunch of pissed off “friends.”

  12. Gina (Mannyed) says:

    Hey, why not. Weird as it is, here is someone that knows its her wedding day and she can do what she wants to, lol.

  13. marissa says:

    whoah, that’s kinda crazy! interesting, to say the least. i wouldn’t want strangers in my wedding. and what kind of prize is that after winning a race — to be in some stranger’s wedding?! but, like you said, to each his own!

  14. Jess says:

    No, I didn’t hear about this, but I think it’s kind of funny. Better than what I thought it was going to be, which was that she made all of her friends compete in some sort of horrifying contest for the privilege of being in the wedding.

  15. kilax says:

    Kyra – That would have been funny if they would have had to wear a 5k t-shirt to the wedding! But the bride gave them “knit jersey” dresses… or something like that.

    Nilsa – I can understand wanting their support, and having them at the wedding… but IN the wedding? I know that running is a community thing, and I love when people I don’t know are cheering me on (or I am doing the opposite for them), but… I just can’t imagine asking that person to be a bridesmaids! Maybe I don’t know enough runners.

    Dave2 – It’s definitely fun and unique! And who knows, maybe it means you are making even more lifelong friends – on your wedding day!

    diane – I guess I just don’t understand the community! 🙁

    Beth – We do run together, when the weather is nice! I get home late though, so we are always running in the dark. We stick together. Right now, Steven is able to endure for longer than me, but I am cathcing up! MUAH HA HA!

    sizzle -LOL! That is what I was secretly thinking! 😉

    martymankins – Yeah, it could be a whole show – funny ways to select stranger to be in your wedding, or even a stranger to get married to! Wait, they already HAVE a show for that!

    claire – Yeah, you would be sweaty! I sure am… I think they gave these people time to shower. At least, I hope!

    Alice – I would want my friends… maybe she had SO MANY friends she couldn’t decide who to ask…

    tori – I am trying to see both sides… and I still can’t. But everyone has a different idea about weddings and tradition… so I’m not judging!

    kapgar – Free food is always a plus. Pissed off friends… maybe not. Unless they were really easy going and thought the whole thing was funny!

    Gina (Mannyed) – And I bet she was a super low-maintenance, fun bride! The party was probably a blast!

    marissa – Maybe it is a better prize than a free t-shirt? Ha ha.

    Jess – It is definitely funny! And unique! And probably a day a lot of those women will never forget 🙂

  16. Felicia says:

    Fascinating yes but should I ever make it through a 5k the last thing I want to do is put on a bridesmaid dress LOL 🙂

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