My bad hearing is still… bad

By , November 4, 2008 4:47 am

Data looked particularly mopish last evening while Steven and I were using our computers, so I asked (okay, told, I was being bossy) Steven to get a new toy out for Data to play with.

Steven grabbed the little box we keep Data’s toy collection in out of the linen closet. He sat down with it on the floor and Data rushed over. I walked over to see what he had in stock. Lots of plastic balls, catnip, felt mice and one lone feather.

I grabbed the feather and bent over to run it in circles around Data on the floor. He chased it over and over again, until I stopped and stood up, then pulled it up my leg to try to get him to jump up on me and grab it.

“Look at how big your thighs are!” Steven said.

I stopped. And looked at him. And thought. I do have bad hearing, so I sometimes don’t know what Steven is saying. And I don’t always ask him to repeat himself, because that is annoying, and I can usually figure out what he said if I think about it a bit. But I had to ask this time.

“What did you say?” I asked a bit cautiously.

He looked at me and repeated, “Look at how big his eyes are.”

17 Responses to “My bad hearing is still… bad”

  1. This made me laugh out loud. I am SOOO glad you asked him to repeat himself! πŸ™‚

  2. Hilly says:

    I think this would be one instance where I would be happy to have my hearing be the problem!


  3. diane says:

    Ha ha! Well, in Steven’s defense, if he HAD said thighs it’s just because of all the muscles you’ve built!! πŸ™‚

  4. Felicia says:

    oh poor Steven!!!

    LOL…..though, it made me giggle πŸ™‚

  5. OMG!!! i was on the floor, seriously!!! at least you asked him to repeat himself though, i would have just jumped all over dc like well, not like anything nice anyways!!! you crack me up!!!

  6. Catherine says:

    Ha! Great story, thanks for the laugh. I love that pic of Data on the banner, btw.

  7. kilax says:

    BelleEnchanted – I think I would have been going to bed upset if I hadn’t asked! πŸ˜›

    Hilly – Ha ha, that’s true! I wonder how else my bad hearing could be considering a plus… hmm…

    diane – Good point! The muscles have gotten a lot bigger there!

    Felicia – He probably was wondering why I acted upset when he said Data’s eyes were big! Ha ha!

    CourtneyInControl – That is why I had to ask! Steven is too nice to say anything like that!

    sizzle – Hee hee. Phew for him!

    Catherine – Thanks! πŸ˜€

  8. teeni says:

    Wow! Steven narrowly escapes being clobbered by pet toys, I imagine. LOL. At least you knew enough to ask him to repeat himself before going all crazy. Good for you. πŸ™‚

  9. Either that was a really good save by Steven or you’re hearing is bad, LOL! Funny story either way!

    Manny usually cries from upstairs when he feels ignored. Lazy, lazy, cat.

  10. kapgar says:

    At least you acknowledged that you could’ve misunderstood what was said before just simply blowing up at Steven. Phew!

  11. kilax says:

    teeni – Yeah – I have to work hard at not going crazy πŸ˜‰

    Gina (Mannyed) – Ha! Data runs upstairs right after we feed him, when we are eating OUR dinner, and cries. Get over yourself, cat!

    de – πŸ˜›

    kapgar – Mankind is safe after all!

  12. SJ says:

    LOL! You are so like me.

    A couple of nights ago we were looking at photos we’d taken that day and I was partially visible in one. Bret said, “Whose legs are those?” I said, “Mine.” He said, “No shit? No way! DAMN, babe!” Of course, I immediately got all hurt and offended. UNTIL he finished by saying, “Look how skinny they are!”

    Now, they ARE NOT skinny except by comparison to how they were three months ago. But it sure is nice that my own husband didn’t even recognize them in skinny -leg jeans!!!

  13. kilax says:

    SJ – “Skinny in comparison” is still skinny! Be proud of yourself! πŸ™‚

  14. martymankins says:

    I get to blame all of my hearing problems on my iPod… and how loud I listen to it when mowing the lawn… hey wait, that’s two things I get to blame it on. πŸ˜‰

  15. kilax says:

    martymankins – I think a lot of people could blame their hearing on the iPod! I’ve heard so many people listening to them loud on the train. I can hear their music too!

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