Never ran in Rome

By , June 4, 2009 12:59 pm

I have a reoccuring dream that I am on a plane to Rome, feeling extremely guilty because I have “left”* Steven to pursue my own interests.**

This morning the dream was a bit different. I was sitting next to a classmate on the plane, when I looked down into my luggae (why I had it with me, who knows) and realized I didn’t pack ANY of my running gear.

I started to panick and my classmate assured me it would be okay and I could buy running gear in Rome.

“But I didn’t even bring my Garmin! How will I know how far I’ve gone?!”

Oh jeez. This has gone too far.

But after I woke up, I thought, it would have been FUN to run in Rome! I never did. It would be dangerous with the way people drive there, but it would be so neat to run by all of the old, unique buildings. And I know some of my classmates were running when we were there. Maybe someday I’ll get an opportunity to run there again.

Is there any really cool place you like to run? Or do you have a dream run like this? Right now, I love running in the forest preserve, when I am not getting attacked by birds!

*Not “left” as in divorced, but “left” as in “left behind (for awhile).
**I think I have these dreams because I did chose to extend my winter 2006 stay in Rome into the summer ( I stayed to work for an Italian Architect) when Steven and I were engaged. I only saw him twice in seven months.

15 Responses to “Never ran in Rome”

  1. Ali says:

    I love running on my dirt roads at home that are completely tree covered. They are so peaceful!

  2. Tony says:

    There are so many places I would love to run.I get jealous of the scenery some of the running bloggers get to run in. Mountains and shore lines are some of the places I hope to be able to run in some day. As for now, I ma stuck in the Midwest. I am sure Italy would have been beautiful also.

  3. Julie says:

    hahaha what a weird dream! but very fun too 🙂 Rome would be a great place to run!

  4. I feel like if I ran in Rome, I would twist my ankle on the sidewalk. If I was a runner, and I could pick any place to run, I would run probably along the Pacific Coast Highway.

  5. Amy says:

    I can’t imagine not seeing my fiance twice in 7 months! wow, that must’ve been hard :-/

    Dreams are so crazy, aren’t they? I had one last night where I was at my old grade school and this girl asked for 54 bobby pins. So I proceeded to get 54 bobby pins, one by one, out of my purse.

    It took forever. And that’s all the dream was…bobby pins.

  6. Jamie says:

    I have weird running dreams all the time now! Just the other night I decided to start a marathon at mile 16. okay?!? There are so many places I would love to run, Rome being one of them!

  7. Mr. P and I have been talking about running the Rome Marathon in 2012, you end in the COLISEUM. How awesome would that be?

    But first I have to get through Disney and lose a ton more weight, because running with this extra 100 lbs is getting tiresome.

  8. Ren says:

    I rarely take my running stuff on vacation, though I have run on the beach. I also took my mountain bike to the beach one year and rode along the beach with my wife for a while. That was nice.

  9. Susan says:

    I studied in Rome one summer and only went running once! Mainly because it was a bajillion degrees…July is Rome is TOASTY. (And we had no AC. Three bedrooms, two fans. Talk about drama!) Anyway.

    There’s a nice trail to run on here, but I haven’t scoped out the area much beyond that!

  10. Alice says:

    i’m still waiting for the point where i like to run ANYWHERE ;-P

  11. suze says:

    LOL – Alice took my comment!!!

  12. Mica says:

    I got to run in Paris for a summer. It was pretty neat, though the Parisians didn’t seem to understand why I would voluntarily make myself all sweaty and tired by running, rather than strolling, through the city of light.

  13. Oh gosh, that would be super neat! I wish I had paid more attention when I visited Rome. I only started truly appreciating the place after I started taking a class about it this summer. BUMMER. 🙁 (That rhymes and it was semi-intentional on my part, I’ll admit.)

    I really wish I had an awesome place to run though. That would make the time fly by. 😛

  14. kapgar says:

    Yeah, you’re definitely obsessed. You should just let your dream self enjoy the unfettered run through those sites. If you can get around the tourists, that is.

  15. kilax says:

    Ali – That does sound peaceful, and shady, which would be nice if the sun ever reappears.

    Tony – I feel ya. I would love to run with the mountains in the background. Ha ha! Not up the mountains!

    Julie – It’s seems like the dreams I remember are so weird! What is the dealio?

    Gina (Mannyed) – Oh yeah. The cobblestone! How could I forget?! DUH!!! The pacific coast highway WOULD be beautiful! Heck, I just want to get out there.

    Amy – It was hard, especially towards the end, when the excitement of being there started to rub off. LOL! That bobby pin dream is ridiculous! I love it! 😉

    Jamie – At mile 16? Ha ha! Hey, if you can do it in a dream, go for it!

    Hotch Potchery – Ooo! That would be SUPER awesome! You can totally do it!

    Ren -Oh gosh. Running on the beach is hard-core! Riding the bike on the beach… more my style 😉

    Susan – I lived there until the beginning of August… oh man. That heat is RIDICULOUS! And I didn’t have AC or a clothes washer. I washed my clothes by hand all summer! Ha! Too bad we couldn’t swap our Rome stories before you moved away!

    Alice – LOL! You totally crack me up!

    suze – Hee hee hee. Come on, you are walking that half in the fall! I bet there is some beautiful place you would love to walk!

    Mica – LOL! That is what I thought when I thought about running in Italy – the Italians will think I am so weird. So… I never did. I am jealous you got to run in Paris!

    The Novice Berker – You’re cute with your rhyming! 😛 Maybe someday you will get to visit Rome again? At least you could relate to it when you were learning about it!

    kapgar – I know! Tourists and cars. I am surprised I can even WALK around all of the tourists in CHICAGO!!! That is the only good thing about the colder weather – less tourists.

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