Marathon Training Week 7

By , August 2, 2009 10:17 pm

Welcome to week 7 of marathon training! If you click on the activity links after the dates, it will take you to the Garmin connect website for full stats.

Day 43 | Monday, July 27: Cross-train for 40 minutes

Why did biking 4 miles take me forty minutes? I can run faster than that! I must have had the resistance set very high, because I really worked up a sweat and felt sore afterward!

Bike Time: 39:34 mins | Distance: 4.0 miles

Day 44 | Tuesday, July 28: Run 4 miles/Run 7 miles

4 miles at the office gym during lunch… 7 miles at the park in the evening.

My body DID NOT like that.

I tried to save some time later in the week by combining my Tuesday and Wednesday runs. The first one wasn’t so bad – my left shin just hurt. I iced it after.

The second run was just bad. My legs felt like garbage. Bugs were sticking to me like crazy. The park smelled. My bra was digging into my back*. My hydration belt was digging into my side. My left side itched so I pulled my earphone cord out of my shirt and all it did from then on was get caught in my elbow.

I was so angry.

The good news is, Steven ran 3.2 miles of the second run with me, after doing P90x Ploymetrics. That’s awesome. Oh, and I didn’t have to poo during my run. Woo hoo!

Distance: 4.00 | Time: 37:31 | 1: 9:31 | 2: 9:23 | 3: 9:23 | 4: 9:14
Distance: 7.00 | Time: 1:07:16 | 1: 9:45 | 2: 9:45 | 3: 9:37 | 4: 9:46 | 5: 9:30 | 6: 9:27 | 7: 9:20 | 8: 00:02
*I think I have discovered which bra is giving me issues, so that is good.

Day 45 | Wednesday, July 29: Run 4 Miles

My shin was so sore on Wednesday, I was limping all over the place and people kept asking me what was wrong. The only time the pain felt better is when I was moving “fast” – speed walking or running slowly.

I ran these 4 miles with my neighbor, Fritz, and his daughter, Maya, who was in the stroller. We took it nice and slow. At one point, Maya said, “Move Daddy, move!” Ha ha. He said, “We are, honey!” Ha ha. It was nice to run with Fritz. He distracted me from the pain in my shin, and offered to give me a massage later if I need it (he and his wife are licensed massage therapists).

So… I think I am chafing on my back and under my armpit. I have some nasty sore spots. Time to start using the Body Glide!

Owie armpit

Wonderful chafing by my armpit. Hurts more than it looks!

Distance: 4.00 | Time: 41:36 | 1: 10:16 | 2: 10:28 | 3: 10:30 | 4: 10:19 | 5: 00:01

Day 46 | Thursday, July 30: Rest

Day 47 | Friday, July 31: Rest

Day 48 | Saturday, August 1: Run 7 miles at marathon pace

My dad rode his bike with me while I ran these 7 miles. I lubed up with the Body Glide before hand, so I didn’t have any chafing issues. Woo-hoo! And, my shin didn’t hurt too much (I still iced it after, just in case)! I think the two days of rest helped.

But, I was pretty slow for a “race pace” run. I averaged under 9:10 a mile. I think I should adjust my race pace to about 9:15 miles. When I was running with my dad, I told him the only way I would be able to keep up a 9-minute mile during the marathon would be if I lost about 15 pounds. We’ll see about that! Ha ha!

It was fun to run with my dad. I don’t see him often, and rarely get him all to myself, so it was a nice hour for me to blab.

Check out the new running outfit my parents got me for my birthday! Isn’t it cute? I haven’t worn it running yet, but I love it. It’s from Kohl’s. I am surprised how nice of running outfits they have.

Cute new running outfit

A new running outfit from my parents!

Distance: 7.00 | Time: 1:04:00 | 1: 9:06 | 2: 9:01 | 3: 8:57 | 4: 9:00 | 5: 9:10 | 6: 9:19 | 7: 9:22 | 8: 00:02

Day 49 | Sunday, August 2: Run 14 miles

My longest run ever (both distance and time-wise) but also my slowest MOST PAINFUL run ever.

The shin pain came back with a vengeance, almost as soon as I stopped running Saturday. It usually only hurts when I am moving, but it actually hurt while I was sleeping Saturday night. Of course, I still got up to run in the morning anyway…

My dad came along on his bike again. I am not sure if he knew what a long, slow bike ride he was in for!

We ran from my parent’s cabin to the downtown area and back. It was such a slow, hot, long, painful run. I stopped 4 or 5 times to go to the bathroom and get water. Every time I took off after running I limped for quite a bit. I really expected the limping to go away, but it took a long time.

We ran along the Mississippi River.

The view running along the Mississippi

We ran by the Lock & Dam No. 10.

The view running along the Mississippi

My dad carried all of my junk for me in the child carrier on his back. I wish he could ride with me along the marathon like that. It was really convenient. For me.

My waterboy

I look like I am running faster than I really am. I felt like I was walking, more than running, during this 14-miler.

Slow slow runner

Me and my waterboy

Every muscle in my body felt sore when I was done. I hurt just taking my clothes off to take a shower.

Me and my waterboy

Thanks for sticking with me, daddy. I love you!

So many things were wrong with this run. I was up too late. I woke up too late. I ate crap all weekend. It was too hot. I was dehydrated. My shin hurt. I just WAS NOT prepared. As a result – major run FAIL. I am sad about this run.

Distance: 14.00 | Time: 2:33:48 | 1: 9:58 | 2: 10:15 | 3: 10:58 | 4: 11:03 | 5: 10:35 | 6: 11:04 | 7: 10:58 | 8: 10:49 | 9: 10:52 | 10: 11:06 | 11: 11:21 | 12: 11:42 | 13: 11:57 | 14: 11:03 | 15: 00:01 

Week Summary: 36 Miles

This week was… hard. My body (shin) is in a huge amount of pain. I may have to cut back to running 4 or 3 days a week, and slower, until it gets better. I plan on buying/ordering new shoes right away, but I don’t know how much that will help. I am not sure what to do.

I’m feeling really bummed about my pain and my slow running.

17 Responses to “Marathon Training Week 7”

  1. Holly says:

    Awww, how sweet of your dad!

    Your shin is DEFINITELY telling you to cut back. Please take a few bonus rest days this week, ice, massage, etc, etc. Hopefully new shoes and ice ice ice will help!

  2. Etta says:

    I don’t think I’ve run a total of 36 miles over the course of my entire life. So even if you think you had a running fail, I think you did great!

    I love your running outfit. You look so cute! I want to look cute in clothes like that. I guess I should start running…

  3. Lindsay says:

    Sorry your 14 mile run didn’t go so well but at least you got the 14 miles in! I was only able to do 8 of my schedule 14. I’m getting over a sickness. 🙁

  4. diane says:

    I’m sorry to hear about your pain. 🙁 I hope you can get that worked out soon.
    For the record, I HAVE THOSE SAME SHORTS FROM KOHL’s!! Ha ha ha! 🙂 Next time we work out together, we totally have to wear our matching shorts!

  5. Holly says:

    I’m sorry your shins are bothering you. 🙁 I might have mentioned this before (I feel like a couple of bloggers have shin pain right now), but have you heard of the shin sleeves? They are supposed to help a lot. But I do think new shoes might be the answer – that, and a few days off. (And ice, ice, ice!) My last marathon training program was 4 days/week, and my friend did one that was 3 days/week. It is possible!

    That is so sweet of your dad to go with you. It reminds me of something my dad would do!

  6. ShutupandRun says:

    Great job this week. Nice of your dad to give the support along the way.

  7. tori says:

    Your dad is the best! How awesome that he rode with you. You two are adorable!

    I’m sorry about the pain. Hopefully that will get better quick. I need new running shoes, which I am reminded of every time I run and feel the pain. Luckily (?) it will be a while before I can run again so I have some time to get new shoes.

  8. Erin says:

    Hey, you still did your 14 miles faster than I did mine 🙂 But, I totally understand feeling like a run is a big fat fail.

    Ice your shins as much as possible. Stretch your calves A LOT. Write the alphabet with your toes. And I would definitely suggest cutting back to 4 days a week for a while.

    Kohl’s definitely has cute running clothes! My favorite long-sleeved running top is from there.

  9. Mica says:

    Ugh, sorry about the unpleasant runs this week. Congratulations on 14 miles though! That’s great that your dad biked along with you. At least you had some company. 🙂

  10. SoMi's Nilsa says:

    You are a rock star for trudging forward despite your pain. If I were in your shoes, I would’ve thrown your dad off the bike and told him to run the rest of the way while I biked alongside him. ha, I kid.

    When I trained for marathons, I’d always have a great 16-miler and a horrific 18-miler. I always reminded myself it’s good to have a few bad runs to train yourself mentally how to finish the race, even when you’re having a bad day. Here’s hoping your physical woes subside. Soon!

  11. aron says:

    definitely cut back if you are in too much pain! I use a bucket and fill it with ice water and ice my shins after most all my runs… it helps me. awesome job on the week and dont forget to listen to your body!

  12. Alice says:

    hee, that pic of you leaning on your dad’s forearm makes me smile 🙂

    that is a LOT of running, and in pain, too!? holy cow woman! i’m with everyone else though – a few more days of extra lite workouts (bike, maybe? nothing w/impact to your shin) with icing to help it heal.

    i say this after running yesterday w/patellar tendonitis, so you can feel free to tell me to shut the eff up 😉

  13. Carol says:

    Thanks for the report and don’t worry too much about those “bad runs”. It will all come together. A word of caution though about that shin pain. Make sure you’re not getting a stress fracture! ( I have a friend who had a stress fracture twice on the shin area.) It’s something to take serious. Also, if anything is causing you to alter your gait and actually limp, it’s time to call it a day. The reason for that is that when you start running with the altered gait, you are putting pressure/stress on another part of your body and it’s very easy to end up with an injury that way. Sometimes, as hard as it is, we just have to give the body some down time to heal . . . even though it kills us. Experience has taught me that it really is less time off my feet when I tend to something while it’s small because if I don’t, it takes a lot of time to recover once it gets to be a full blown injury. Once again, good luck!

  14. Jamie says:

    What a nice dad! It’s always nice to have the family support especially on the run.

    Be careful with that shin! I had shin splints while training earlier this year from upping the mileage to fast. But make sure it’s not anything more serious for sure. And most of your long runs should be done slowly to get you used to being on your feet for a long amount of time. Ideally 10-20% slower than race pace. It feels weird but it works!

  15. I am sorry your owies are messing with your training, but man, your slowest mile is the fastest I EVER ran a mile!!! I am working on building up my mileage, then I hope speed will come as I lose weight.

  16. mom says:

    What do you mean “I ate crap all weekend”?

  17. kilax says:

    Holly – He is so sweet! I wonder if he will ever be up for it again, after it took so long! I took a rest week and got my new shoes… and have my fingers crossed for my first run IN OVER A WEEK tonight!

    Etta – Ha ha. I bet you have! 😉 Thank you! I bet you do look cute. It is easy to look cute in running clothes – they make so many great options! It sure beats my t-shirt and basketball pants days!

    Lindsay – Yeah, you’re right. At least I logged the miles! I ended up missing my 15-miler though. Boo.

    diane – Ha! Too funny! We will have to wear them to the WIP next year!

    Holly – I have been looking for these elusive shin sleeves and have not found them! Do you have to order them online? I am going to see how tonight goes, with my new shoes. I think that will be a HUGE help.

    ShutupandRun – I wish he was there for every run! 😉

    tori – I was thinking about you yesterday. When you are ready to exercise again, we should see if we can do a relay tri. That woul be so fun!!

    Erin – I need to just accept that some runs are going to be BIF OL’ FAILS like that! It’s just so annoying! I have been following your tips! Lots and lots of ice… I hope I get some reward for that from my body!

    Mica – Thanks 😉 It was fun to have someone ride with me for this long run. I wonder if I could get Steven to do that. He has a bike and a helmet!

    SoMi’s Nilsa – Thanks 🙂 And I agree that it is good to have some bad and some good runs. But when they all start to be bad… I need to figure out what’s going on!

    aron – That’s a good idea. I should try that tonight. It will have to become part of my routine.

    Alice – Ouch! We are too busted up runners, aren’t we?! And it sounds like you have the same mindset as me – gotta run, even when in pain! 😉

    Carol – I did a lot of reading on stress fractures, and the different symptoms of those compared to shin splints, and I think I just have shin splints. THANK YOU for pointing it out to me though! I had never heard of it. Scary! And you are right about running with a funny gait – I felt some weird stuff going on with my left calf and right quad last week. And that was when I was NOT running!

    Jamie – I think they are from upping the mileage too fast, even thought I am following a training program. I am cutting back to 4 days a week, for sure. And I am going to make sure I am not running too fast!

    HotchPotchery – Aww, you’re so sweet. Hey, I was about 60 pounds heavier when I started running again in July of 2008, and I definitely sped up!

    mom – Well, my normal diet does not consist of oreos, cake, chips and salsa, BBQ chips… you get the idea. It’s the yummy “bad for you” crap food! I LOVED your homemade vegetarian burgers! NOM NOM NOM!!!

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