Friday Question #75

By , July 31, 2009 7:22 pm

What’s your perfect summer day?

Have I asked this before? Probably. Well, my perfect summer day is a day on the river, eating food, swimming and napping – a day like today! We’re at my parent’s cabin on the Mississippi River this weekend for my birthday, and we had great warm weather today!

The newest issue of Runner’s World came right before we left last night and I enjoyed reading it on the tube (I can’t ride it yet because of my wrist).

reading Runner's World on the beach

When we got here last night I opened up the door to the bedroom we stay in and my sister and her boyfriend were sitting in the bed in the dark, waiting to surprise us! I didn’t know they were coming. I screamed when I saw her (because it’s creepy when someone is sitting on the bed and you don’t expect ANYONE to be there). I am happy we got to see them.

Steven, Kim, Christina and Will at the beach

Steven, me, Christina and Will at the beach.

Steven made me Tori’s special vegan cupcakes for my birthday. So good! I heard my grandma made me a vegan cake too. I am on my way over there now to find out… nom nom nom.

Birthday Cupcakes!

Birthday Cupcakes!

I hope everyone else is having a great summer day! August 1st is always a bit depressing for me – I feel like it is the beginning of the end of summer, probably just because it is the day after my birthday.

18 Responses to “Friday Question #75”

  1. Denise says:

    HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KIM!!!!!! Hope you are enjoying your birthday. The cupcakes look sooooooooo gooooood!!!!!! πŸ˜€

  2. Susan says:

    Happy birthday!!

    Perfect summer day? Sun, running around a lake (I’m a Midwestern girl at heart!) in my bathing suit, grilling and eat fruit salad/potato salad, tubing, attempting to water ski…having an awesome time! I miss Chicago…

  3. ShutupandRun says:

    Happy birthday. Sounds like the perfect summer getaway.

  4. Dave2 says:

    I have been traveling and haven’t yet had the opportunity to try Tori’s cupcake recipe… I am very jealous.

    But not so jealous that I won’t wish you the happiest of birthdays! πŸ™‚

  5. Angela says:

    Happy belated birthday.

    I happen to dislike the month of July for personal reasons so I am glad to see it go.

    The cupcakes look delicious and you have an amazing smile.

  6. LiLu says:

    Happy Quarter Life Crisis!!!! πŸ™‚

  7. martymankins says:

    Wow. I didn’t know you were a fellow Leo. Happy Birthday to you. Are you really only 25? You young kids these days… he he

    As for what my perfect summer day is, let me tell you in some detail:

    – at the beach (Newport Beach, CA or in Hawaii)
    – waking up having breakfast looking out on the beach
    – walking into the water
    – taking a long walk on the sand before it gets too warm
    – enjoying a nice salad and sandwich for lunch
    – laying out for a bit (with sunscreen on, of course)
    – enjoying a nice dinner, looking out over the ocean
    – listening to the ocean waves before heading to bed.

    Pretty detailed for a perfect day.

    If I can’t have that and need to enjoy a perfect day near home, then it’s heading up to our timeshare in Park City and enjoying a nice day in the mountains, in the room, out by the pool and reading a good book.

  8. Erin says:

    Happy birthday! Except,couldn’t you hold off on turning 25 until AFTER the race on the 15th? I wanted to be in separate age groups πŸ™‚

    This summer has gone by way too fast! I always feel like August is the end of summer too.

  9. Jen512 says:

    Happy Birthday! I’m turning 25 also in two weeks! (aug. 14) Yay for ’84 babies!

    Some of my favorite summer memories are from college at Texas State University in San Marcos Tx. The gorgeous, crystal clear, spring fed, San Marcos river cut right through campus and it was a magnet for all the students on hot summer days. The ice cold water and swift current was always so refreshing! Followed by some beers afterward, perfect.

  10. Holly says:

    HAPPY (belated) BIRTHDAY! You are so young! πŸ™‚

    Glad you had a perfect summer day for your birthday. Those cupcakes look AMAZING. I just found a recipe for corn muffins (vegan), and I’m so excited to try them!

  11. Jamie says:

    Happy Belated Birthday!

  12. beth says:

    I’m so glad you had a fun birthday weekend! Sounds like it was really great!

    Wish I could’ve made it to Chicago this week, would’ve been awesome to see you again!

    Hmm, I change my mind so much about what I like to do that I can’t really name a perfect scenario – it would definately involve being with my husband, he is my one steady requirement for happiness!!

  13. Happy (belated) B-day to you!! the cupcakes look fantastic!! i hope you had a great day!!!

  14. sizzle says:

    I hope your birthday was spectacular, just like you. xo

  15. Tony says:

    Happy belated Birthday!! I hope you had a great day.

  16. Bethany says:

    Happy Birthday!!

    My summer day would probably consist of reading a book, listening to music and just spending time at the beach πŸ™‚

  17. kilax says:

    Denise – Thanks Denise! They were tastilicious! It was hard to stop at just one. Okay, I didn’t πŸ˜‰

    Susan – Thanks! Hey, our two days sound very similar πŸ˜‰

    ShutupandRun – Thanks!

    Dave2 – It’s worth making time to make them! They taste so good πŸ™‚

    Angela – Thanks. I hope August is great for you!

    LiLu – Ha! Tell me about it πŸ˜‰

    martymankins – Leo all the way! πŸ˜€ Oh man, your day sounds awesome. I wish EVERY day could be like that!

    Erin – ha! I know! What are we going to do?! We will have to cross at the same time. Let’s try to hold onto summer until the end of September this year πŸ˜‰

    Jen512 – Happy early birthday! That sounds like a beautiful campus!

    Holly – LOL! I don’t feel that young. You will have to share that recipe if it is good! We were just looking at corn muffin mix the other day – not vegan in the box!

    Jamie – Thanks!

    beth – Thanks! You are such a sweetie (about your husband)!

    CourtneyInControl – Thanks!

    sizzle – Thanks πŸ˜€

    Tony – Thanks! I did!

    Bethany – Thank you! We all love the beach, don’t we?!

  18. PetChild says:

    That’s sounds kind of fun.
    Mine would be having a covered pool swimming, with everyone that means my kids, “dog, cats, turtles” with a delicious lunch.
    To sleep at afternoon to check the stars at night with my telescope.

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29 β€˜queries’.