Still a bit quiet here

By , August 17, 2009 6:26 pm

Thanks for being patient with me while I work through this funk.

I wanted to come up with something fresh to say, but the only things I can think of are inappropriate* – they’re not my story to tell, they’re work-related, they’re a rant about certain people, or they’re just too negative in general (you know, how Steven and I had to ask two separate neighbors on two separate occasions this weekend to be quiet at night because we could hear them in our bedroom).

Ironically, NOT talking about things with people is what got me in a funk in the first place. I think my immediate reaction when I have an issue is to talk it out with someone**. But when I can’t do that, I feel shut down and restricted, and consequently, stop talking about other things that are bothering me as well.

I don’t know why I have such a self-destructive nature, and I hate that I have to fight it. But, I take reassurance in knowing that this must be common. We all have our vices and bad habits that we are trying to break. It’s just important to know which to work on, and which are just quirks.

*Ah, one of those days you wish you had a private blog!
**Obviously. Aren’t a majority of bloggers like this?

8 Responses to “Still a bit quiet here”

  1. Julia says:

    I’m sorry you’re having a “funky” kind of day! I also like to be able to talk things through with people, but find that unfortunately people don’t always want to.
    And loud neighbors are a pain in the butt! My new apartment has some interesting characters across the street (also basically right outside my window) that I feel like I have to keep an eye on…Yikes!
    I hope your day gets better, aren’t Tuesdays always better than Mondays!

  2. Mica says:

    Ew, did you have the ask the neighbors to be quiet because they were loud by having PRIVATE TIME? That’s the worst. Urgh.

    Hope you feel better soon!

  3. DeAnne says:

    I’m with you on so many levels ~ so many levels. you can have a private blog, when you are publishing make it private over in “visibility”. sometimes writing it helps even if no one ever reads it. I’ve done that and I’ve just saved some to draft until I feel like deleting them.

    all I can say is what I keep reminding myself, change is inevitable.

  4. Cat. says:

    Nothing wrong with starting up a new blog for your own personal use. The difficulty is in NOT telling anyone. 😉

  5. kilax says:

    Julia – We are having issues with our new neighbors across the street too. On Sunday night, they decided to have a get-together in their garage, with the door open. That’s fine, but they just talk SO loud. We could practically make out their conversation! It’s just… inconsiderate.

    Mica – Ha! No! At least then I would have been laughing 😉

    DeAnne – I have a few things I write and never post. 😉 But I always want to post.

    Cat. – Exactly 😉

  6. martymankins says:

    I’ve contemplated getting a private blog (and still may actually do something like that here soon) as there are various subjects that I’d like to talk about in the open.

    On the subject of being self-destructive, I tend to take the blame for things sometimes, even if it’s something I know that wasn’t my doing, mostly to keep things smooth between others. But I do know that at some point, there will be an open and honest discussion with some subjects/people as you can only be self-destructive up to a point.

  7. kilax says:

    martymankins – Sometimes we just need to say what’s on our minds, and not have to worry about the consequences, right?! And that is the thing about being self-destructive… it kind of climaxes and blows up! I hope you get to tell the people what you want to tell them.

  8. SoMi's Nilsa says:

    I’m back! So, errr, anytime you want to talk, you know where to find me! =)

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