I need… something

By , September 13, 2009 8:20 am

I need a schedule. I need planned workouts to follow. Since the doctor has told me I can’t run (or use the elliptical) my workouts have been pretty lame, and infrequent. And it doesn’t help that they told me NOT to push myself when riding a bike. What is the point of working out if I am not going to feel all tired and drained and sore?! I’m so frustrated. I miss the ease of running. Hauling my workout clothes to and from the city, so I can use the office gym, is not convenient. But, it’s FREE.

At least I was able to get a little running fix from meeting up with a fellow running blogger, Mica, on Friday.

Kim and Mica

Kim + Mica + the Flamingo

I have to admit, I’ve had a pretty big girl crush on Mica since I started reading her blog. Her hilarious entries have caused me to laugh out loud on the train (where I always try to follow the rule “silence is golden”), and I may be guilty of talking about her a bit to Steven, as in, “Steven, you have to read what she wrote, it’s so funny, ha ha, snort snort, giggle.”

The meet-up was exactly how I hoped it would be! Mica was just as funny, honest, and real in person. I discovered I relate to her on a lot of levels, and that immediately made me feel comfortable around her. I love making connections like that. Plus, her boyfriend, Harrison, was nice enough to put up with me as well. He was just as friendly and open. Damn. Why can’t I meet more people like this who live here?

Thanks for meeting with me, Mica and Harrison!

And, thank you to all of you running bloggers whose stories I follow and keep me excited about running while I am healing!

11 Responses to “I need… something”

  1. Etta says:

    Did your doctor tell you anything that you can do? It always sucks when they tell you that you can’t do something you love.

    There are so many blogs I read that I would love to be friends with the writers in real life. I wish I could meet people like that in the area I live in!

  2. Susan says:

    Have you tried swimming? I hear that’s good to do while injured and not being allowed to run. I have no personal experience with the matter, but I know http://runroamrecycle.wordpress.com/ water jogged her way through an injury. I’m sure it’s not anything like running…and I guess you need access to a pool…but it couldn’t hurt?

    I’d have so many amazing friends if all the bloggers moved to a little town called “Blogville”…until then, I guess I’ll just have to stick with the virtual friend idea!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Sweet Home Chicago – 20 Miler! =-.

  3. Jen says:

    The last two comments made what I was going to say redundant. I know how much it sucks and I’ve definitely been there. You need to heal so you can get back to running again. Figure out exactly what you can and can’t do and then make yourself a schedule.

    I don’t know what your injury is so I don’t know if it is allowed for you, but my Pilates Reformer sessions have done wonders for keeping the injuries away. They’re expensive, but challenging in a cool way and very good for posture and balancing.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… The curious culture of Weight Watchers =-.

  4. Jen says:

    OK, stress fracture. That sucks. Baby that injury and do what the doctor says!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… The curious culture of Weight Watchers =-.

  5. LiLu says:

    I love meeting bloggers in real person! Yay for funsies and new friends 🙂

  6. suze says:

    Sorry to hear about your injury. I hope you heal quick!

    Yay for meeting bloggers in real life. I love that!

  7. diane says:

    Does your office gym have free weights? (is your wrist healed enough to use it in any way??) I know it’s not the same as cardio, but it might be something different to try. If your office gym has a pool I’ll be suitably impressed. 😉
    I know how hard going to the gym OUTSIDE of the office can be with a commute to deal with as well. If I couldn’t do my yoga & run right now…well, I wouldn’t be screwed, I’d just be a lot more stressed trying to fit something else in. :p The gym by my house is still not open…there’s a YMCA on the train ride home that has been recommended for me, but I’d rather wait and see if that damn by me gym will ever open.
    I don’t imagine you can do cardio kickboxing on that leg, but if by chance you ever want to borrow my DVD, let me know!

  8. Holly says:

    I.so.hear.you. I’m about ready to chop off my leg (at my knee) and go from there – what do ya think?

    Seriously, though, it’s HARD when running becomes the “easy” thing to do. Swimming, biking, ellipticalling, walking…none of it compares!

    I might have suggested this before (worst memory EVER), but do you lift? I used to hate – read: HATE! – lifting. But it’s the one and only thing I’ve been doing since my injury and I really have started to like it. Bonus – I can do “real” pushups now! And lift heavy boxes and impress people. Or have you tried yoga? I know I can’t really get into it like some can…but it’s supposed to be amazing (and quite the workout, too).

    Hang in there….we’ll both be running full marathons next fall! I can feel it!

  9. Mica says:

    Man, I had no idea that I was so popular in the Kim-Steven household. What an honor!

    I had a great time on Friday too! And in that picture, we are visions in blue, hahaha.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Chicago is filled with tasties. =-.

  10. How great that you got to meet a fellow blog reader! I love hearing about went bloggers meet!

  11. Amanda says:

    I feel your pain about the lame workouts 🙁 Mica has definitely made me giggle out loud at work on more than one occasion, so glad ya’ll met up and had fun!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Lacking motivation =-.

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