My half-conscious, middle of the night thinking

By , September 30, 2009 7:32 am

Data has decided to honor me by sleeping with me the last 4 or 5 nights.

What this really means is that I wake up a few times in the middle of the night because I want to roll over, but I don’t, because he is sleeping so peacefully between my legs/next to me/on my feet. And I would never dream of interrupting his slumber (in the middle of the night)! I mean, he wouldn’t do that to me!

Oh, wait. He does. Every time I try to sleep in past 5:30 a.m.

image: My legs keep Data warm

Data sleeping between my legs. It’s kind of hard to tell, but I am under the covers! Like my cat blanket? HA!

image: My legs keep Data warm

The things we do for our pets. Does anyone else have this half-conscious, “I shouldn’t interrupt the sleeping pet” mentality in the middle of the night?

Ha. On a somewhat related note, Steven and I watched The Cat from Outer Space Monday night on DVD. If you like cats and cheesy old movies (released in 1978*), you have to watch this. I was laughing out loud for much of it, just because it was so ridiculous. It’s definitely going on my holiday wishlist.

image: The Cat from Outer Space

*For some reason, I expect movies that were released after Star Wars (1977) to have similar quality graphics (The Cat from Outer Space, The Last Starfighter, Robocop)… they don’t. And why would they? I guess that just shows how ahead of his time (crazy) Lucas was.

20 Responses to “My half-conscious, middle of the night thinking”

  1. tori says:

    Maya doesn’t sleep with me (because she can’t go down the stairs so we don’t let her up) but during the day if she is sitting on me, I try not to move and disturb her. There have been times when I really have to go to the bathroom but I wait because she is so comfy. Notice I said SHE is comfy. Normally when she is on me, she waits until I am not in a position that would be comfy for a long time and then sits there so I can’t move. I COULD put her down, but she is so snuggly and warm that I can’t do that to her. Wouldn’t it be great if someone would treat US this way?
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Funny Things (to me anyway) =-.

  2. My 80lb dog likes to sleep like that between my legs when I’m in bed reading before sleepy time! I always feel bad when I have to move around to turn the light off, but he just stays put. Wouldnt want to wake the dog that sleeps 75% of the day! Luckily he gets up and moves about 10 minutes after I fall asleep though ๐Ÿ˜€
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Happy Hump Day =-.

  3. That cracks me up because I do the same thing. I will wake up to roll over and then think, maybe I shouldn’t Mazzy is sleeping so good!!!! I think I just don’t want to wake her up cause then she will be up and keep me up the rest of the night!!!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Dreams =-.

  4. Shaina says:

    This is funny! I especially love the cat blanket. ๐Ÿ™‚ When we used to let Oscar sleep on the bed, I would be so worried about disturbing him. Part if it is selfishness, because I think it is such a comfort to me to feel him curled up next to me. If i disturbed him, then he might move, and I would be sad. But these days, Oscar sleeps in his designated little corner, and isn’t allowed on the bed. Matt and I frequently make fun of him when we accidentally disturb him from sleep in the living room … he glares at us and makes a little “ugh” noise, and then stalks away and sleeps somewhere else. He gets grumpy at night! ๐Ÿ™‚
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Last Few Days… =-.

  5. SoMi's Nilsa says:

    We make SoMi sleep at the foot of the bed. Though, she often works her way up between us during the night. And sometimes, she gets off the bed and stares at me until I wake up, move over and let her snuggle with me. Having said that, I have definitely moved her if I can’t get back to sleep … no way that dog (who sleeps all day!) is going to ruin a good night of sleep for me.
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  6. Christina says:

    It depends how uncomfortable I am. Our cat likes to sleep at the foot of our bed or on my head. So I have rolled over and got a face full of cat belly or I have a pair of ear paw muffs.

    Sometimes I have to move him but he adjusts with an indignant meow and then curls up back asleep or decides that he is mad and will sleep on our computer chair.

  7. Ren says:

    Love “The Cat From Outer Space” — I’m pretty sure we watched it with the kids a few years ago, but I wonder if they remember it. [Checking gmail archive for Netflix email…] Yes, we watched it in the summer of 2005, so there’s a pretty good chance that my 10-year-old, at least, has forgotten most of it. has it for $9.91 with free shipping. Maybe I’ll order it….
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Invaded! Invaded! Invaded! Invaded! =-.

  8. Erin says:

    When we had dogs who slept on the bed, yes, I would hate to disturb them. Now we have a “no dogs on the bed” policy so I no longer have that problem ๐Ÿ™‚

    Jason started watching some movie about vampires in space last night. It’s from 1984 and stars Patrick Stewart. I’d wager that the “special effects” aren’t much better than in 1978, either.
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  9. diane says:

    Ha, you are a better pet mommy than me. I have a tendency to toss and turn and fight monsters in my sleep (seriously, once I was staying with my parents and when I woke the pillow was on the other side of the room) so the kitties have probably gotten accidentally squished and kicked a number of times.
    And yet, they still choose to sleep in my bed, so I figure they must be doing okay.
    Plus they get to sleep all damn day long so I don’t feel *too* bad for them. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  10. Etta says:

    Ugh, I’ve been there. Before we got our new bed (at which point I kicked pets out of my bed), our two dogs would sleep with us. Re-Pete between my legs and Penelope snuggled up by my shoulders. I slept horribly because they would growl every time I’d move.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… What is This? =-.

  11. sizzle says:

    I felt like that about my dog but my cats? No. Those little fur balls cause me much grief in their waking hours- which begin as early as 5am. So they can just DEAL. Heh.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… I Have a Package You Can Deliver =-.

  12. DeAnne says:

    yeah, Murray does that too; however since I know that he sleeps ALL DAY LONG I don’t think twice about waking him. now daytime naps are a different case ๐Ÿ˜‰
    .-= Author’s last blog post… pics2go =-.

  13. Lindsay says:

    OMG! I do the same with my cat, Patches. She also sleeps between my legs or on top of my thighs or behind my knees when I’m on my side. Sometimes she’ll even crawl on my shoulder and sleep on my neck too! And yes, I’m the same with not wanting to wake up my cats either. I’ll even apologise to them if I kick them in the middle of the night! Lord, I need help! teehee! But they give me so much love that I can’t fault myself! ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. Alice says:

    i TOTALLY do that! bella sleeps between my ankles a LOT, and i’ll wake up and change positions in a TOTALLY unnatural way, that succeeds in completely waking me up, just so i don’t disturb her *as much*. what is that??? ๐Ÿ™‚
    .-= Author’s last blog post… i use the word awesome a lot in this post. be prepared. =-.

  15. Mica says:

    I don’t have a pet to not-bother, but I wish I did.

    Your cat blanket is bitchin’, I must say.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… An epistolary post. =-.

  16. That is a cat blanket…loving that. I love Cat from Outer Space! And yes, I will not disturb a sleeping animal that is comfortable. no matter how in my way or annoying they are.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… it is what it is =-.

  17. LiLu says:


    I always wake up to one of the kitties on my chest at 5am.

    And to be honest, I like it. ๐Ÿ˜‰
    .-= Author’s last blog post… TMI Thursday: Raincheck FTW. =-.

  18. kaylen says:

    My sons cat looks exactly like this, but he is usually curled up in ball form at my waist. He’s sweet that way – cause then I have my arms and legs free to move about the bed! Smart kitty.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Book Review: Mercy Papers by Robin Romm =-.

  19. *lynne* says:

    Hey Kim, I’m going to guess it’s a universal thing, not wanting to disturb a sleeping pet, especially if said pet is with you on the bed/couch. Kosh uses it as a (half-joking half-serious) excuse sometimes: “Umm honey could you go to the kitchen and grab a can of soda for me? I would do it but the cat’s in my lap.” LoL!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… an update from Springfield, IL =-.

  20. martymankins says:

    I loved that movie, when I first saw it as a teen. Funny and cheesy, but still, as a cat lover, none of that matters.

    Data reminds me of our Rocko, who finds lounge time wherever there is a blanket.
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