Can’t contain it anymore

By , October 21, 2009 7:20 am

Ugh, I have been excited about the holiday season since September. That is just sick! Let’s just blame it on the cooler temperatures we had this year, and move along…

We have a lot to look forward to this year:

  • My mom, dad, and grandma are coming to Chicago the week before Thanksgiving for the 2009 Cookie Extravaganza.
  • We may host Thanksgiving at our house this year with friends (if any Chicago friends are around)
  • My sister will be in town late Thanksgiving Day, and possibly stay until the following Saturday, so we can have another fun meal with her and maybe do some “window shopping”
  • Steven’s family is coming to our house this year for the holidays, so we get to decorate (And get a real tree! Data will be so excited when I tell him.), and plan fun meals and activities
  • We may go visit some college friends in December
  • We will get to see my family for the holidays sometime in December or January
  • There is a slight possibility that we will travel to Disney World in January to run a half marathon (if not, we will be looking to get rid of our entries)

Our first tree!

Our first real tree, in 2005!

We have fun, busy times ahead to look forward to. And I didn’t even mention that we have sometime planned practically every weekend until the holidays hit. Luckily, those events are close to home, and we don’t have to travel (much).

I think I get so excited about the holidays each year because I love to plan. Even though every year, I realize more and more how things don’t ever turn out exactly as planned (hey, that’s life!).

Do you get excited about the holidays? Do you love to plan things out too?

Do you live in a little fantasy world in your head like I do? Ha ha.

19 Responses to “Can’t contain it anymore”

  1. The holidays are like my happiness crack. I love the planning, I love to plan anything and everything. Last year I did a NYE party for about 20 of my friends and will not be doing that this year, so I need to find another way to over plan! I love everything about the holidays, the music (love when it comes on 24 hours a day starting on Thanksgiving) the decorations, the tree, the presents, the smells, the cookies, the chex mix, friends, family, etc. Ok I need to lay off the cookies and chex mix this year….last year was BADDDDDDDDDDDD

    So yes, I completely understand!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Turkey Trot 5k =-.

  2. SoMi's Nilsa says:

    What I love about the holidays is how they can be both frenetic in pace leading up to and getting ready for the holiday and then magically slow to a snail’s pace. I love the warmth associated with fires and fuzzy sweaters and big blankets. I love the time spent with dear family and friends. I love seeing their faces as they open gifts.

    Having said that, we won’t be getting a Christmas tree. And we probably will forget to light the menorah candles. We’re just not all that into those traditions.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Distracted =-.

  3. Bethany says:

    There’s something really exciting about the holiday season…I’m getting excited too! I give myself about 3 weeks…maybe 2 and then I’ll be listening to Christmas music non-stop 😀
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Money Madness =-.

  4. Christina says:

    The excitement of the holidays has dimmed a bit. Living a few hundred miles from my parents make it hard at times. We also can’t host holidays at our house because it is small for 11-13 people and it is not kid friendly so we are forced to drive to the outer burbs and come home to no parking spaces.

    I like to just be home with the fireplace going.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Part of the family =-.

  5. oh, my kindred spirit in another way. I am SO excited about the holidays. SO SO SO.

    I normally do not allow myself any holiday’ness until November 1, to try to contain myself, BUT I did already buy Mr. P a very sweet Santa boat ornament from Hallmark. It was so cute…there was a plastic fish!

    My family all lives in state now, so we will do lots of stuff. Big things for this year I am excited about? Trying my gingerbread house again, last year epic FAIL. Crafts with the kids. the TREE. baking. Taking the kids on a surprise vacation. I am SO excited.

    This weekend kicks it all off with our trip to the Pumpkin Patch!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… I lost 3.2… =-.

  6. diane says:

    I wish I was one of these people who gets excited about the holidays. 🙁 I’m just pleased I’ve advanced from getting totally strung out before the holidays to managing not to have a nervous breakdown by December 25th. Xanax helps. (and my doc usually expects me to call in for a prescription about mid November)
    Friends have encouraged me to create my own traditions and blah blah blah, but I’d be just as happy to let the whole thing pass by unnoticed.
    Sorry to be a downer–just providing the other perspective! I am very envious of people who love the holidays!

  7. Erin says:

    I try not to be stressed out by the holidays, but I usually am anyway. We don’t start planning anything until at least Thanksgiving because that’s when my family sits down and tries to figure out when and where we can celebrate Christmas.

    Jason doesn’t understand the point of decorating so I have to do it all myself if I want any decorations up. I was so excited last year to decorate our new house but this year I just think about what a pain it will be.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… My Happy Hour =-.

  8. tori says:

    I do love it all. I am super excited about Thanksgiving this year because normally it is just us, my cousins, my aunts and uncles and grandpa. My parents never come and my brother hasn’t ever come before either. This year my brother and his girlfriend are coming and staying with us for a week. I am so excited! I literally haven’t seen my brother in 4 years…and that was at a funeral so I didn’t get to spend much time with him. It will be busy and hectic, but I love when holidays are filled with family.

    (although I am feeling kind of sick right now so not nearly as excited as I will be once I feel better)

  9. Salwa says:

    That’s a cute picture of you two! I’m also getting geared up for the holidays – something about the dropping temperatures call to mind food, family, friends and fun!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Guest Author =-.

  10. Mica says:

    Yay, I love the holidays! Unfortunately, I usually make myself wait until exams are over to start really celebrating with shopping and the works (which makes for a stressful week before Christmas).

    I’m glad Data will be excited about the tree, hahaha. What a cute family picture!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Monochrome eating and foot news =-.

  11. Etta says:

    I looooooove decorating for the holidays! This is the first year we’ve been in a house (rather than an apartment), so I am even more excited than usual!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Welcome Back! =-.

  12. Holly says:

    yayyy! Someone who is just as ready for the holidays as I am. 🙂 For the record, I REALLY contemplated turning on Christmas music last weekend when it was cold as balls outside. I did not, but I sure wanted to.

    SUCH a planner, too! Although I’m thinking I should move past that since nothing works out like I think it will.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Chilly Chili Monday =-.

  13. alice says:

    Oh man… I’m jussssst now starting to think about the Holidays! I’ve had too much else going on until now to think about it… 😛

  14. Robin says:

    Greetings from Orlando!

    Kim, finally found an hour (uninterrupted – mostly) to read your blog. Loving it! We have LOTS in common (made it through your 100 things in record time – back to this another time). And FOUR months?? Wow! I was thinking as I was reading, “I could never think of this many things!” So cool. I’ve seen variations on others’ blogs, and always enjoy reading them. My 100th post is coming….

    Hmmmm…. not loving ‘the holidays’ so much, though I LOVE Halloween. Does that make me creepy?? ha ha I’m always bugged that people can ‘play nice’ because it’s the holidays, but they can’t be civil the other 10 months out of the year. What’s up with that? Same goes with giving, volunteering, etc… only at the holidays? Yikes! My Hubby’s fave holiday is Christmas, though, so I enjoy it for/with him. I do enjoy the smells, the foods, the kids’ faces (lots of awesome nephews and one niece).

    I only wish the spirit of the holidays happened 24/7, 365… does that make me a dreamer?? Sigh….. ( guess that’s MY fantasy world?!)

    I do insist on a Christmas tree, however… ha ha! Oh, and the neurotic family doesn’t help – OMG!

    Love the pic!

    btw – let me know about Disney… always fun to meet a fellow blogger, and Mickey is our neighbor. 🙂

    To end (and get into the kitchen..) – I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Chicago(!), and Happy Anniversary (Sept). We were married in Oct 2007 – getting ready to celebrate as well. 🙂


  15. joanharvest says:

    Hi! Haven’t been around recently but I am so busy with the baby. I am a holiday fanatic especially Christmas. We don’t do many presents but Sarah and I love to bake for our friends. We usually put together about 30 bags filled with stuff we make, not only food but we make a lot of gifts. This year we are tie dying for a lot of gifts. I’m not sure who we will see since we live on the island but I know I will be busy and I love it. We will start baking right after Thanksgiving. I can’t wait to bake in this big kitchen I have now.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Halloween is Coming! =-.

  16. sizzle says:

    I like the holidays though they stress me out. I would much rather go away on a trip than buy presents. Does that make me an asshole? My trip to Mexico one Christmas was one of my favorite experiences of all time.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Growing a Backbone Where My Wishbone Was =-.

  17. Susan says:

    I love the holidays!! Especially when everyone is happy and we get to do fun things like bake! I love singing Christmas music and buying presents for people! I also like Christmas events like festivals and tree lightings and such!

    Ohhhh and the Christmas movies! Now I’m excited. 🙂
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Pumpkin + Veggies + Apples = STUFFED =-.

  18. Julia says:

    I’m so glad I’m not the only one that is completely excited for the holidays!
    I love buying presents and listening to Christmas music (I think I inherited that from my dad lol) and just generally spending time with family and loved ones. And me and stuffing are pretty tight too, so I don’t mind Thanksgiving dinner lol!
    So feel free to keep posting about your holiday excitement – I’m right there with ya!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… I’m in Love =-.

  19. kapgar says:

    I do expect pictures of your Star Wars Christmas tree. Please don’t let me down.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… It all started with a big bang… =-.

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