Photo Story Saturday

By , November 14, 2009 7:49 am

The Pharaoh

It’s too soon after posting these pictures, BUT I had been eying this Pharaoh hat at Target for two months. Imagine my delight when I saw it in the Halloween clearance section last week for 75%  off ($1.25 total – not sure if it’s even worth that!).

Doesn’t it look great on Data?! He didn’t like it so much. I had to bribe him with food to wear it so I could take a picture. (I think he deserves it after trying to wake me up for 3 hours this morning.)

Killer House Plants

We have a lot of house plants in our lower level – seven of them! Two of them, somehow from across the room, decided to band together and grow super stinky, killing flower pod things (not yet bloomed) this past week. I am convinced they are trying to take over the house.

The little flower pod.

Both plants are corn plants. We have had one for at least 8 years, and the other for maybe 3. It’s curious that they are blooming now, when they never had before! I’ll let you know what they look like when they open (I imagine there will be little daggers in there, which the plants will use to attach us in our sleep).

The whole corn plant.

Nutritional Yeast Fail

Why is my pasta naked, sad and lonely?

Because it is supposed to have this on it:

A Nutritional Yeast based pasta sauce.

But one bite of that made me want to throw up. Steven tried to fix it with spices and he couldn’t.

Most of the vegan websites I read talk about using nutritional yeast to make a pseudo mac n’cheese dish. I was intrigued so I bought some and was really excited to try it. I tried this recipe from vegweb.

I don’t know if nutritional yeast is a very acquired taste, or if my stomach was just too upset after my run, but this sauce made me feel nauseous, and I lost my appetite. I am hoping I just did something wrong, or it was the wrong recipe, because I have read SO MANY raves for this product!

I felt really bad for “ruining” dinner. I am pretty sensitive in the kitchen, since I am not a very good chef. I need lots of praise and good feedback to keep me going (ha ha). Luckily, Steven was not upset about it. But I think we will be making something “safer” for dinner tonight!

18 Responses to “Photo Story Saturday”

  1. Bethany says:

    Oh, no! I’m sorry the pasta didn’t turn out tasting very well. I wish I had some advice for you when it comes to vegan cooking…

  2. Erin says:

    Would you like to adopt my poor, neglected corn plant? I’ve had it for 5.5 years and it is the saddest looking thing you’ll ever see. I had no idea they could even bloom!

    Your attempt at the pasta sauce looks a lot like peanut sauce. Too bad it didn’t taste like it!

    And I think $1.25 is the perfect amount to spend in order to take hilarious pictures of your cat. Good show!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… In the Bucket =-.

  3. Etta says:

    Don’t feel too bad about the pasta. I’ve ruined several dinners in the last couple of years. I didn’t do tons of cooking before I moved out of my parents’ house, so my entire life is now an experiment in cooking. My husband and I have sat down to dinner, taken two bites, and immediately went to buy something else. It’s been that bad. It’s okay, though, I’m learning.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Weight Loss Update! =-.

  4. Shaina says:

    I love that Pharaoh headdress! I actually saw a tiny little dog at our Halloween dog costume party who was wearing the same thing. So funny!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Veteran’s Day =-.

  5. claire says:

    Love Data’s new look! Totally worth $1.25. 🙂
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Dance Dance Revolution: The Journey =-.

  6. lifestudent says:

    ok, it even LOOKS gross. Sorry it didnt work out 😉
    .-= Author’s last blog post… For Once, I Did Something Right =-.

  7. DeAnne says:

    . . . I’ve never seen a corn-stock plant bloom, COOL!

  8. Julia says:

    Aww sorry about the pasta fail…that’s always disappointing.
    I loved your comment on my blog about the Skittles – sometimes those cravings just have to be satisfied so that it doesn’t trigger eating crazy amounts of other foods in vain.
    Those plants look kind of frightening, and data’s pharaoh hat is HILARIOUS! He def. deserved to wear it for trying to wake you! Why is the word pharaoh so hard to spell, I always put the letters in the wrong places…oops.
    Have a great Sunday and don’t forget to enter to win some Xagave! It’d be perfect for holiday baking!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Xagave Baking and Giveaway =-.

  9. Mica says:

    I’ve heard good things about nutritional yeast, but it kind of freaks me out. We can try it (again) together and make disappointed faces!

    Data’s hat is pretty awesome.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… A glimpse into the funny-looking past. =-.

  10. Jen says:

    Nutritional yeast sounds kind of gross. My guess is you didn’t ruin it, it was pre-ruined.

    I love Data in his hat. I am convinced our cats would shred our faces if I tried to pull stunts like that. But I might just have to see if our Target has that hat.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Workout spotlight: Pilates and Pilates Reformer =-.

  11. diane says:

    Tee hee! Aw, Data. Man, I never did post the angry pictures of Bastet in her pumpkin hat. I guess it’s not too late even though Halloween has passed, right? I mean, cats in costumes are always funny. Or maybe I’ll get her a little elf getup for Christmas. 😉 (which I will photograph and then probably never post either…riiiiiigggght)
    I know yeast is supposed to be good for you in a lot of ways (even applied directly to your skin!) but yeah, that sauce looks kinda nasty. I hope you figure out a way to make it tasty!

  12. tori says:

    I’m so sorry it didn’t work out. I was excited to hear good news about it. Maybe there is another recipe that is better?
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Introspection and Manners =-.

  13. Christina says:

    Love Data’s hat, it is so cute, he looks very noble in it.

    I rememver my old house mate used to use the nutritional yeast and her telling me it is an acquired taste.

    Good luck!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Huh? =-.

  14. Yum Yucky says:

    hehehe. I love that cats are game and open to playing along with our shenanigans. hehehe.

  15. OMG!!!! Data!!!! in the pharoah hat!!!!!! Both of you ROCK!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Dreams =-.

  16. Teeni says:

    Hey Kim! I think nutritional yeast is definitely an acquired taste. I couldn’t get near it until I had been off of dairy for quite some time. And even still, I can only use it to sprinkle over spaghetti dishes or with olive oil and sea salt on my popcorn so I can benefit from the vitamins but I am not anywhere in love with the taste. I am okay with the taste of Tofutti’s fake cream cheese and sour cream. I just don’t use much of it because I am trying not to do too much soy, but I think those things work well in sauces or dips and spreads without having to adjust your tastebuds too much. My hubby and I have decided for certain things that we are better off doing without than grossing ourselves out. LOL. I am glad I’m not the only one who had a rough time with the nootch.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… No Shortage of Flu Shots Here!!!! =-.

  17. Jen512 says:

    I’m really curious about the yeast. What kind of yeast exactly did you use?

    I’m curious because I grew up eating yeast and loving it, mostly because whenever I was sick my mom would make me “yeast toast” which was toast with mayonnaise (you could sub veganaise) and then yeast sprinkled on top. It always made my stomach feel better. I still love yeast toast (especially w/ a dash of garlic salt). We would also use as a pop corn sprinkling along with the salt and pepper and I have used at as a flavoring in breading for frying.

    We use the Red Star nutritional yeast that you buy in bulk from the health food store.

    Did you use the yeast as the base for the sauce? Maybe it’s a little yeast over kill. Try using it in moderation, and it can be yummy. I’ve also tasted it used in salsa and it was pretty good too.

    Oh, and Data’s hat made me laugh so hard a snorted! LOOOOOVE it.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Oy, my back! =-.

  18. Cara says:

    I make cat hats for my cats Cinsu and mini me and you can see them on youtube. I saw your cat’s picture with the Pharaoh’s hat and was glad to see it because I’m trying to make a pharaoh’s hat for my cats. Please check out my blog and my youtube page. Awajiangirl is the name on youtube or you can look up Cinsu.

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