Guest Post on Destination 26.2 / Yogavive Apple Chips Review

By , February 2, 2010 5:05 am

How would you feel if you found out you were destined to end up with your mother’s body? Would you be happy? Ambivalent? Hysterical?

Check out my guest post on Linz’s blog and leave your answer over there!

A few months ago I saw these Yogavive Apple Chips on Gelareh’s blog. I was intrigued that they are apple chips, but flavored like other fruits! I left a comment stating my curiosity and they sent me some to review (My first review ever! How cool!).

Yoga Chips

I received the small 35-calorie packs* in four flavors – original, peach, strawberry and caramel. Each pack contains the equivalent of one apple, and lists apples and natural flavors as ingredients. The first time I tried them, I snuck a strawberry and caramel pack into the theater – shh! The rest I ate as quick snacks in the car, or at work. Here are my likes and dislikes:


  • thin + crispy, like a potato chip
  • fun to eat – a satisfying crunch
  • low in calories
  • a light snack
  • portable
  • organic
  • no artificial taste


  • small packaging is wasteful
  • not very filling

I have had apple “chips” before that were more chewy, so I was pleasantly surprised by these. If I decided to buy them in the store, I would get the large package, and put them in my own reusable containers. I think these are a fun snack for being on the go, but I am more likely to eat a real apple, which are also portable and tasty!

If you are interested and want to find out where to get Yogavive Apple Chips click here to find a store near you! They are also on twitter and facebook.

Do you like fruit chips and dried fruit? Do you think you would like Yogavive Apple Chips?

I definitely like the way banana and apple chips taste, and dried apricots, but I have a problem with overeating them so I stick to the fruit in its natural form.

*Yogachips™ are available in 1-apple / 10g and 5-apple / 50g packs.

30 Responses to “Guest Post on Destination 26.2 / Yogavive Apple Chips Review”

  1. I love dried fruit, but have never tried these apple chips before. They sound delicious though, I’ll have to see if I can find them! 😀

  2. I’ve never seen these in our stores before– I’ll have to keep my eyes open for them!

  3. Those look intriguing — I like dried fruit (dried cranberries are like candy!) but haven’t tried fruit chips. The wasteful packaging would definitely be a turn-off, though.

  4. Kristie says:

    I think I would eat fruit chips if they were put in front of me, but probably wouldn’t buy them myself. I like fresh fruit enough 🙂

  5. Teamarcia says:

    I bet I would like them and I certainly would eat them. I’d be concerned about how much sugar is in there cuz that’s how I roll. I too would go for fresh fruit first.

  6. ShutupandRun says:

    I’m not a big fruit chip gal. If I wanted something like that I’d probably either grab an apple or some pita chips or both.

  7. I’d definitely go for an apple over apple chips, but I do like such things for when I’m in a rush and don’t want to get wet and sticky! Except for when they add sugar… I do not understand why FRUIT needs added sugar. I’ve never tried these, though.

    <3 <3

  8. Ameena says:

    I haven’t heard of these before but they would be so handy for traveling and for giving to Maya in a pinch!

    Great review! I will definitely check these out!

  9. I like fresh apples and that’s about it. I’ve tried dried apples but they taste too much like cooked apples for me which I don’t like. I’m not a big cooked fruit fan but other dried fruits I love! Prunes, prunes, prunes! 😀

  10. Lacey says:

    hmmm i am suspicious about things like this. seems like a waste to me… are you getting something out of eating it? i guess if it is delicious that is one thing but it seems like what i would call a “filler” just because it’s there you eat it. are dried fruits considered “whole foods”? just curious what you think (can you tell i’m reading In Defense of Food, lol)>

    hooray for reviews!

    • kilax says:

      Ha. I definitely don’t consider anything that is NOT in its natural form a whole food. 😉 Doesn’t mean I won’t eat it though!

  11. Sammi says:

    Those look so good! I’ve tried other dry fruits and the only kind I like so far are dried apples so maybe I should give this a try! Best of both worlds. (Pssst… yogavive, if you’re reading this, send some my way! ;))
    Eating fresh apples has never been something I’m really into. I’ll eat them with other things but not on their own. Being able to pick and choose how much to eat would be a lot better than having to eat the whole apple so it doesn’t go bad!

    The constancy of these sound a lot more like the dried apples my dad has made before. I love the crunchy ones so much more than the chewy ones!

  12. daintyvegan says:

    I love dried fruit and apple chips but like you said, I would rather just eat the apple in it’s natural form – more filling. Still, they can be a nice treat and if I ever saw them then I would definitely buy them occasionally.

  13. Erin says:

    I eat dried cranberries as part of my breakfast 5-6 days a week. So, yeah, I like dried fruit 🙂 I’m not a HUGE fan of apples, though, so I don’t know if I’d buy dried apple chips.

  14. I don’t mind dried fruit, I would give them a try for the crunchiness, but you’re right, looks like a regular apple would do the trick.

  15. Kim says:

    The only dried fruit I like is raisins. Oh, and cranberries. Otherwise, it’s just not something I seek out. I don’t mind dried fruit, but I wouldn’t get it at the store (raisins and cranberries aside). My husband bought some dried apples and ate one of them. Ha. I think apple chips would be good. I’ve tried banana chips before too. Again, not something I’d seek out, but I don’t hate ’em.

  16. Kate says:

    The only kind of dried fruit I truly like comes from an independent grocery story near my house and involves a lot of sugar, so I stick to real fruit, too!

  17. Caroline says:

    I’ve never heard of these before, great review! Thanks!

  18. Alice says:

    hmmmm… these sound intriguing! i’m terrible at eating fruit regularly, so these might actually work better than a real apple for me 🙂

  19. I bought dried apples once and they were soft and mushy — NOT tasty at all. I wound up throwing out the whole package.

    I’d love to give these a try; I’ll see if they are at my supermarket on my next trip 🙂

    • kilax says:

      We had dried apples at home that were like that. It is crazy how much more satisfying these crunchy ones are!

  20. tra says:

    HAHHA i know i asnwered her question to the best of my ability! coz yes, i’ve been getting emails like WHAT”S WITH YOU AND GUYS SURROUNDING YOU?! hahah. big bros…something like that! YAY FOR BIKING AND RUNNERS WORLD! i read the kara one you talked about!

    yes. make sure your trainer who ever is going over the moves with- explains each part of the move. you shouldn’t be guessing. sometimes i stumble, but i’m really good at describing it- trying to at least, when i write it out to you guys. if they keep saying “like this” not really a good sign. my teacher for that class was like, there’s a difference between those that learn from teh book but can’t teach/cue to save their life, vs. those with a lot of experience. we were all put into group exercise classes to teach the masses exercise moves, so we learned..FAST.

  21. Michal says:

    I love these chips! While I agree with you on the packaging, i won these in a giveaway months ago and I am addicted to them. 🙂 Yum!

  22. thanks for the review on these chippies.
    and Ive been making a vegan, no bake energy protein bar that i have blogged about tons, actually there’s a link to it today, choc chip PB protein bar. They look alot like what you’re making if you dont wanna run your oven. Then again, it’s likely freezing where you are and the oven is a bonus. Im in AZ so ya know. 🙂

  23. WOAH!!!!! First review??? Good for you friend. That’s kind of a big deal.

  24. sophia says:

    I would definitely LOVE these chips. I just discovered my love for dried fruits….I realized they go far beyond raisins and prunes! (though, I do like prunes).
    Would LOVE to try these!

  25. Leah says:

    I LOVE apple chips. I tried pear chips once too and they were fantastic! I think I would love these too.

  26. Stef says:

    hooray for your first review! those sound great, minus the wasteful packaging and not being very satiating, but i love apple chips anyway!

  27. I absolutely love apple chips! I also find a lot of the bags I buy are too small! I should just start making my own, but I guess it will take a lot of apples 😉

    PS. I would love to have my moms body! She is a smokin hot 50 year old! LOL


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