Training Week 20

By , March 7, 2010 10:06 am

Yes, it is ironic for me to post this loooong post after asking you about skimming yesterday! But… these weekend updates are always long, and I honestly expect most people to skim them (I mean, I hope you don’t, but come on, let’s be real)!

Day 134 | March 1, 2010: strength

Do you ever have one of those days where you are not 100% alert? You are physically awake… but feel like you never woke up?

That was my Monday morning. For whatever reason, I felt like I was in a complete fog in the morning – despite getting more sleep than I ever do! I think I just had too much going on when I got to work. I was immediately pulled into a meeting that I was unprepared for, then spent the rest of the morning rushing around until I had another 1.5 hour meeting.


The point is – taking a break to do my strength workout (not until 1:00!) made me feel more alert. Thankfully! It was an awful morning!

I did the routine below x2:

Step Ups w/Dumbbells: 20 ea. leg @ 10 lbs (ea. hand)
Smith Squats: 15 @ 40 lbs, explode up
Isolated Lunge with Hammer Curls: 30 sec ea. leg @ 5 lbs, fast paced
Crunch Fly (on exercise ball): 20 @ 5 lbs
Bosu Lunge n’ Jump: 20 ea. leg
Bosu Push Ups: 15
Bosu 1,2s: 30 sec
Rotator Cuffs (lie on back): 20 @ 3 lbs (ea. hand)
Calf Raises w/Triceps: 25 @ 20 lbs
Shin Developer: 20 @ 10 lbs

Day 135 | March 2, 2010: 5 m run + stretch

I did a nice, easy 5-miler to recover from Sunday’s race. Only a few things to note:

  1. When I woke up and saw that it was 28°F outside, I thought “It’s so warm! I can wear tights!” Yes, I have gone crazy.
  2. I was spitting up blood for the first mile. Yay.
  3. I took these bad boys on their inaugural outdoor run:

Adrenaline GTS 10s

My new GTS 10s! I have been putting off wearing them outside, because I want them to stay pretty… but the bottoms of my feet have been hurting. I figured it was time.

Amy wrote about how she babies her new shoes as well (avoiding puddles and mud)… do you baby your new shoes?

I did the 10-minute YogaWorks AM Wake-Up Segment when I got back to the house.

Distance: 5.00 | Time: 49:27 | 1: 10:30 | 2: 10:10 | 3: 9:58 | 4: 9:35 | 5: 9:10

Day 136 | March 3, 2010: yoga

Steven and I did the YogaWorks Body Slim workout in the evening. You know, I am not sure whether I should be excited or bothered that I could be so much better at it. I’ll stick with excited for now… it means I can still improve a lot – in my own home!

Yoga Data

Um, Data? I am not sure if that counts as a “yoga move” or not.

Day 137 | March 4, 2010: 6 m interval run + stretch

I had plans to get up at 3:45 to run before work, and of course, I woke up at 3:15, wide awake, needing to use the bathroom. I just got up and stayed up.

I did 800s with 400 recoveries. I decided to do as many as I could, which ended up being only 4 sets (with a 1.5 mile warm-up and a 1.5 mile cool-down) in the 14° weather . I did the 800s at an 8:30 pace and the 400 recoveries at a 9:30 pace. It is harder to pace myself when I am not on the treadmill, but I think I did a good job.

I did the 10-minute YogaWorks AM Wake-Up Segment when I got back to the house. When I go from downward dog back to standing, I notice I can move my left foot forward more (if I move that foot first into a high lunge to stand up) than my right foot. I wonder if my right hip is tight or something.

I ended up having an hour debate in my head around 11:30 about whether or not I should work out during lunch. I went down to the gym with the intent of doing a strength workout and ended up on the bike. Oops. I am a little… um… un-enthused about my new strength workout.

Distance: 6.00 | Time: 56:00 | 1: 10:14 | 2: 9:13 | 3: 8:54 | 4: 8:39  | 5: 9:28 | 6: 9:28
Bike Time: 45:00 | Distance: 7.88 (Set on “Ozark Trails”)

Day 138 | March 5, 2010: rest

Day 139 | March 6, 2010: 10 m run (4 + 6) + stretch

What a perfect day for a run! It must have been near 40°F, and the skies were a clear blue without a single cloud! Steven and I ran four miles together, then we stopped at home where I had a quick snack, and went back out for six miles by myself. Both runs felt good – except for an awful feeling in my chest from something I ate. Maybe that is heartburn? I think it was the “robusto” Italian dressing I had.

After I got back, we did the 10-minute YogaWorks AM Wake-Up Segment to stretch out.

There were lot of kids out playing while we were running. We passed one little boy who was riding a trike on the sidewalk in front of his house, while his parents watched. After we passed, we heard him ask “Why are those people running?” His mom answered, “Because it’s good for you!” Aww. I thought that was cute.

Distance: 10.00 | Time: 1:42:45 | 1: 10:56 | 2: 11:15 | 3: 10:56 | 4: 11:03  | 5: 10:16 | 6: 10:08 | 7: 9:44 | 8: 9:36 | 9: 9:32 | 10: 9:15

Day 140 | March 7, 2010: strength

I did Level 2 of The 30 Day Shred with 2 lb. weights and I was covered in sweat when I was done. It felt harder than it should… then I looked at my exercise log and realized I hadn’t done Level 2 since January 25th. Oops!

Week Summary: 21.00 miles

I feel like I had a good “recovery” week from Sunday’s 5K (okay, honestly, I feel like I was LAZY this week and I am using “recovery” as an excuse). I felt a few twinges in my shins and my left heel this week, so I have been icing them and watching them for signs of discomfort. My race schedule is kind of filling up, and I don’t want to be injured! I am thinking about a 10K mid-April, have a half on May 1st, and just signed up to run the Chicago Half on September 12 with Robin!

I updated my post “Can techniques to boost confidence in running help with other life goals?” to include a link to the Runner’s World article on Kara Goucher that inspired it. Check out the full article if you have time! It’s really inspiring.

16 Responses to “Training Week 20”

  1. Ameena says:

    As always your weekly summary just amazes and inspires me! I wish I could run like you do but the knee is just in bad shape. 🙁

    I often feel like I am not 100% awake…I somehow get through my morning workouts and then an hour later I have to ask myself if I really did go to the gym because it seems like such a distant memory!

    • kilax says:

      Tell me about your knee, Ameena! How long has it hurt? What does it feel like? Can you still use the elliptical and bike? 🙁

  2. Erin says:

    I often have those days when I don’t feel fully awake until after lunch. Many of those days I spend the morning wishing I could go home “sick” from work and go back to bed.

    I don’t baby new shoes. I feel like mud and dirt make them look hardcore 🙂

    I was trying to figure out which half to run this fall. I know you’re supposed to run one of them as a “training run” for the marathon but I couldn’t remember if it’s the one in August or September!

    • kilax says:

      There are quite a few halves to choose from in Chicago! There is one in June, one on August 1, and this one in Sept. I think I am scheduled to do a 10 miler that day, so 13 seems fine. Plus, Mica ran this one last year before Chicago 😉

  3. diane says:

    Wait, whoa. What is this business about spitting up blood? I am guessing it went away, but still! That is scary!
    I was coughing up blood early in the week myself but it went away. I think I just busted some capillaries in my lungs from coughing so much!

    • kilax says:

      I wake up with a bloody nose most mornings, I think because the air is so dry in our house, and sometimes I cough it up. Does it just happen to you when you are sick?

  4. Amy says:

    Love the pristine shoes! About not feeling awake – on non-school days, I really miss the morning walk with my youngest son to his school and back. It is just 2 km there and back but it is just enough, about 30 min walking briskly, to get me revved up and awake for the day.

  5. I am a morning person so I tend to feel half asleep in the afternoon!
    I do not baby my shoes-I used to trail run and you just can’t care about how your shoes look.
    Great workouts…..I had a great 5K today but I have to start doing intervals like you.
    Have a great sunday!

  6. Lol this is what you call a ”recovery” week??
    Haha I’d be surprised if I had done this much workout in my entire life :p

    Have a nice week!

  7. Leah says:

    Friday was definitely a day where I just wasnt alert. I spent the entire day in a daze – not quite sure if I even got anything done at work or if I just stared at the screen all day.

    When I get new shoes, I dont wear them unless its nice out. But thats because I have such a hard time finding the right shoes, I want to be sure I dont have to return them before I get them dirty.

  8. ShutupandRun says:

    You’ve had a busy and productive week. I love how you mix it up with all sorts of stuff. Keeps it exciting and I bet your body loves it.

  9. Paige says:

    Chocolate Chip Pizza: thin pizza crust, yellow cake batter, LOTS of butter, chocolate chips. The ton of butter melts into the cake batter some way, and it is absolutely delicious. I am glad that I only get to have it every 10 years or so! 🙂

    I always feel like I am being lazy when I’m in “recovery” mode. I think it’s because we truly love working out, and feel out of whack when we don’t. Once it becomes a part of you, it’s hard to let it go (even for a day)!!!

  10. Stef says:

    you better watch out…i might just have to catnap data! SO CUTE

  11. thank you so much for your lovely email interchanges’re awesome, K! 🙂

  12. We are shoe twins! 😀 I have last year’s model still. Early fall/late summer is when I get new shoes and I’m really itching to get some new ones! I then move my old ones to regular workouts and the even older ones get recycled. YaY new shoes!

    I had one of those weeks about two weeks ago where I was just so blah and not into anything other than my rest day. Ha!

  13. Onelittletrigirl says:

    Physically alert but not awake is my every Monday!!!

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