Loving Legumes: Roasted Chickpeas Typo Correction!

By , March 17, 2010 7:45 pm

Tonight when I was making roasted chickpeas and following our own recipe I realized I made a mistake when I posted it- it should be one tablespoon of garlic powder, not two!

I apologize to anyone who used the recipe like this! I corrected it here.

6 Responses to “Loving Legumes: Roasted Chickpeas Typo Correction!”

  1. ah you’re so cute! i bet it would still taste good – albeit super garlic-y!

    • kilax says:

      Ha! Thanks for being so kind Lynn 🙂 The house still smelled like garlic this morning! I opened up the storage container to take some to work, got a wiff and thought “how could I have ever written 2 TABLESPOONS?!?!”

  2. mom says:

    I love garlic and you.

  3. Erin says:

    Hmm, you know, I don’t know that there is such a thing as too much garlic. Also, I have a recipe that is similar to this, except you use coliflower. I can share, if you wish 🙂

    • kilax says:

      For me, there is no thing as too much garlic. Especially if it is fresh! But I don’t know about other people.

      Please share the recipe!

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