Do dreams have any meaning?

By , March 18, 2010 5:12 am

I was going to publish another somewhat rant-y work-related post today, but then I had a dream (nightmare?) last night that I came back to my cubicle after lunch, and found my boss and coworkers looking at my blog. So I took that as a sign – no rant-y post today! (Yay, you’ve been spared!)

And the more I think about my somewhat rant-y work-related posts, they aren’t really about work, they are about people. I really love my job. It’s just the characters that make it so… interesting. Just like in real life – we all have relationships we could complain about. Anyway…

Do you think your dreams have any meaning? Do they ever affect your actions, like mine did last night? What do you dream about?

I mostly dream about real-life stuff – things that are supposed to happen the next day. And I think those dreams have meaning. I also have really vivid nightmares if we watch something “scary” or graphic. I think that is just my brain trying to process what I saw. Last week I had a dream that Matt Damon* was trying to kill me! Why couldn’t I have had a different sort of Matt Damon dream, brain?

*Has anyone else seen Team America: World Police? If so, please tell me you do the “Matt Damon” voice!

44 Responses to “Do dreams have any meaning?”

  1. Amy says:

    I love the new banner pic!
    Yes, I think dreams have meaning – but I don’t think the meaning is always that obvious. Sometimes I have dreams that are frighteningly realistic.

  2. Jen says:

    I think that dreams often call our attention to things we are missing, like your dream warning you to be careful about what you say on a public blog. Sometimes our subconscious mind is smarter than our conscious one.

    I have some things I’d like to rant about with one particular co-worker lately… but even on my blog, which doesn’t have my real name, I would rather not put my feelings in writing. Plus I don’t use profanity on my blog so that I can get better BlogHer ad revenue, and some of what I feel can’t accurately be expressed without it!

    • kilax says:

      Ha! Maybe just write it to get it out and never post it. Sometimes doing stuff like that makes me feel better 🙂

  3. Usually my dreams are like snapshots of different things that have been on the brain lately, all piled into one bizarre “story.” Sometimes they really make me think though, and I always try to write them down so that I’ll remember them. 😀

  4. Shannon says:

    I had a dream last week that I can no longer remember, but something was funny, and I woke up laughing hysterically. My husband asked me in the morning, “what on Earth was that all about?!” Dreams are funny!

  5. I kind of have a mix of dreams that are completely random and (I think) pretty meaningless, and dreams that I wake up and go, “Whoa…I guess I’m still mad/happy/sad about THAT little incident!”

  6. Sammi says:

    For me, I like the people I work with (for the most part) and hate the people I serve (for the most part).

    I think dreams have meaning, but don’t ask me what the meaning is! Lately, I’ve been dreaming about food. Last night’s dream involved me putting on some old dresses and finding out that my favorite yellow fancy dress fit me again! I’m thinking about trying it on to see if that’s true but I doubt it is lol. (Apparently I was smaller in May 2008 🙁 Not sure how though!)

    • kilax says:

      Maybe your body form has just changed since 2008? Some of my old clothes don’t fit because of that… I am more muscular in certain areas 😉

  7. I do dream about things that I have on my mind… and I dream about completely random things. Some people really believe in their dreams… my mom and grandmother… I am not so sure if I do or I don’t… an example of it would be… if you see a snake in your dream that means you were eating something and didn’t offer it to someone close to you…. again.. I am not sure how much of a believer I am.

    • kilax says:

      So do your mom and grandmother want to know what you are dreaming about so they can interpret it for you? Or do they leave you alone?

  8. Holly says:

    My dreams are SO weird sometimes! I usually like them, but I do have one recurring dream that is more like a nightmare. It happens about every other month, and it involves planes going down around me/my friends/family and we have to run to escape them! Personally, I think it shows that I do care deeply and worry about my family – sometimes maybe too much?!

    I love trying to interpret dreams. And Matt Damon killing you?! That is actually kind of funny!

  9. I think sometimes dreams can have a meaning but then again other times they’re just so random. My dreams are rarely about real-life situations. People living inside tornados…talking to bees…that sorta thing haha

  10. I full on believe dreams having meaning. (IMO) When we sleep we are more relaxed and more open to listening or learning about things. It’s a way for our subconscious to say, “Hey, here’s the deal!” and we are more receptive to the answer given to us.

    P.S. Totally saw the movie!

  11. The experts say dreams have meaning. I think it depends. There are times when you have a lot on your mind or a lot is going on in your life and your dreams are clearly related to that. But, there are other times when I think we just let our minds create. And it’s these dreams that may or may not have meaning. Even if dreams do have meaning, I guess I question why do we care? I mean, so what if the dark elephant in your dream is really your boss … or that the rainbow is a sign of your success … or whatever … so what. (Can you tell I just don’t care much about dreams? ha)

    • kilax says:

      LOL. I think a little bit the same way… that we should be able to figure out things when we are awake and not rely too much on our dreams!

  12. Christina says:

    I guess if you look into it and how it relates to your life situation. I have been having dreams with friend that i have not seen in ages but in tropical areas. So the colors have been vibrant

    I think I am dreaming about our much needed vacation!

  13. Lacey says:

    i used to write down the dreams i remembered! i loved recalling details b/c they were sooooo bizarre!!! and going from one thing to another and seeing how they related (or not). haha. i don’t think dreams have a deeper meaning. i think they are creative scenarios based on things you have done or thought about, people in your life or people you’ve read/heard about, places you’ve been or want to go, things like that.

  14. Erin says:

    My senior capstone class in college was all about dreams and dreaming. It was so much fun. Since then, though, I haven’t written down my dreams or even tried to remember them when I wake up. My college professor believed that they had deeper meaning and sometimes I think they do. Other times I have to wonder how in the world my brain even came up with those things!

    • kilax says:

      I bet that was a really fun project. Did you just write down your own dreams and try to interpret them, or did you talk to others about theirs as well?

  15. Nicole, RD says:

    Haha, that’s funny! I’ve had the same (nightmare) or “daymare” I guess I should say. I can never remember my dreams…unless they’re sexy ones, haha!

  16. Leah says:

    I have dreams like that all the time.
    Not long ago I had a dream about my Grandpa (who past away a few years ago) and he was telling me I should visit my Grandma. So I asked my mom a couple days later how my Grandma was doing and she said she was really upset about something my aunt said to her a few days back. Crazy eh? I actually have dreams about my Grandpa quite a bit – and I think they mean I wish I had known him better when he was here. I mean, I saw him all the time. We went to their house, they came to ours, we had a great relationship. But theres just so much about him I didnt know until after he died, and thats just such a shame.

    • kilax says:

      That is crazy! I am happy you acted on the dream 🙂

      I feel like I am find out more about my Grandpa now too. I wonder if it is kind of that way with a lot of people. You talk about them more after they are gone?

  17. Kim says:

    I have very, very vivid dreams. And I definitely dream in color, so I don’t know why people say we only dream in black and white. Anyway, I tend to go with the idea that dreams are our brain’s way of flipping through the day’s passing thoughts, in a somewhat odd way. I think dreams can communicate subconscious desires or fears, but I don’t think they really predict events. You probably have anxiety about coworkers/bosses finding your blog and it came out in your dream. I keep having dreams about this guy I was in love with in high school. A 15-year-old crush showing up in my dreams? What the heck does that mean?!

  18. Steven says:

    That means you don’t love me 🙁 😉

    • kilax says:

      I wondered if you would say something, poop face. 😛 I didn’t mention all the sexy Kim + Steven dreams. Muah ahahahahhahahahah!

  19. Alice says:

    hahaha… MAAATT DAAAAAMON. (answer: yes :-))

    i almost NEVER remember my dreams. and if/when i do, they’re these super-elaborate entire novel-length action/adventure/fantasy ordeals. soooo i usually don’t take any deeper meaning from them 🙂

  20. Christina says:

    I literally LOLed when I read the part about Matt Damon sister. Haha 🙂 I have crazy dreams. And I almost always remember them. Will never remembers his dreams. About a week or so before Grandpa passed I had a dream that our dad died, and I woke up in the middle of the night scared to death because I couldn’t figure out if it was true or not. When I woke up the next morning I was scared all day and was too ashamed to tell anyone what I had dreamt. But all day I felt worried and sick because of it!

  21. i think dreams are how we work out our daily troubles……have a geat day girl!

  22. Kate says:

    I have very vivid dreams early in the morning. A lot of the time I don’t necessarily think they mean much — they’re often a mishmash of stuff that happened yesterday or earlier in the week, combined with weird dreamy things and TV programs I’ve watched. But sometimes they help me answer questions or solve problems I’ve been working on. I feel lucky because I know a number of people who don’t remember their dreams, like my husband.

  23. Anne says:

    I think that dreams are a jumble of what’s been encoded into our brains…I’m thinking you may have been wondering what would happen if anyone at work read your blog and then the brain took the next step 🙂

  24. Mallory says:

    Eff yeah I do the “Matt Damon” voice….I’m SO glad someone else does it!

    I have these crazy dreams about taking vacations with my coworkers and generally not being able to get away from work ever. I had dreams about being at work until 4am once because I couldn’t leave. I think/know that I’m terrified that I will be doing this exact job for the rest of my life, so I know where the dreams are coming from….

    • kilax says:

      Maaat Daaamoooon….

      It sounds like your brain is really trying to tell you something while you’re sleeping! 😉

  25. Ameena says:

    I don’t pay attention to my dreams anymore because they never come true or make any sense! Before I had Maya I dreamt I’d have a boy but clearly that didn’t come true. In any case, I definitely don’t blog about work…never know what might happen!!

    Your site was down for me this morning but I’m happy to say it is working again!

    • kilax says:

      I think I should take the cue from you and not mention work at all. Even if it is completely vague! I really have no reason to complain about my job.

      I am sorry you are having issues with my site! 🙁

  26. Kristie says:

    I frequently have dreams where I am running for my life – often times with family and close friends. Not at all sure why; I don’t watch scary/thriller movies because I hate gore and they almost always go hand in hand. I guess I don’t put too much stock in my dreams just because they always are pretty bizarre.

  27. In high school psych, we had to record our dreams for a week and see how they tied in with what we were thinking, feeling, experiencing, etc. Honestly, I can’t remember the results. 😳 But I do think they can help reveal something in your subconscious, especially if you know how to interpret them.

  28. Teamarcia says:

    I have very wild, wacky dreams, rarely ever nightmares–that I can remember anyway.
    I think the recurring ones are meaningful. My most recent recurring one is I am a reallly good skater and I’m landing triple jumps I never had in real life. And they’re effortless. I interpret this to mean I set the bar too low for myself. I need to go for more of the gusto, push harder, take more risks, etc.

  29. ChezJulie says:

    I think dreams are kind of like your brain defragging itself while you sleep, discharging little bits and pieces of thoughts that are cluttering things up, or making connections in non-rational ways. (Or occasionally, like with your work dream, in rational ways).

  30. Hi K!
    I sometimes think dreams do have meaning and other times they are just random “day residue” that our brains are trying to make sense of..and really, can’t in a coherent way..similar to my question about memory i posed in a way!
    have a great weekend!!!!

  31. kapgar says:

    You’ve read many of my dream posts so I’m not going to relist them here. And I know dreams have meaning, just don’t ask me what. I’m afraid to have mine figured out sometimes.

  32. Adam says:

    I don’t dream much at all (yeah yeah….I just don’t remember my dreams…blah blah…) so I don’t put a whole lot of weight into them. But, when I do dream they are actually rather boring. For example, the last dream that I had I was driving down the road….nothing “good” happened….. Just driving…..

    So, I guess if I did put any weight into dreams it would means that I should spice up my life a bit?

  33. martymankins says:

    Personally, I think they do. But not all of them. Most of my dreams involve something that’s been on my mind that day and I tend to try and paint the outcome while I sleep at night. I don’t remember 80% of the details of my dreams, but do recall the basic gist of what I dreamt.

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