Training Week 22

By , March 21, 2010 6:41 pm

Day 148 | March 15, 2010: strength

I did a short strength workout during lunch. I really felt like that was all the working out I could muster up. Daylight Savings Time left me feeling all out of sorts. Did anyone else feel super messed up from losing an hour of sleep?

Arm Curl: 3 x 15 @ 25 lb
Lat Pulldowns: 15 @ 45 lb, 2 x 15 @ 60 lb
Pectoral Fly: 15 @ 45 lb, 2 x 15 @ 60 lb
Shoulder Press: 3 x 15 @ 20 lb
Biangular Chest Press: 15 @ 30 lb, 2 x 15 @ 50 lb
Shin Developer: 3 x 20 @ 10 lbs
V Bar Pushdowns: 3 x 15 @ 30 lb

Day 149 | March 16, 2010: 5 m interval run + cross + stretch

That short Monday workout must have done something to me – my entire upper body felt super sore on Tuesday! When I did the bike during lunch, it hurt my arms to hold a magazine and read. Wow.

I was all excited about running in the sun (+ 55° temps!) when I got home, but I wasted 20 minutes trying to figure out the Auto Lap settings on the Garmin, and ended up running the end of the run in the dusk. Wah.

Does anyone know the difference between the Lap Press Only, Start and Lap and Mark and Lap settings on the Garmin Forerunner 405? The Garmin manual description does not make sense. I wanted to press “lap” at the end of each interval, but we tried “start and lap” and it lapped whenever we crossed where we had previously hit lap. I didn’t want that to happen.

So, the splits are all messed up. Anyway, I’ll figure that out.

Steven and I ran step-down ladder intervals: 1600, 1200, 800, 400 with 400 recoveries and a mile warm-up and half mile cool-down. We did the warm-up and recoveries at 11:00, and the intervals at 10:00, 9:30, 9:00 and 8:15, respectively. The last half mile was about 11:30.

We did the 10-minute YogaWorks AM Wake-Up Segment when we got back to the house.

Distance: 5.00 | Time: 51:27
Bike Time: 45:00 | Distance: 7.72 (Set on “Ozark Trails”)

Day 150 | March 17, 2010: rest

Day 151 | March 18, 2010: 4.75 m run

Erin was nice enough to let me tag along with her lunch time running group. I’m so happy I did! Not only was the conversation with her and her friends great, but I really felt like I was pushing myself and it was gorgeous outside – 65°! I think I actually got a sunburn!

Blue skies =

Sunburned Face! I know, you can’t really see it. My face was all red.

I hope I can run with them again. It’s good for me to do something new! We ran further than I ever had before on the southern path along Lake Michigan and I really liked it.

When I was getting dressed to go running, I accidentally kicked the back of my left heel into the bench in the locker room. That wouldn’t be a big deal, but my left achilles was a tiny bit sore Wednesday and Thursday! Of course, it immediately tore the skin off. Ah, the life of a klutz.

Distance: 4.75 | Time: 42:01 | 1: 8:44 | 2: 8:53 | 3: 8:54 | 4: 8:59 | 5: 6:30

Day 152 | March 19, 2010: cross

After eating Vegan Apple Fritters for breakfast, a full lunch, and too many Newman’s Own Organic goodies all I fit in was a two mile walk with Steven, my sister and her boyfriend, who were visiting.

Day 153 | March 20, 2010: 5K run + strength

Seriously. I thought I was done running in weather like this:

Snowy March 20 run

and wearing clothes like this:

Snowy March 20 run


This was pretty much a FAIL run. I set out to do a tempo run but:

  1. The ground was too slippery
  2. I couldn’t see because snow kept hitting my face (Later Steven asked why I didn’t wear my ski goggles. Duh! Why didn’t I think of that?).
  3. My left achilles was aching

So I called it short at 5K. Meh. They can’t all be great. At least I got out there (and after having a migraine the night before, no less!).

When I got back, I did 25 Calf Raises with Tricep extensions using a 20 lb weight. Then Steven and I did Level 2 of The 30 Day Shred (I used 2 lb weights). I was really struggling with the plank moves, even doing the “easier” version.

Distance: 3.1 | Time: 30:12 | 1: 10:07 | 2: 9:37 | 3: 9:30 | 4: 00:57

Day 154 | March 21, 2010: 7 m run + volunteer

Look at this photo:

No snow!

Exact same location as the snowy photo above… one day later. The weather in the midwest is so strange! On Saturday it was in the 30s and snowing, and on Sunday it was in the 40s and sunny.

Steven and I went on a 7 mile run. I am happy he was up for it, because I felt pretty lethargic and might have just passed on the run if it wasn’t for him! Unfortunately, his ankle started to hurt at the end, so we walked a bit. I hope that goes away soon!

In the morning (before my afternoon run with Steven) Erin and I volunteered at the Chicago Shamrock Shuffle (a 8K). We worked in gear check for about an hour or so, then were released well before we thought we would be, so we went out to lunch and she showed me around her town a bit. I wish I lived closer to Erin! Wah wah wah (we live about an hour/50 miles away from one another).

Distance: 7.0 | Time: 1:16:00 | 1: 10:33 | 2: 10:41 | 3: 10:46 | 4: 10:31 | 5: 10:30 | 6: 10:42 | 7: 12:11

Do you ever volunteer at races?

Week Summary: 19.85 miles

This was a pretty “off” week for me, exercise-wise. No yoga. Barely any strength. Wacky runs. I felt all out of sorts. I hope next week goes better.

My stupid left foot has been bothering me for over a week now. It started in the ball of my foot, moved to my achilles, and is now in my heel. I have been icing my entire foot 1-2 times a day and it feels great after I do. I just wonder – if this a real pain or just some phantom pain that I am taking too seriously?

21 Responses to “Training Week 22”

  1. Lacey says:

    i haven’t been sleeping at all!!! i don’t know if it’s daylight savings time or what. so weird.

    i hate wacky weeks. and feeling off. i totally feel you. i had a couple of those and feel like i’m just starting to get back in some sort of a groove, hopefully it sticks. do what you can! remember- you are doing a lot of great things. it’s easy to get down on yourself, but you did go running or do a workout most days- that’s great! plus it sounds like the run with erin and her group was really really awesome!

    i volunteered at boston last year!!! was so fun 🙂 i did it with my sister.

    • kilax says:

      I do feel like I am too hard on myself… I feel like I should work out EVERY day. And I am not seeing that much progress anyway. Methinks it is time to cut back 😉

  2. Anne says:

    I hope next week is a good one…and that your heel gets better fast! Yeah, daylight savings can really screw things up.
    Take care Kim.

  3. K says:

    I can’t believe that it snowed yesterday where you live! Holy cow! It was almost 80 here yesterday and today! I don’t want to see snow again until next season.

  4. lifestudent says:

    I was actually thinking today about volunteering for the Shuffle (while I was running it). I like volunteering for bigger races because there is so much commotion, its just fun. But then I saw the ugly yellow t-shirts the volunteers got and thought “forget it, I’d rather run it” 😉 But I would definitely volunteer for the Marathon again. Its super hard work, but well worth it.

  5. Gelareh says:

    I want to say I can’t believe you had snow this late in the year.. but the truth is… I do believe it.. it has been cold here as well.

  6. Shannon says:

    What a weekend you had! I’m sorry about the snow….it is so much tougher to take this time of year when you think you are through with it all!

    Those apple fritters look so good!

  7. BostonRunner says:

    I definitely felt all messed up from the time change this week! I used the weekend to recover though and I think I’m good now. I’m pretty sure daylight savings is my least favorite part of spring.

  8. Mica says:

    Whoa, Chicago is looking pretty warm, haha. And yes, I think we’re headed up next weekend for a short jaunt!

    As for the Garmin, I don’t quite understand what issue you’re having. I have my watch set (under settings) to auto-lap at every mile, which is the standard for my long and easy runs. (However, if your watch goes to sleep and restarts, it will begin to auto-lap from that point upon waking up. Also, if you press the lap/reset button at any time, it will begin the one-mile count from that point.)

    For interval workouts, I usually use the Workout function and tell it to set my intervals in time or distance.

    Wow, that is really confusing…sorry if I made things worse!

    • kilax says:

      Thanks for trying to figure out what I was saying! I know I am being confusing. I usually have it on one-mile auto-lap. I guess I was wondering if I can turn off auto lap completely, and just press the lap button whenever I want? I guess I need to look into the Workout function. I don’t know how to set up intervals!

  9. Kim H says:

    I was definitely off with the time change. Still am. My body is very easily confused.

    I don’t know how you run in that snowy weather! Yikes! I’m so spoiled by California!

  10. Linzi says:

    My sleep has been super messed up this past week and I threw getting up extra early for my bootcamp into the mix – that hasn’t helped.

    I love that you volunteered at a race. That is something that I have been wanting to do for some time. I think I will look into doing this, but I think it would make me really jealous of all the people the running. 🙂

    • kilax says:

      You should volunteer! I always feel a bit sad that I am not running, but volunteering is fun as well 🙂 Plus, you usually get a shirt or something 🙂

  11. Ameena says:

    Definitely don’t blow off your foot pain! I hope it gets better soon but if it doesn’t you should get it checked out so it doesn’t turn into something worse.

    • kilax says:

      I am paying really close attention to it. Yesterday my heel hurt when I woke up, so I iced it last night and it felt better this morning. I just wonder if I am babying it. I don’t want to turn into a hypochondriac!

  12. Whoa snow! Dude do not send that white stuff my way! Right now we’re getting hammered with rain and it is cooler than it has been.

  13. Erin says:

    Wow, the snow really stuck to the ground up by you. It didn’t stick to any of our sidewalks or streets. I’m just glad it was all gone by Sunday afternoon.

    When I was doing intervals on the track, I turned off the Auto Lap function and hit the Lap button at the end of each interval. That way I got my time for each interval. I think those three options you listed based your “lap” on your position, not on your distance.

    Also, I’m totally jealous of the view from your floor of your office. I just get to stare at the side of another building. Wooo.

    • kilax says:

      Ha! I was thinking I could just turn off Auto Lap and hit lap, but wasn’t sure if that would work or not. Duh Kim. Duh. I wonder if Steven will be up for more intervals tonight.

      I like the view from your office! I think it is fun you can see the El go by 🙂

  14. Erin says:

    My parents said the same thing happened at their house. I do not miss blizzards in May at all!

    **please note new blog name and address

  15. Holly says:

    The weather in the midwest is so bipolar. It needs meds or something. 🙂

    You are so good to volunteer! I never have at a race before. I really should – I bet my dad would do it with me!

    • kilax says:

      Ha. It IS bipolar!

      You should volunteer with your dad! It would be super fun to do it with a family member!

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