Reviews coming soon!

By , March 18, 2010 6:44 pm

I’ll have some reviews coming for you soon…

Like half of the other blogs I read, I received a case of POM juice to try last week! Any recommendations on recipes?

POM juice

And I got a really huge package today! Guess what was in it?

Newmans Package!

A whole TON of Newman’s Own Organic Products to try! I AM SO EXCITED!!!

Newman's Own Organics Products

Click to see larger!

Remember when I wrote about being an asker? I was lucky enough that POM contacted me to send a case of the juice, but I contacted Newman’s to try all of their products. Don’t be afraid to ask. You’ll never know what they outcome may be!

I’m really excited to review all of this!

What do you guys think about product reviews? Lame? Cool? Boring? Selling-out?

26 Responses to “Reviews coming soon!”

  1. Kim says:

    I always like product reviews! I tend to stick to the same things when I get groceries, so it’s good to see what’s new. I get most of my new product and recipe ideas from blogs.

    Also, I agree that it doesn’t hurt to ask! Most companies will send samples, gladly. I love trying new snacks πŸ™‚

    • kilax says:

      I do like to see new products too! Of course, I am sad when I can’t find them anywhere… like those 18 Rabbits bars!

  2. It never hurts to ask! Newman’s Own is so generous, it is amazing. I was thrilled when I got a box from them a few months back. Enjoy it. πŸ™‚

    • kilax says:

      I am so thrilled at how generous they are too! And my sister and her bf are in town, of course we tried a few things last night and they were ALL DELICIOUS!!!

  3. Really, you did just ask about Newman’s Own? I LOVE their products. What a find! Can’t wait to see what you think.

    (And now you’ve got me thinking, if I could ask any company to test and blog about their products, who would I choose … hmmmm, so many choices!)

    • kilax says:

      Yeah, I just filled out the contact form on their website and they contacted me a few weeks later (this Monday) and the box arrived yesterday! πŸ™‚

      I have to say though, a few companies have turned me down as well. Like Odwalla, Luna and Organix. I already like their products and was asking if I could do a giveaway. Hey, it never hurts! And it’s free promotion for them!

      (And I should say this, Odwalla did send me coupons for my own use!)

  4. Adam says:

    Love reviews. Try to do them every tues, but I’ve been running dry for a while.

    Can’t wait to hear about newmans own….. POM is great in smoothies. πŸ™‚

  5. Ameena says:

    I don’t mind product reviews but I’m not sure I want to do them anymore. I feel like I just reiterate what everyone else is saying since we all receive the same products? I guess I need to get more creative with recipes and stuff but there isn’t enough time in a day!!

    The Newman’s Own delivery looks great!! I am so bad at asking but you inspire me. πŸ™‚

    • kilax says:

      That is kind of how I felt when I saw everyone got a case of POM. Now I’ll just feel like one of those “trendy” food bloggers if I write about it!

  6. Kristie says:

    I like product reviews but it can get really old when bloggers start to only do product reviews or start to sound like a broken record, you know (which you don’t – definitely not hinting or anything here)? Whenever I buy POM I just drink it with ice so I’m afraid I’m no help with the recipes. πŸ™‚

    • kilax says:

      I just can’t imagine being a blogger who gets stuff to review ALL THE TIME! That would be super overwhelming!

  7. Tiffany says:

    I think reviews are very useful, although I agree that sometimes they can sound redundant if it’s continually the same products also being covered by other bloggers. Multiple opinions don’t hurt, but it’s nice to get a taste of something different as well as gaining new perspectives.

    And actually I’ve only tried a few Newman’s Own products, so it will be awesome to hear your review of them.

  8. kaylen says:

    What?? I want POM!!! Everyone got POM but me??? wtf, yo! Who is in this charge of this program!!!!

    I like reading reviews. I like giving reviews. I like giving reviews more if I actually can give something away at the end.

    I can’t believe Newman’s sent you that much!! That’s awesome.

    • kilax says:

      A guy from POM named Ryan contacted us all. It was a lot of healthy eating bloggers who were contacted. I think it is a circle you don’t read (a lot of them are listed in “health/fitness” on my sidebar).

  9. Sammi says:

    I need to turn into an asker! For some reason, I always think that since I don’t have many readers, I won’t get anything from them. I’ve always been interested in Newman’s products though so maybe I’ll start by asking them πŸ™‚

    • kilax says:

      I wonder how they decide who to send stuff to. I wonder if they look at readership and the amount of comments. It would be fun to be the person who gets to send stuff out!

  10. Lo-Jo says:

    Wow! That’s so awesome that they sent you all that stuff! Someday if I focus more on food in my blog (I’ve been slacking) maybe I’d be more likely to ask for samples.

    • kilax says:

      The thing is, I don’t feel like I focus on food that much at all! I just post recipes from time to time. So I am (pleasantly) surprised that they will send me this stuff!

  11. POM! I love POM with all of my wee heart. They are awesome! I also love POM juice and can drink it straight up although everyone else seems to think that’s too “intense”. It’s great mixed with seltzer for a fake-tini and it’s great put in smoothies.

    I’m totally down with reviews as long as it’s for a product that you can stand behind. And also as long as it’s a genuine review and someone isn’t playing nice just because the got the product. πŸ˜€

  12. Joey says:

    I love product reviews & wish that I had a bigger following so that companies would let me review their products. YAY for you!!! πŸ™‚

  13. Holly says:

    I LOVE product reviews because I’m not one to buy new products unless they’ve been recommended (a.k.a. I’m too cheap!). I also like doing them. I just got some POM, too! I looked through their recipes online, but got sidetracked (go figure). And I’m SO jealous of all of the Newman’s Own products!! Wow!

  14. I love your reviews and I think it is super cool that they are willing to send stuff to you. It really is great advertising for them!

  15. Erin says:

    I like that reviews expose me to websites and products that I wouldn’t know about otherwise. However, I admit that sometimes seeing all the reviews overwhelms me with ideas. I feel like I should try so many new things but I don’t know how to remember they all exist or find the time to search them out.

    As for the POM juice, the only thing I know to do with it is make pomegranate martinis πŸ™‚

  16. cher says:

    i LOVE reviews. i wish that i had a chance to review things myself. but i love reading about them. you can really get a sense if you hear that a lot of people like something, that you may too. or not πŸ˜‰

  17. Karla says:

    I really like product reviews! I think it’s an interesting way to find new things. I understand that it is sort of a “sell out” as we are essentially advertising for them, but I’m going to be honest. If I like something then I’ll say that, if I don’t then I won’t. I think people should buy things that are tasty πŸ™‚ doesn’t matter where they heard about it if it’s healthy and they enjoy it.

  18. Gelareh says:

    HOly moly…. lucky you for getting these samples.. that’s really nice πŸ™‚

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