Driving and talking on the phone (unfortunate) update

By , April 2, 2010 6:47 am

Yikes. A coworker just came in to the office, and told me (after calling the police) that she just saw a woman run a red light and hit a police officer on an ATV who was turning left on a green arrow. The police officer flew off of the ATV and landed on the ground. My coworker said the police officer was talking after it happened, so he survived .

The woman who hit him was talking on her cell phone (holding it up to her ear) when it happened.

For a few years, I know it was illegal in Chicago to talk on a cell phone while driving if it was not hands-free. I am not sure if it is still a law, because a few people were fighting it, since there are not signs up indicating it is illegal.

Either way, many of you said you talk on the phone while driving. I don’t want to preach, but please be careful!

In other “road” news, Steven and I saw a Lamborghini at 4:50 am this morning when he was driving me to the train station. A Lamborghini?! In Round Lake?! I thought the only time one was in Round Lake was when we were driving it!

32 Responses to “Driving and talking on the phone (unfortunate) update”

  1. Gelareh says:

    Oh my goodness…. I do wish the would ban use of cellphone while driving… You can’t eat, drink or talk on the cellphone while driving in Europe… When did we become such a technology attached society? It annoys me to death when my aunt calls and if I don’t pick up she leaves a message that says “good thing you have a cell phone and you can pick it up regardless of where you are and what you are doing”

    • kilax says:

      Geez Gelareh! What is up with the meanies in your family?! I would be upset if my aunt said that to me!

  2. People talking on cell phones scare me! I don’t answer mine when I am driving because I don’t think I could do both (well) at once. My husband talks on his hands free, but even that sort of scares me.

  3. oh my how scary! jeez……….they really must pass the cell phone law in all states….
    Kim, you won my sock giveaway so make sure you email me your address so i can sen them to you 🙂
    have a great day!

  4. After watching the Oprah show that proved how much your brain can handle and what it cuts out when you are on the phone I have stopped being on the phone at all when driving. It’s really scary!

  5. J says:

    That is very scary. I honestly try to not talk on the phone while driving unless absolutely necessary and then I make sure to end it quick and keep watching the road! There are too many crazies out there!

  6. Felicia says:

    That is very scary! A good reminder too 🙂

  7. Oh my gosh, that’s awful! Glad he was ok!

    I keep it to my speaker phone if I’m in the city. And texting is a no-no. Mostly because it’s illegal and then because I suck at it while driving. But mostly because it’s illegal… :p

  8. Carol says:

    As a former casuality claims adjuster for Allstate Insurance, I can tell you it is scary how FEW people are paying attention when they drive. One question I always asked everyone when I interviewed them after an accident was, “When did you first see the other vehicle?” The answer, (I would guess over 90% of the time), was AFTER impact.

    • kilax says:

      That does not surprise me AT ALL. I was just telling Steven yesterday, the more time I spend on the road, the more scared I am of getting back out there!

  9. Tony says:

    People and their cell phones are definitely scary. I was tooling around Round Lake in my car at the train station, I can’t believe you saw me. Yeah right!!

  10. How awful! I am so glad that police officer was okay!!

  11. Christina says:

    I hope that he is okay, the driver is in major trouble. I find that there are so many drivers on the phone, it is common for me to see them make one handed turns, sudden stops etc.

    I keep my phone on silent until I park my car.

  12. Kristie says:

    Alright, I’m going to try to not talk on mine as much. I know part of it is going to be not doing it without realizing it though!

  13. Lele says:

    In my state they have a ban on talking on your phone while you’re driving… but only if you’re under 18! I think the commuters (adults going to work) are THE worst offenders and they should be included in the ban! It’s so unsafe!

    • kilax says:

      Wow. That does seems really silly – I do think younger drivers are generally worse, but some people seem to never pay attention anyway! What state do you live in?

  14. Mica says:

    RIDICULOUS. I get so worked up (obviously) about this happening. I hope that lady feels really, really bad about it. Like, really bad. And I hope something awful happens to her, like having ten years of bad sex. Stupid person.

  15. Ameena says:

    That is very scary! I am always terrified I’m going to hit someone. I’d seriously rather die than live with that for the rest of my life.

    Thanks for the reminder. I need those every once in a while!

  16. Leah says:

    I try and avoid talking on the phone while driving. I already admitted that I text while Im driving, but it scares me. Does that make it better?
    The way I look at it, most people dont know how to drive as it is, how do they expect to talk on the phone at the same time?
    A lady nearly t-boned me the other day because she ran a stop sign while on her phone. She was going slow and looking right at me too.

    • kilax says:

      I agree that most people don’t know how to drive well. People just don’t seem to ever be paying attention. The more time I spend in the car, the more scared I am about getting back into it!

  17. Anne says:

    It’s against the law here and they’re pretty strict about it, which is good. It’s already so easy to get distracted!

  18. eatmovelove says:

    It just became against the law to drive while talking on a cellphone here – if you get caught – it starts at a $250 fine…I have to totally agree with it…I don’t care who you are or what you do – it’s bad enough driving without being distracted by dialing or talking or whatever…and I think it’s irresponsible for people to not just risk themselves but the people, drivers, kids, bikers , etc. around them. Great post!

  19. BostonRunner says:

    Oh that’s awful. I feel like every time I see a driver make a bad move and look at them, they are talking on the phone. Whenever I’m on the phone and learn that who I’m talking to is driving I make them hang up right away!

  20. Karla says:

    AHHH!! That’s terrible!!
    I never use the phone while driving! I have a blue tooth but I never even use that!

  21. Nora says:

    I’ve been making a conscious effort to NOT make phone calls on my way home from work anymore. I realize that sometimes I’m not 100% paying attention to the task at hand (driving) and I know that’s all kinds of wrong.

  22. Robin says:

    Only at red lights or if I pull over. No longer while I’m driving… have had two (very) near misses in the past couple of years. Problem is: the REST of the darn world is still yacking away while driving. Freaks me out.

  23. How scary! I never answer the phone in the car unless I’m at a stoplight and then just say, “I’m driving, call you back…” No matter how good a driver you think you are, it’s dangerous!

  24. Adam says:

    So, I read this message on my phone a while ago and totally freaked out at your lambo…..and then looked to see if they offer something like that in phoenix (they do!).

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