Kicking the Trails for Kic-Leukemia 8K Walk

By , May 8, 2010 1:43 pm

Oh, how the weather can change in a week! Last Saturday, I was getting up at 5:00 for a half marathon and it was already 60°. Today? I got up just before 7:00 it was 41°. The race started at 9:00 and I think it must have only been 44°. Needless to say, I was not wearing a tank!

Kate and I walked the Kicking the Trails for Kic-Leukemia 8K in Crystal Lake, Illinois today. KIC Leukemia was founded in March of 2008 as a memorial to Kari Imhoff-Crewe, who was diagnosed with leukemia in February of 2007 and passed away six months later. The main goal of KIC Leukemia is to raise awareness of Leukemia’s symptoms and treatments and to recruit new marrow donors.

At the starting line, another walker asked us if we knew the family personally. We don’t, but she did. From what she was saying, it sounded like a lot of the race participants knew the family. I thought it was pretty cool that the race is so well supported by locals.

How do you choose races to participate in? Do you pay attention to the cause (if there is one)?

I usually choose races based on location, distance, then cause (oh yeah, and COST). I always appreciate it when the donation money is going towards a cause though.

KIC Leukemia 8K Walk

Me and Kate wearing the sweet technical tees included in our goodie bags! Score!

On to the race! We started at Veteran Acres Park, on the grass. I think there must have been 250-300 participants and I think at least half were walking, so we had plenty of company the entire time. Right away, I told Kate I was happy I was running – I think running on uneven terrain works your body in an entirely different way than running on concrete or crushed trails. Do you think trail runs work your body differently?

And boy, as we kept walking, I kept thinking “Ha, I can’t believe people are running this!” There were hills galore, and we ran on ALL SORTS of terrain. Dirt:

KIC Leukemia 8K Walk


KIC Leukemia 8K Walk


KIC Leukemia 8K Walk

And more dirt:

KIC Leukemia 8K Walk

It was really a beautiful walk, mostly through the woods. But oh so hilly.  I got out of breath, talking to Kate on our first hill! Ha ha. Here is my exaggerated elevation chart:

KIC Leukemia 8K Walk

I think these “hills” just seem dramatic to me since I am not used to hill training. Better work on that, since my June half is somewhat hilly!

This was a fun walk. Of course, the best part was having someone to talk to! Kate and I just chatted away. Kate is super easy to talk to – a great listener and very open. I think we wouldn’t have noticed if the race was 10 miles long, we were chatting so much.  I think we will have to do another walk together (maybe when it is warmer?).

Do you ever schedule races (any kind) with friends and plan on doing them together?

Kicking the Trails for Kic-Leukemia 8K Walk |  Distance: 4.81* | Time: 1:27:33 | 1: 18:26 | 2: 17:46 | 3: 18:37 | 4: 17:57 | 5: 14:45
*Guess we were a bit short on the 8K!

Update: Official time of 1:27:50.

18 Responses to “Kicking the Trails for Kic-Leukemia 8K Walk”

  1. Tony says:

    I’m glad you had a great walk today. My wife and I were doing our 20 miler all over crystal lake and lake in the hills today.

  2. k8 says:

    I like knowing that sometimes people just walk, yanno? I finally got back to the gym today and I’m back to 2/4 run/walking. And even though it felt like a bit of a setback, I know it’s where I need to be with my stupid leg. I can’t wait until I’m one of those people with numbers…

    • kilax says:

      You could walk a race, right?

      And believe me, I had to start out with the run/walk combo. I think that is the best way to do it. Good luck! Take the time you need! 🙂

  3. That looks like a much more scenic route than I’d ever get around here!! 😉 Most of the people I know are very fond of their couches, so I can’t imagine ever doing anything like this with someone else… or myself, come to think of it. :p

    <3 <3

  4. Megan says:

    I like the looks of those trails for a scenic walk! I have yet to do a race in Crystal Lake, but I’ve got a number of friends that live that way.

    I choose races based on schedule and fit into training plan for the most part…for the past two years, I did the same build-up to the first half marathon of the spring by running to 5Ks and then a 10K spaced out to really see where my times were and how I felt in a competitive situation. Otherwise, I look for races with fun themes or in places I’ve wanted to check out. I ran 19 races last year pretty much all over the burbs. This year, my goal was to run all new races, but with the injury that has only amounted to two 🙁

    I think, though, that you can often tell a big difference at a race when it is supported by a strong charity organization. The volunteers are usually super cheerleaders, people have great attitudes, and they try to keep a focus on why you are there running you bum off!

    • kilax says:

      Aren’t we lucky to have so many races to choose from out here? I love that about living in the suburbs. I have done a few races in the city, but love the ones out here. My fave was probably the Santa Sleigh Fun Run in Arlington Heights! We got to wear Santa costumes!

      What injury did you have this year? 🙁 I had a stress fracture last fall (well, couldn’t afford an MRI but that is what the doc thought it was) and was super bummed to take time off during running season!

  5. Jamie says:

    What a difference a week makes up here! Glad you were able to get out for a great cause! I tend to choose races on location/how they fit in my schedule/cause. Except for marathons… whole other process 😉

  6. Nat says:

    I pick races on location and time of year. (Cost can be a factor as well.)

    I have been known to train and run with people… which is good because it forces me to get out there and train but there is something badass about going it alone.

  7. Shannon says:

    What a fun race! I’ve never done a trail race, but it seems like it would feel like an even bigger adventure!

  8. Yes! To your first question. Lord my first race ever was a trail race and I was so unprepared. It was a 5K and it had snowed 7inches the night before. :/ I think it took me close to an hour to run that 5K!

    This race looks like so much fun! Admittedly I choose races based on distance, price, and course. I’m finding more and more runner friends so I’m starting to try and run races with a few people I know. I’m hoping that next month I can run with some new people. 😀

    • kilax says:

      I accidentally signed up for a trail 5K in college. Big mistake! 😉 I am in awe of the trail runners!

      Yay on the new running friends! Are any of them bloggers?

  9. Amy says:

    Great race for a great cause!

  10. Karla says:

    That looks like a really fun race! I’ve only ever done one 5K. I’ve never gotten super into running, but I think it sounds fun. Hope you’re having a great Sunday!!!

  11. Adam says:

    That is awesome. I’ll admit, I had to go look up how far 8K was to see that 4.8 miles was short. Blah.

    Honestly, I’ll admit that the cause is usually 3rd or 4th on my list. Timing, location, are always first.

    And yeah, trails totally destroy my legs.

  12. Erin says:

    Now that’s a trail race! I was thinking about you guys on Saturday in the cruddy weather.

  13. Holly says:

    From a girl from the flat lands….those are some hills!! It looks SO beautiful, though. Time just flies much faster whenever I’m walking/running somewhere beautiful! I’ve never done a trail run (eeek, I know), but I have heard it’s intense. I’d love to do at least one!

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