I’ve remembered

By , May 27, 2010 8:43 pm

I’m so excited – I’ve remembered how to run!

For about three weeks, anytime I’ve tried to run, it’s been a slow awkward shuffle that sometimes shot pain up the outsides of my lower legs. I took a whole week off from running, because I my legs hurt so bad.

Well, I wasn’t going to miss out on running in DC. Not again.

So I ran with Carla on Monday and Wednesday, and in the National Mall tonight, alone.

The run started off in a shuffle and somewhat painful on the loose path, so I moved to the paved section. I made it through one mile and told myself “It’s not worth the pain to run in the Mall – you need to stop if it continues to hurt.”

Of course I kept running and at mile 2, the pain stopped. Why? I stopped looking at my feet. Yes, I was running with very poor form, and looking down and leaning forward (bending over a bit). As soon as I remembered to run tall with a straight back I was fine. Oh yeah, and bend my knees.


After mile 4, I started noticing that I was landing on the balls of my feet*. I could feel that I was doing it, and it felt like I had a spring in my step! I don’t know where I was landing before, but that definitely felt good. My last mile was probably the best one.

This seems dumb, but to me, it was a revelation! I have been feeling off for weeks, but had no idea why. My crappy shuffle run is probably what hurt my legs so bad in the first place!

I am still keeping my appointment next Friday with a Sports Medicine Doc though!

5/27 run

Name that memorial

5/27 run

Here’s another view…

Tonight was the night of the Chase Corporate Challenge in Chicago. It is a 3.5 mile race. I ran it last year in 27:13 – an average pace of 7:46. Today I ran 5.15 miles in 56:54, an average of 11.03! Ha!

I was a little bummed when I realized my training was the same week as Chase Corporate Challenge, but then I remembered what a clusterf*ck it is and didn’t care (even with pace timing this year… I bet there was still a lot of dodging going on). And it seems I am a bit *cough* slower this year, so I doubt my time would have been even used! Last year, I was fast enough to get on the company team and help us place (I think in the top 30 of a 100 or more teams).

*Steven was right – I think I do naturally land on the balls of my feet.

13 Responses to “I’ve remembered”

  1. Carla says:

    7:46 pace? I don’t think I can run across the street, when I’m trying to make the light, that fast. That’s an awesome pace!

    You’ll get back there soon enough — and great pictures! How did you get to the Mall after all? Did you metro there, or run across the bridge?

    • kilax says:

      Ha – I don’t need to be that fast. I just want to run and feel good!

      I ended up taking metro, since I knew I shouldn’t run that far. It was tempting to go across the bridge!

  2. Kristina says:

    It’s so hard to take time off from being active when it’s a big part of your life. I hope that your appointment with the sports medicine doc will shed more light on your recent ailments.
    Sounds like you’ve had a fun time in DC – very nice!

  3. Etta says:

    I really need to learn how to run. I hate doing it on a treadmill, though. Maybe I’ll give it a shot in the morning. :0)

  4. Mica says:

    I’m so bad. I’ve been to DC and I dunno which monument that is. Jefferson? My second guess is Lincoln!

    Congratulations on your “revelation”!!

    • kilax says:

      You’re right! It’s Jefferson 🙂 Complete with five hundred thousand annoying children in front of it.

  5. Amy says:

    Yay! slow but still you did it and it felt good – that’s the main thing…and what a cool place to run!

  6. K says:

    I’m so sad I didn’t get to run with you this week. My running has been scarce this week due to allergies anyway though.

    • kilax says:

      I am too. Maybe the next time I am here. If they actually let me out during lunch 🙁

  7. Hooray! I am so happy for you!

  8. onelittletrigirl says:

    I would love to get under an 8 minute mile- even just once, for one mile!!!!

    It’s good to be back, huh!!! 🙂

  9. Greg says:

    Chi Running is one of the books we always recommend in our blog posts about incredibly important books: http://www.thecasualvegan.com/incredibly-important-books/

    The book helped me learn how to do body checks, and gave me strong goals for my running form. It also helped me practice good form with exercises and tips to maintain an optimal form. It’s amazing how much it helped my running.

    I thought the guy was a crock when I first heard about his book, but after reading his blog for a few days, I got the book and tried it… boy was I surprised.

  10. martymankins says:

    Jefferson Memorial. I’ve only been to DC once in my life (I was 9 yrs old), but I did visit that memorial (also went to the Lincoln Memorial)

    And so awesome that you got to go run in DC.

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